My son is going to turn 1 tomorrow and seems like he is going through his terrible two phase already. When he's good, he's good. But when he's bad, oh let me tell you!! When he doesn't get his way or can't play with something (b/c it's Comet or bleach cleaner) he throws a terrible tantrum. He will throw himself on the ground (if I let him) and will cry like no other!! I'm not sure what is the most appropriate discipline for his age. Any suggestions?
Stick to your guns and let him cry it out. Just walk away like he's not even there. If he gets no attention from you, then he is very likely to give up this behavior. However, it won't disappear overnight. I can't really think of any discipline suitable for a year old child. He is just too young to understand and have the self control needed to keep his emotions to himself. He,also, doesn't have the language to talk to you, so he shows his frustration and anger the only way he knows how. I used redirection and distraction with my kids when they were this age. Good luck because this is only the beginning!!!
i feel your pain my twins are having this phase too and i know is pretty terrible i don't know how to handle what i do is when one is having a tantrum i take him to his room or i take him to another room and i let him cry he does not cry for more than 3 min soo is not so bad
Using the "out of sight, out of mind" strategy also works well at this age, when it's hard to discipline. Childproof your home and simply put things out of sight that baby shouldn't have.
Ignoring your baby's bad behavior at this age and until you know baby "gets it" is actually the recommended treatment.
When distracting baby or changing the situation is necessary, be sure to offer an alternative. For example, take away the knick-knack and in a cheerful voice say, "No! No! How about your purple block? It's so much fun to play with blocks!"
Tell baby what she can and cannot have, in a flat and factual tone, with an explanation and love. "You cannot play with this because you will hurt yourself and I love you too much to let you hurt yourself." Even if you don't think she gets it right away, the repetitiveness will help her to figure out what you're saying and what the boundaries are.
is a good site
hope this help
Walk away, don't react. Don't even look at him.
And just be ready... it isn't really the 2's that are so terrible... it is the 3's!
Good luck,
One of my sons was the same way! What helped us cut the amount of tantrums and the length of the tantrums way down was to hold him and tell him that he is not to act that way and until he stops he will not get to do anything. If he is continuing the screaming and flailing around then we set him in a corner or in his room and just pretended he wasn't there. Eventually he would stop and come ask nicely for what he wanted or would forget all together what he was upset with in th efirst place. It's hard to ignore a tantrum but it doesn't take long for the tantrums to get really short and finally stop completely. Good luck!