As of right now I weigh almost 65 lbs. more than I did when I became pregnant with my first child. I gained 55 lbs. when I was pregnant with him and was only able to lost about 20 before I became pregnant with my second child. I have never been this heavy in my life and have got to do something to get rid of the baby weight! I am due to have my second child in about 3 weeks, but since I plan on breastfeeding there aren't really any diet pills or anything similar that I can take... well that I know of. My oldest son will be 15 1/2 months old when the new baby gets here, so that will make it pretty difficult to be able to go to a gym and exercise. I've heard that walking is the best way to get it off, but #1 it's way too darn hot to take the kids out for a walk, and #2 I don't know of any safe places around here to go walking (I live on a country road and people drive way too fast to chance walking on the road). I know I would feel much better about myself if I could just get down w/in 10 or 15 lbs. of my pre-pregnancy weight. Is there anyone out there who has had luck in this area? Or that can tell me of anything that is safe to take while breastfeeding?
I have been in the same boat for far too long. My second was born last October and now, I am finally shedding the extra baggage! What is working? Believe it or not, the only thing is Weight Watchers. I breastfeed and it was hard finding something that is cohesive with that fact! Every time I called a company, they said that you have to wait until done breastfeeding in order to use their system. Then my mom told me one day that my dad had lost 50 pounds in three months. 50 in 3!!! I was so impressed, I asked how they were doing it. This is how I found out that WW works not as a diet, but it changes your lifestyle and eating habits, this way you are less likely to gain any of it back. I know it can run a pretty penny, but it is worth it if you can afford it. If not, let me know and maybe I can find another way to help you out. Also, call WW's 800 number from their website, I was told recently that they may still have scholarships in place to help those who cannot afford their program. I still have to call that number because I have been doing this on my own for the last three weeks (lost 17.5 pounds already, on my own!!) because I cannot afford their meetings, or online assistance.
Let me know how things work out! May God bless you today and always!
you will lose weight slower while breatfeeding due to the fat stored is what your body turns into food :( it took 2 9 month periods to put it on and will take about that to take it off. this i learned the hard way. give it some time, get some home gym stuff like the little weights you can buy at wal-mart one of the small trampolines you use as excercise you can pull out and jump on in the house in spare moments. honestly you can kick on the radio and just dance:P my kids used to love it when i did that because i'd pick one of them up and do it with them in my arms :D just give it some time and have fun with the kids while you do it.
Breastfeeding is a good start. It's burns lots of calories. But the majority you'll lose with some effort. Diet and exercise. When I say diet I don't mean, starving yourself. Cut out little things here and there. If you drink whole or 2 percent milk, switch to skim. If you eat white bread, switch to multigrain. If you drink frappachinos or anything else fattening like that, switch to coffee. If you drink sodas switch to diet. If you don't like diet try, Coke zero. I hate diet drinks and won't drink them, but I like Coke Zero and that's what I buy. There are so many ways you can cut back without starving yourself. Don't eat that bagel for breakfast, eat fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage,etc...
Exercise is also important. Any form of it. Walking is a great way to get started. If you live in an area that is not safe,go to the mall and walk around there. Or go to a local school and use their track (after hours, of course)or find a road that is suitable and walk in the early morning or evening when the temperatures aren't so high. If none of these are an option, try getting an exercise video and working out at home when the kids are napping. If you really want to lose the weight, you'll find a way. Good luck and congratulations!
I have been battling with baby weight for 4 years. I just kept putting it on instead of getting it off. Then I heard (right here on mamasource) about SParkpeople. It is an online food and nutrition tracking system that is completely free. It really isn't a diet, but more of a life style change. It is a wonderful resource for losing weight and the best thing is that it is all online. There is no special food to buy or pills to take. It just helps with portion control and calorie counting. I joined exactly 5 months ago today and have lost 46 pounds so far. I feel GREAT. Just go to to register. You can put in that you we referred by "shrinkingfox" (that is my screen name).
Good Luck,
I know that breast feeding as long as possible helps take the weight off. My friend did it for a year and she is thinner now than she was before she was pregnant. I didn't breast feed but I watch the fit channel in the morning before work they have some good work out's on there you can do for about 15 mintues and then after work I just do the same thing while my daughter plays with her toys. I would go for a walk but I too live on a counrty road that is dangerouse but when it was cooler outside I would go to the nearest park and go for a walk.
