moving to california

what schools are good in Chula Vista especially for my oldest who has an iep for autism?

I think you should contact the local Autism Society of the area and get reviews of the programs. Also depends on the functioning level of your child. Some districts have awesome inclusion/mainstream programs where other offer better ASD centered programs. So it will take a bit of homework on your part. It is hard to answer when we do not know anything about your son. The nice thing is if he is on an IEP already, you have more options. GOod luck but know that California has one of the largest ASD populations in the USA and therefore you will be taken care of and understood.

I work with someone who lives about an hour north of there with an autistic child and here is what she said...

"There is a Yahoo group for Autism parents. It is for parents with Autistic kids in Southern California.

I do not have the exact name. She could query it on Yahoo and find it."

I hope this helps! I can find out more if you need it.