My 4 year olds teeth are falling out already

My son is 4 years old, and today we discovered his two bottom teeth are very loose. I looked it up online, it said and he's not supposed to lose his teeth until age 6!! I am just wondering if any other mothers have had kids whose teeth came out early... And if so, did their perm teeth come right in, or did they come in way later at the time they were scheduled to come.

Chandra, every child is different. So keeping that in mind go back to when your son was an infant. Not all the babies were getting their first teeth in at tha same time right? Some don't get their first one until 10 months old and some get them as early as three months.

Now, I would not be worried about your son's teeth unless you check out the following two things: 1) Did you ask your son if he fell down or got bumped in the face at school or anything that could have knocked them loose? Perhaps a good conversation about the possibility of getting hurt recently is due. 2) Do you know for sure that his teeth are getting two daily good cleanings? If you are helping him brush his teeth each day and night then and there is no other reason for his teeth to be loose, then I say Congratulations.

My son is 5, not quite 5-1/2 and his two bottom teeth in the front just came out over the past 2 to 3 months. I was also worried thinking it was a bit too soon and thought perbaps we weren't taking care of his teeth well enough. But, it's just the opposite. We take such good care of his teeth and he eats so healthy that his body was ready. He's got two big boy teeth coming in right now.

Hope this helped. Have a great day.


My sons teeth have always been in overdrive!! He cut his first tooth at 2 and a half months and had all of his teeth (baby teeth) in his mouth by 13 months. He is 5 now and his 1st tooth he lost bout 3 months ago and the new tooth pushed the old tooth out and he didnt have a hole for very long and now he has 2 more loose teeth and i can see 1 of the new teeth already. So I wouldn't be worried I think doctors just give the average for everything and as far as teeth go our sons are progressing ahead of schedule, yous even more so!

I wouldn't worry. My daughters teeth started falling out when she was four. Her first tooth came out a couple days after she turned four. She is now 10 and her teeth are beautiful. The dentist said she will not need braces and they are the nicest teeth she's seen in a child. I wondered the same thing when she started losing them early. Don't worry though. If you have any concerns, ask the dentist.

My daughters teeth starting loosening and falling out at your sons age. I was told it wasn't big deal, every child is different. The permanent teeth came in about 2 weeks later. Just to give you a comparison...My son is 8 years old and only lost 2 teeth so far!! My daughter just happened to start losing at an earlier age.

Hope this helps!

It happended to my daughter at that same age!! I cried and said she wasn't suppose to loose hers at that age. She lost her 2 bottom first, and now she is 5 1/2 and just starting to loose others (top). Not every child is the same. I read and researched making sure there is nothing wrong with her diet or other reasons. So don't worry, it IS NORMAL!!!

Tooth Fairy can just give BIG check!! hehehe

Upstate NY


My 5 year old is already on her fourth tooth. When she lost her first tooth at 4 1/2 I was so upset because it was right after she got her tonsils out and I thought they hit it, but within a week she had a new one. My daughter got her teeth really early so I think that has a lot to do with it. she had a whole set of teeth plus her one year moles before she turned one. So just start preparing for the tooth fairing. have fun with it. My daughter is so excited about losing her teeth it is funny.

Good Luck.

My daughter lost two teeth at the age of 4 and her permament teeth did come in a couple months later. I think anytime between ages 4-6 is normal to lose teeth.

Jenn Smith

i can remember losing my milk teeth at age 4 1/2 -5 yrs.

Hi Chandra
My 9 year old daughter started to lose her teeth at around that age as well and i was scared also. According to the dentist there was nothing wrong. Her new teeth grew in and they were fine. You should consult with a dentist but it appears to be quite normal as I can see. I was also wondering if your child likes dairy products? My daughter does not like milk and I thought that was the reason she lost her baby teeth so early. Maybe that might be another reason but I'm not sure.

It's okay!! My son lost his first tooth at the age of 4. It's perfectly normal. I was a little curious when his fell out, I called his dentist and she assured me it was no problem!! As for the new teeth it took a a couple weeks for it to really start growing in.

Don't worry, my friend's daughter was 2 months shy of turning 5 when she lost her two front teeth, now she is 5 and a half, and is losing her 3rd tooth. My nephew is 6, and he hasn't lost any of his baby teeth, but on the bottom he just got his 2 adult molars! So you just never know!

Hi Chandra M.

I am a 27 year old mom of two kids. 4 yr old girl and a 6 yr old son. My son though has already lost 3 teeth. Its not a big deal as far as his age for them falling out. I to have noticed that the teeth are taking a while to come in. My son just lost his third tooth about 2 weeks ago and I am just now seeing a very small sign of it showing. I hope this info. easies some of your thoughts.

Sincerely Kim of Lindenhurst

My son's teeth got loose at 4 and his first one was out before his 5th birthday. Same for me, I lost teeth at 4 years old. Did your son's teeth come in early? My son had two teeth the week he turned 4 months. I have heard baby's who get their teeth early, lose them early. Has he been to the dentist?

My daughter is now six but she lost 2 teeth a 4. The dentist waid if they come in early as a baby then they will most likely fall out early also. This was true for her because she started teething at two months and had 2 teeth at 4 months old. She had all but 2 year molars by 9-10 months. My cousins son is the same age and didn't get any teeth until he was 14 months old. It is like everything with children, they all develope in different areas at different rates. It is all normal. Good luck

it's fine, all kids are different. My daughter had lost her four top teeth and her four bottom ones by the time seh was 6. She started losign them at around 4 years old. she also had gotten them reall early as a baby. your son's adult teeth will grow in fine. Just be extra diligent in brushing them, since they are going to be the perminant ones.

My daughter lost her first tooth right before she turned 4. She’ll be 5 in 2 months and has lost 5 teeth in a year. 5!!! The bottom 2 perm teeth came right in, but the front top 2 have been out for 2-3 month and nothing has surfaced yet. They were wiggly and she was able to pull them both out (by her choice) so I find it weird that the new teeth aren’t poking through thus far.

Thank you everyone for helping put my mind at ease. His dentist said not to worry, he is just an early bloomer. The first tooth finally came out (actually in the middle of basketball practice he walks over and hands it to me) and the replacement teeth are already on their way in.
