Hello mamas! I am 3 weeks pregnant with my second child and the morning sickness is already bad. I knew as soon as implantation happened that I was pregnant because the morning sickness began. This is way sooner and way worse than it was with my son. I'm also already having other symptoms that I didn't feel until later on with my son (sore breasts, cravings, head aches, etc.) Fist of all, has anyone else experienced pregnancy symptoms much earlier with thier second? Also, does anyone have any morning sickness advice besides crackers and gingerale? I'm busy chasing a 16 month old around and would love to tone down the morning sickness as much as possible. Thanks mamas!
For me, with both my pregnancies, I had MONSTER migraines and mega vomiting/morning sickness everyday.
The ONLY thing that stopped it, completely, was acupuncture. I had this done with BOTH my pregnancies.
This was also recommended by my OB/GYN. It is completely safe, it does NOT hurt, and it is even relaxing. I almost fell asleep during my session. I only needed one session which lasted 1/2 hour. This is the only thing my OB/GYN recommends for his patients that get extreme misery/headaches/morning sickness with pregnancy.
I HIGHLY recommend acupuncture for this reason. Just get referred or find one that handles pregnant women.
Right after my session, my symptoms stopped. And it never returned.
And yes, I also tried ALL the other usual remedies before... and it didn't help me.
Yes, with my 2nd pregnancy my pregnancy symptoms came on quicker as well.
Good luck,
i only have one child but i had to be put on meds to tame my sickness that strecthed for 4 1/2 months. my dr gave me promethazine and when that didnt work he gave me zofran. i eventually had to be put off work and then my morning sickness went away. i worked in food service durring all this and i found that mint helps to calm the stumach (i went through lots of mint lifesavers). i hope this helps :)
Jelly Beans, my second child even came out looking kind of like a really big jelly bean she was 9lbs 1ou and 18in. She was very round. But yes Jelly Belly is an ok brand, but I needed more flavor I liked Smuckers, Jolly Rancher, and I think also Starburst makes them too. There is something about the sugar neutralizing your stomach (I seen this 9 years ago on a morning program like Good Morning America) You could try just about anything like that skittles, candy canes. Just dont over do the sugar intake slow and steady let it melt away also try Preggy Pops (babies r us) or these wrist bands called Sea Bands good luck and for future refrence it was even worse the 3rd time. good luck
I had no problems with my first child, with my second I had some morning sickness and tried "mother's bliss" (www.babysbliss.com) worked in 2 days
hope that helps
Soda crackers, Gatorade, gingersnaps, and Campell's chicken and stars soup did wonders for me! Eat every three hours without fail, even it's just something small and only eat what you feel like. I puked for three months! The weight will come once it passes. Try to keep snacks by the bed because when you sleep for a long time and don't put something in your tummy, you are more likely to feel that sickness in the morning. I would puke every time I brushed my teeth! This too shall pass. Good luck!
I was the same way when I got pregnant the 2nd time. All the symptoms were much more severe and I had them even before I knew I was pregnant---then a few weeks later I was like--Ohhhh... so that's what was going on! THe best suggestion I could give you is to keep snacking all the time and don't go hungry for too long... and if the naseau gets too much acupunture works great as well.
When Iwas pregnant with my twins I had morning sickness BAD. To the point that everytime I got in the car the motion would make me want to hurl! What I found helped was to eat small snacks all the time. I would get a muffin and nibble on it for an hour. Also make sure you are getting enough protein...that also seemed to make a difference. Yogurt...cheese...meat (if you can eat it...I had a hard time eating that at one point). Drink lots of fluids too. Best of luck with your second pregnancy!
This site has some good suggestions:
Hope it helps. Congratulations!
Instead of the traditional morning sickness, I sneezed for three straight months with my first two pregnancies(boys). From the minute I woke up until I went to bed at night. It was so bad my nose would be bleeding by evening. Morning sickness is your bodies way of letting you know you are pregnant. There are chemical changes going on inside of you. I just happened to have an allergic reaction to the chemical changes! I didn't experience it with my third; could have been because it was a girl. I have read that "they" don't want to find a cure for it because it is the natural progression of the first trimester. Ask your doctor if you can take pepto or tums and see if that helps. Good luck and I hope it passes soon so you can enjoy the joy of this pregnancy :)
I've only had one kiddo, so I can't say anything about a second pregnancy. As for possible things to help, I found adding a slice of fresh lemon to my water really helped. Depending on the day, sometimes I'd just have lemon in the water, and sometimes I'd add a bunch of sugar and lemon juice to make my own lemonade. It did help a bunch. Not enough in the long run, though; I still ended up on Zofran, and was still sick even with the meds. But my son has no problems from me being on Zofran for months, and it did help me keep some down.
With my second son I had morning sickness right from the start as well. I had the kind where I couldn't stop throwing up and I lost 14 lbs. the first trimester. In the second trimester I went to a nurtropath, and he said my body was too acidic. I began taking acid reducers, and the morning sickness disappeared by about 85%. I would strongly recommend looking into this. It is an overlooked cause of morning sickness. The extra progesterone in the blood relaxes muscles and ligaments, including the opening of the stomach. Acid reflux is a common result, and nausea and throwing up are symptoms of this. I did not have heartburn, so I didn't think I had acid reflux, but the acid reducers worked wonders. Talk to your OB about which ones he's okay with you taking. I started with Zantac and ended up on prescription Nexium.
