My baby has a white hair!

Hello moms
I hope you can help me. Yesterday I found a white hair in my 17 months old son's head!! I was in shock!! My husband and my father told me there is nothing to worry about, but I am kind of concern. Do you think this is "normal"? Anyone have something similar?
Thank you moms!!!

Weird hair happens. My oldest started turning gray at 13--I am nearly 40 without any gray... You never know. BTW I don't think your baby is turning gray--just showing some individualism! :)

That same oldest boy of mine was born with pitch black hair that all fell out and came back in white. He's back to dark hair (except for the gray).

Many years ago when I was getting my 3-year-old daughter's hair cut, the stylist found a couple gray (or maybe white) hairs. She had pretty brown hair at the time. I was a little alarmed too, but the stylist said it was normal, and my daughter is now 21 and healthy and changes her hair color all the time -- right now actually, it's white! lol

Hi Monica,

I have had what I call a "birthmark" hair since as long as I can remember. My mom has said that she noticed it when I was two (that was when I really start to grow the type of hair I have now). I have always had that one white hair that I have occasionally plucked out. So give it some time, maybe it will also be the only one he has.

Thanks, V

My son also has some grey/white hair on his crown and I asked my hair stylist about it. She said sometimes some of the hairs don't take on the pigment that the rest do. My son has reddish brown hair. I don't think it is anything to worry about it. At the time it did seem weird that he was getting grey hair so young.

There can occasionally be small spots or even patches of skin without any melanin. Any hair that grows on those spots won't have any color. I have several tiny spots (not much larger than 1mm) on my arms, and I can only see them when I have a tan. But any hairs growing out of them are white. It's possible your daughter has the same thing, but on her head. My brother has always had a 1" spot on his head that has no color, and the hair is white, so luckily she doesn't have that much!

It's harmless and natural, just "one of those things"! I believe it's genetic, and have not ever been able to find a name for it. So your husband & father are right - no need to worry!

My daughter had one. She was born with dark black hair that has since lightened up quite a bit. When she was about 4 I found that one hair. I left it alone. She has not gotten any others and I think I was told that taht one hair is considered "lucky", though never told why. I haven't seen it lately so it might have fallen out. I wouldn't worry about it. As others have said, it has to do with pigmentation getting int the hair.

He most likely has apore with no pigment. Nothing to worry about for sure. If this is the worst thing that happens to him, imagine what an easy life he'll have while growing up; you too.

Hi Moncia I also think you have nothing to worry about. I know some people who were born with gray in their hair. It suppose to be good luck according folklore.

Check around your extended family to see if it is hereditary/genetic. I have Pacific Island/Asian heritage, my husband is European. I know a couple of nephews on my side of the family also have a single strand. My 4 year old has one white hair near his cowlick at the back, which he has had since I can remember. I haven't found it lately, but have seen it when I've cut his hair. My 4 month old doesn't have one - although he only has a few strands of hair in total! I too think it is a sign of good luck!

Enjoy his "uniqueness"!

Is it possible it is a blonde hair? I was born with Jet black hair, it all fell out and came in platinum blonde. I would never believed my mom if I hadn't seen picture to prove it.

Hi Monica,

Since birth I have had a very soft, white strip of hair on the underside of my head. It was not noticable as a child because I had very fair hair, but as an adult my hair darkened and any time I wear my hair up you can see the white strip of hair. I don't remember what exactly causes it, something like there's an absence of pigment there.... but in any case it is just one of my identity markers ;) I'm srue your son is fine but you could always call and speak to a nurse at your doctor's office and ask.

Actually this can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency, something that probably wouldn't concern most doctors, but it may be his body's way of trying to tell him/you something. Does he take any vitamins yet? I rep for Shaklee and their products are the purest and most potent around. I can give you more info if you'd like - just reply to this and I can send you some info.


Probably nothing....lots of children have white strips or patches, like the Jay Leno spot in the front of his head. Many adults have it and have had it since they were children. I know several adults who have it since children and at least 2 young kids under age 8 who have it. No worries.

Hey,I have been searching a lot to see if someone had noticed white hair in the eyebrow of their child.....My 13 months daughter has a single white hair in her right eyebrow....please help!! We just noticed it.

Hi Monica, Similar has happened to my son who is 7 years now. saw couple of white hairs on his head and one white hair to his eyebrow. Do we need to concern ? As you posted in 2009 and i think you will share your experience. Thanks & waiting for your advise

Thank you very much all for your responses and good wishes!! We are very happy to have each other, you are the best resources and I don’t feel alone anymore!!! Sometimes we think we are the only ones dealing with certain issues and I personally feel alone sometimes, thank you all!!!