Need gift ideas for husband on our 1st anniversary

Help! I need some ideas for a gift to give to my husband for our first anniversary on Valentine's Day. We have a 5 month old boy so lately everything has been baby focused so I am looking for something not so baby focused. I like to spend less than $100.

Traditionally I think the first anniversary is suppose to be paper I believe.
Try a magazine subscription or even better yet - tickets!
Maybe tickets to a game, concert or movie.
Or if you take pictures, make a calendar out of them just for him - pictures of all 3 of you. I did the subscription year one and then a calendar last year on Valentine's Day - my husband loved both!

For our 1st anniversary I got my husband a gift certificate to his favorite was some game store or something so I knew that he would spend it on himself and that it would be used and liked.

For my first anniversary my husband and I went out for dinner and a movie without our son who at the time was the same age as your son.

I don't think he'll care as much about what you get him as what you do for him. Make the evening all about him, his favorite restaurant, the movie he wants to see, etc. Let him know that you haven't forgotten about him. He has had to sacrafice a lot for this baby and men sometimes get pushed off to the side. It is expected that they be neglected because of the baby. Let him know how much you appreciate all he's done in the last year (dealing with pregnancy hormones, sleepless nights for both of you, working hard, etc.) Men need to know they are appreciated and loved. You make the night about him and he will be completely ready to face all the dirty diapers and spit up that come his way in the year to come...
Good luck and congrats on the anniversary and baby!

With a young baby, I imagine your guy is feeling a little less than the center of attention. The best gift you can probably give him is some undivided attention. See if a relative or another mom will watch the baby for a few hours so you can treat your husband to something fun you can do together. Think back to what you both enjoyed doing while you were dating/engaged, and pick something you haven't done in a while. Or, you could do something you talked about doing together, but never got to do. It does not have to cost a lot, just pick something you know he'd love doing with you.

Well...there are alot of things you can do. Depends on your style and your hubbys.

1.) I always like to emarrass my husband and send him flowers to his job...LOL...he really secretly enjoys it.
Have some one watch your baby for a few hours and make a nic romantic dinner for the 2 of you. Candles and all. Rose petals are great for the bedroom. Let your imagination soar.

2.) Hotels are always nice too. You can get a nice honeymoon sweet at some of the lower budget hotels for under $100 a night. These have hottubs and nice beds, ect.....

As for actual gifts, I am not to good in tha area, because my husband is hard to buy for. He is not to much into a lot of hobbies and things soooo, these ideas always work well for us.

Use your imagination!! Good Luck and Have fun!

Hi Janice,

Since the 1st Anniversary gift is paper, I purchased my husband a stock certificate. It was beautifully framed.


Honey, All men are the same when it comes to feeling neglected when the babies start. If you want to give him something he really wants, its not something you probably need to buy if you get my drift. Hand the baby over to grand mom for the evening, light some candles, grill a steak let it roll. Congratulations!

Why not keep it simple. If you can get a sitter and go out for dinner great. Try to make your husband's favorite dessert and rent or purchase a movie he would enjoy watching with you. Sometimes a little focus time on hubbie says as much as anything. Don't forget a nice card with a hand-written message about how important he is to you.
Happy Anniversary to both of you!

For our first anniversary, we decided to go 'paperless' - DH got me my first PDA and I got him a Mont Blonc pen. He uses it all the time for work (he's a consultant, so he's often working with VPs and execs so he likes having a fancy pen like that.) Of course, that may not be appropriate for your DH, and we had no kids at the time.
I like the idea of getting him tickets to something - can be as basic as gift tickets for the movie theater, or for some special show or sporting event. Put the tickets in his V-day card and then make a night of it for when you do go out for the actual event. Then you can plan it out and maybe get an overnight stay for your DS at grandparents house or something... = )
The flip side is a pair of tickets for something he might enjoy to do with a buddy - my DH likes to go to a baseball game with a friend once a year or so. Helps remind him that he still has a life outside the daddy/hubby-zone. = )
Hope this helps!
Good luck!

i am not sure what we did for our 1st, but there are two choices: paper or clocks. my sister got us a really cool gift for our 1st annivesary. it was a photograph, matted and framed of the na pali coast in kaui where we spent our honeymoon.

Send him some flowers and chocolates at work. I did it for my husband and he loved it. The women on his job thought it was a great idea so they sent some to their sweethearts last year. Go to my website at, click book travel in the lower left had corner, and scroll down to YTB Flowers. Fedex will delivery the flowers. Hurry!!! Or book tickets to a show on the same website. Go to extras to book entertainment tickets.

A perfect gift for a 1st anniversary is First Anniversary Gift | Dedicate a Day to Your Loved One!, where you dedicate your special day to your love :slight_smile: It’s especially great for the first anniversary because it combines the traditional with the modern gift recommendations into one awesome, unique gift!