Mirena IUD

I have had the Mirena IUD for 3 years now, and have been very happy with it. I still had (until two months ago) regular periods that were much lighter but lasted 5-7 days. Now I haven't had a period for 2 months, and I'm a little concerned. I guess I thought if I stopped having my period that it would be gradual instead of just completely stop one month. Have any of you with the Mirena had this happen, or was it more gradual? Thanks!

probably nothing to worry about but check with your doctor, it is rare but you can still get pregnant with an iud. this happened to my mother. She had developed polyps in the uterus which moved the iud out of place and then she got pregnant.

I've had the Mirena for four years now and have had no problem with it. I'm not sure when my period stopped coming. I still get some light spotting once a month, but not even worth talking about. My doctor assured me that it's all right. I would still check with your doctor, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Good luck!

Am on my second Mirena IUD. First one was 12/04. Second one since 8/08. Couldn't be happier. Haven't gotten my period since 4/05 and helps with mood swings. I took many pregnancy tests for the first couple of months when my period stopped. I didn't have a gradual slowness either for my period. It just stopped. My doctor has assured me that it is fine. I sometimes get some spotting, but it is very infrequent.