Unforunitly there is no magic pill out there that is safe but I can tell you that with diet and most importantly exercise you can lose it quickly, especially if you are breast feeding. I was 208 when I went in to have my daughter I had gained many pounds. But the key is as soon as your Doc. says you can exercise do it if it is too hot to walk do tapes in your house,floor exercises, hand wieghts, or join a gym there are good programs(cheap) right now for back to school I go to World Gym and they have a great Kids Club. But most of all the diet is important cut your carbs to low, drink Water like it is going out of style, eat green vegi's and protien, this all works trust me, my child is older now but all my wieght is off and I have even surpassed what I call the pre-child days size 6 and 4 have come back to my closet, and at 36 I am more fit and lean then when I was in my 20's 3-5 days a week 30-60 mins whatever you have time for rotate your exercises arms one day legs another with a little cardio and you will look better then before your first baby. Good Luck---Jennifer H
There is no quick and easy way to lose weight and no magic pill. I would not take anything if you are breastfeeding. I too had my children close together (19mths). I lost most of the weight from the first pregnancy thanks to walking and breastfeeding but the second one has been so much harder. Breastfeeding hasn';t helped me at all maybe because my metabolism is use to it since I breastfeed through most of my pregnancy. I still look pregnant and have gained weight since I had my daughter, she is 8mths old. Unlike you I work too so I just haven';t been able to find the time. What I am starting to do is run with the girls. I bought a jogging stroller and run early morning or late at night when it isn't so hot. Also, I do exercises when the girls are sleeping. Since my youngest just started sleeping through the night I am better able to start a routine now. Get up early, an hour before the kids. Go for a run by yourself while your husband is at home or do an exercise video. You will have so much energy and feel so refreshed for the day. Eat better too, less portions and more frequently which will be hard to do with 2 little ones. I find it nearly impossible since I have to rush off to daycare and work. Just remember that it will take a lot of determination and hard work. There is no simple way to lose weight. You need to change your lifestyle. I always park as far away from places as possible to get some exercise, but that can be ahrd with 2 little ones. I end up carrying both of them, which is a good arm work out. Incorporate them into your exercise. Both of my daughters like to swing on my legs, boy does that work out your legs too. Practice lifting the baby in different ways to work out your arms. Try different things and see what fits best with your lifestyle and kids.
Hello Amanda! I'm a 25 year old sahm and my children are 14 months apart. I'm there with you. My eldest is going to be 3 in Oct and my youngest will be 2 in Jan. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm an independent Dist. of Herbalife products. And we have a weight loss program that is safe while nursing. Give me a call and we can talk some more and get into the details if you're interested and you can check out my website. Its also listed with the memeber perks.
God Bless and have a blast with you little ones!
Karen 850-689-0626 10% off
I feel your pain! My son will be 18 months when our next baby is due. Talk about having NO time. On top of that I have a 3 1/2 year old too :) When I was trying to lose weight from my first (after I was done breastfeeding)I drank Carnation Instant Breakfast mix for breakfast and lunch with a snack of fruit and veggies in between. Then I ate a good dinner - mostly veggies too. I didn't have time to exercise but I know that even if you can take the kids for a walk two or three times a week it will help speed up your metabolism too. I wouldn't even attempt to do any type of video exercise. Everytime I tried, I ended up with kids crawling all over me!!
The only way I could lose weight while I was breastfeeding was to eat SUPER SUPER good. Fruits, veggies and lean grilled meats. Not a lot of rice, noodles, bread, or potatoes. The worst part about all of that is that good food is expensive, and unless you grill out a LOT, it is also a mess to clean up. Which is the last thing you want to be doing when you are waking up to breastfeed every 3 hours! Tired doesn't even describe it. So I guess basically, there is no easy answer. It's all a lot of work. Unless you are rich and can afford a nanny and a chef :) Best of luck, Jen
I'm also due in September. I was on weightwatchers for almost 5 weeks before I found out I was pregnant and lost 15 lbs. I plan on joining back as soon as I can get there. Hopefully within a week of delivery. The program does allow for you to breastfeed. It would be great to have a new mommy weightwathers budy. I'll be attending the Wed. 5:00 pm class at University and Beach blvd. I would be great if you could show up and see what you think.
