Has any one every had a mammogram and/or an ultrasound done while they were still breastfeeding a baby on an on demand schedule? If so were they able to get a good picture of the problem area? If not what were there any other alternatives? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
You cannot have a mamogram while you are BF...you will make a BIG mess and they do not get clear pictures. I just went to my MidWife who works with UofM and she told me that you cannot have a mamogram for at least 6 months after weaning. You can have an ultrasound. As far as getting good images I am not sure.
Blessings, Katrina
My OB told me the same thing as the previous poster. Wait at least 6 months after you've completely stopped breastfeeding before getting a mammogram.
You didn't say why you need a mammogram or ultrasound right now....a "problem area"???? What does that mean? Do you have a clogged milk duct that is bothersome? Have you developed a breast infection? Both of those things are VERY common while breastfeeding and easy to take care of. Breasts that are lactating can come up with all kinds of odd things! If that's the case, a mammogram or ultrasound is a bit over the top. Doctors aren't really trained at all in breastfeeding. My doctor, when I was breastfeeding, told me he had about one hour's worth of info while in medical school about it. Maybe you should call a Le Leche League group leader and get some more knowledge on this issue.
If this is not a routine mammogram, then there is a reason they are doing it. I would think the USN would be able to differentiate between a plugged duct and a cyst or mass. Because you are breastfeeding, make sure you go to a center that has a lot of experience so your films can be read by a very experienced radiologist, as your situation is not usual. At the worst, the mammogram may not be conclusive, but if there is a concern about a problem, you will do what you have to do, right? I might of had a routine mammogram at the tail end of my breastfeeding days, and I don't remember any problems. Good Luck
There is no reason you "can't" have a mammogram while you're breastfeeding. Your breast tissue is denser while you're breastfeeding, so it can make it more difficult to evaluate the images. However, if there is something you and your doctor are concerned about in your breast, it's wiser not to delay working it up. Going to a center that offers digital mammography allows them to manipulate the image after it's taken to make it more or less dense and makes reading it more accurate - this would be ideal for your situation. If you're going to have one, I'd have it done digitally.
Also, some people tell you that you should pump and discard the milk after getting a mammogram. There's really no reason for this, as the radiation doesn't stay in your body or in the milk after the x-ray is taken. It simply passes through to give the picture.
I had to have a mammogram while I was feeding my last baby. Hope everything works out well for you!
Amy, this is nothing to mess around with. If there wasnt' a reason they wouldn't do it. They will be able to get a good idea with the mammogram, and if necessary follow up with the ultrasound. I have a friend, who at 26, with a 6 month old she was nursing had a lump that grew at a fast rate, she had breast cancer. She was a very young mom, and very young for cancer, but it happened. She is still alive, and has had the cancer return in several other areas, still called breast cancer even though she had a mastectomy. Get it checked out. You dont' want to mess around with this. Your daughters need you. I also have an area they are keeping an eye on, I have an ultra sound every six months, and mam every year. Good luck and hopefully it will be nothing:)Sue
hey Amy
they will be able to get what they need try pumping or feading right before if that not at all a oppoion they will be able to work around it they do it ever day
I was told they cannot see what they need to in a mamogram while breastfeeding and they wouldn't do one on me. The ultrasound will work fine. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer from an ultra sound followed by a biopsy. That was 3 years ago so unless technology has changed they won't do the mamogram if you let them know you are breastfeeding.
While breastfeeding it was STRONGLY advised by my doctors NOT to get a mammogram.
An Ultrasound was done instead and there were no problems from it.