Hi Lindsay, I've only had one child so far so I can't help you with your question about the second one being worse, but I have something you could try. I did not find out about it until after my pregnancy, but a friend of mine swears by the metal motion-sickness bracelets...said it made a HUGE difference for her and she has three kids. I hope this helps. Good luck! Melody
Congrats on being pregnant, and sorry to hear about the terrible morning sickness.
I am about 15 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child, and my morning sickness and all common pregnancy symptoms also started right before week 4. My morning sickness was absolutely AWFUL...all day, all night. I am still quite nauseated at times, but it got a lot better last week at week 14. I can now eat much easier and foods and smells do not make my stomach turn.
I do not have a toddler like you, my two are already in school, so I had it easier than you do. I rested, rested, rested whenever possible, it was all I could do to help the nausea.
I have heard that acupuncture is VERY helpful, but I can't afford to go. If you can afford it, do it!
Also, I drank gatorade rain instead of water. During the worst phases, water actually had a nauseating "taste" to it, and I could barely keep it down, but gatorade was okay, and the rain version is not as strong as the normal version.
I ate very high fat, high protein healthy stuff like eggs, refried beans, cheese, and avocado when possible, those always seemed to go down okay.
And when I couldn't seem to eat but knew I had to do something, I ate melon (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew). Those seemed to help the nausea too.
The last thing I did was always carry Altoid Sours with me. Those got me through trips to the grocery store without puking in the aisles.
Lastly, a lot of the common things they say to eat, like ginger, soda crackers, and pretzels made my nausea much, much worse. You have to figure out what works for you, and it sometimes changes from week to week!
I took my pre-natal vitamins at night with a snack- it changed my life!
Hi Lindsay, I had terrible morning sickness really early with my second son. Day 29 after my last period, I started throwing up. I really empathize. I lived off of ginger snaps and pretzels and baked potatoes (sometimes with cottage cheese). I tried ginger tea, but threw that up and don't recommend it if you are vomiting a lot -- it burns!
That probably falls into tmi, but just wanted to warn you. I learned a lot about what was easier to tolerate coming back up.
Hello Lindsay! First off, congratulations to you!! I wanted to let you know that I am currently pregnant with my third child, and I experienced symptoms very early. With my other two, my HCG levels were so low, that I couldn't get pregnancy confirmation until 3 months or 3 1/2 months. With this one, I was sick immediately, and had the worst breast soreness ever! In fact, it was my daughter who told me that I was pregnant, so just to pacify her (and get her to shut up!), I went to Planned Parenthood and sure enough, I was pregnant - 2 weeks! So, I had morning sickness 24/7 for almost 5 months straight. There wasn't a whole lot I could do to ease it, but switching prenatal vitamins and adding extra iron helped a lot, as did taking them at night before bed. I ate a lot of yogurt and lime popsicles. I also had really bad vertigo, which meant I spent most of my days and nights in bed. Not an option for you with a little one, but my kids are old enough to fend for themselves, and you best believe I took advantage of that! lol I think the remedies for morning sickness vary, depending on the person, but I love ginger ale, and had a lot of that, plus I would drink club soda with lime, which made me feel better, but would make me sick again if I drank too much. I wish you the best of luck, and congratulations, again!!
Hi Lindsay,
Congratulations! Pregnancy symptoms do seem to start sooner with the second child than the first. I can commiserate with the morning sickness -- I had 5 mos of it with my son, then 7.5 mos of it with my daughter (it was really more like 24 hours/day sickness)! Four things helped me the most:
- Not wearing anything with a waistband
- Nibbling on crystallized ginger (I scraped off most of the sugar crystal coating to reduce the calories)
- Sucking on lemon slices
- Eating lots of small meals throuhout the day so that I was never hungry. If I got hungry, the morning sickness got worse and was harder to get back under control.
I know it's hard with a toddler, but get as much rest as you can, too. Maybe there's another mom with whom you can trade some playdates, or someone you can hire as a babysitter for a couple of hours a day so you can nap.
My pregnancy symptoms were much sooner and more pronounced with my second and third (your body knows what it's supposed to do). I knew I was pregnant with my 2nd & 3rd BEFORE implantation. As for morning sickness - toast and peppermint tea and I lived on peanut butter (no jelly) sandwiches for 3 months.
Hi Lindsay,
My third baby had a totally different pregnancy from 1,2 and 4. Those were all girls. # 3 was a boy and everything was different. The one thing that helps the most with morning sickness is raisins. I would have baggies of them in my purse, car, classroom teachers desk, by my bed.The baby is developing so fast that it is drawing a lot of blood sugar from you. Raisins is a natural replacement that is healthy. I would pop a handful in and I would instantly feel better. I bent over and felt sick with # 2 and popped a handful of raisins and knew I was pregnant. Good luck. Denise