All I can say is I have been there and I totally feel what you are going through. I gained 75 lbs with my first and 45 with my second. I have always gone down then right back up...what worked for me finally, my youngest turned 2 in June and I am now at the weight I want to be at, was the South Beach Diet. I started last July and I did walk too, bought a treadmill, but I lost 50 lbs in one year and have never felt this good about myself, well except for High School :). I am now at the weight I was when we got married, 15 less than right before I got pregnant with my first 7 years ago. You can go online and read all about the diet and the best thing is they sell prepacked stuff, like breakfast bars, snack bars, cookies, wraps, frozen dinners, pizzas, etc. The food is pretty good and IT WORKS!!!! I have changed my lifestyle to eat this way and am now going to keep the weight off. Actually I keep losing, I reached my goal and I cant stop losing and I want to. This is the first diet that I would really recommend to anyone! I hope you have the same luck with it as I did. Good luck with the new baby and the weight loss.
Try a pilates for beginners workout dvd-when the kids are sleeping!
Winsor/Pilates for beginners (the yellow dvd) is the best. I lost so much weight in 4 weeks (I waited about 9 months after my first born to do this) Winsor/Pilates has a book with a list of what you can eat that will fill you up without all those calories!
Lower your caloric intake by at least 500-1000...But continue to take your pre-natal vitamins/calcium because you are breastfeeding.
Eat healthier-no sugary/fatty snacks. No coffee. Water, Water, Water! Stay hydrated. When you have a craving drink water! Eat more fruits and veggies (baby carrots are fun to snack on)
Frosted mini wheats has folic acid/fiber - good for you and baby!
Fry (with light oil or cooking spray)[Quesadilla] Corn tortilla with turkey slices/cheese until crispy. Have two for lunch or dinner! They should fill you up. Or do the same way with raw/washed broccoli and cheese. (if you get tired of turkey, try Ham or Steak)
you can have one, 3/4 cup of skim milk with a meal each day if you still like your milk! Lower your salt intake (a little goes a long way)
Really yummy snack recipe......
Cut a bagget bread into diagonal slices.
Put a half a slice of roma tomato, little bit of mozzeralla cheese and a little bit of pesto sauce on top! bake at 375 for 8 minutes or until cheese has melted! You can eat six for your entire snack! Tastes great-low fat! Great party food too!
Its going to cool down soon so you will be able to walk with the little ones outside! The winter time is your best time to lose more weight because you're not burning up in this aweful heat!
I go to the gym during my lunch break because its the only time I have to myself. I have two demanding little ones as well so when I get home from work - its all about them and that's fine with me!
I have a 1 and a half year old and i just recently lost all of my baby weight although i cheated and took Hydroxycut. I had gained 55 lbs with my daughter as well..... The only thing i can really suggest since you are breatfeeding is maybe drinking slimfast in the morning for breakfast and just make sure you eat healthier... I walk with my daughter every evening and i think it has helped out a lot with weight loss... but you will eventually lose all the weigh it just takes time!
Sounds crazy, but eat sensibly every few hours. This speeds up your metabolism. That along with breastfeeding should work loads for you. I eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, dinner and a bedtime snack. And I try to drink more water, though I'm not a big fan. I weighed 124 before I got pregnant the first time and weighed 148 before I started to clean up my act. I am down to 142 and feel great. Can you walk at a mall? Air conditioning and safety in one. A little weight training 3 times a week would do tons for you too. Muscle burns fat even when you're sleeping. I'm not talking full Hulk Hogan stuff, just basics. I work out with "the Firm" program after every one else is down at night. It's an aerobic, cardio and light weight training program. I get uninterupted exercise and some "me" time too. I've lost inches mostly. The scale only reads a loss of about 6 pounds, but my clothes fit way better, my "haunches" are gone and I feel full of energy. My "Mommy belly" is melting slowly too. Muscle is heavier than fat, so that is why there isn't as much actual weight loss going on. Good luck to you. Whatever you do, if you're not used to exercie, go slow and keep at it. I hadn't worked out since my daughter was about 6 months old and she's 4 and 1/2 now. I hurt myself the first go around doing too much too soon and never got back to it. I forgot how good you can feel. I didn't try as hard to stay with it then, but after 2 kids, I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing this heavy person that took my reflection's place! I am more determined than ever to get some of the old me back. Have a wonderful delivery and love your little blessings to pieces!
this is caroline. i read your message about problem to lose weight. i myself are overweight and i found the company where they got very very good vitamins and good program online. called Vity for life. I joined this company because i want to work with but it also come with wellness company. i did like to share that with you. go to my website to request the information and then i can contact you and have you hear the information about the wellness company and on how they can help you and also if you want to know, they are talking about making income too! looking forward to hear from you soon. have a wonderful day. caroline
To shed my baby weight I was drinking Mummy magic weight loss tea and dropped 35 pounds extra.