looking for local church for one

i am having a hard time finding a church (not right wing) that can welcome me as a single with no kids i don't want a church telling me how to vote one way or another

Hello Bill:

I welcome you to visit my church, Unity of Beaverton. We are non-denominational and somewhat Bible led, but more on a metaphysical level. We welcome everyone and honor all paths to God. They have a morning service, without children and an 11am service with Sunday school for children. It is definately a liberal church. Good luck in your search.

Hey Bill! So I go to a church that is exactly what you are describing. It is called Compass Church,and it is in downtown Vancouver off Main and 19th. We felt comfortable and welcome/at home on our first visit. There is a great mix of people that go. The church believes in creating a non-judgemental place where people can come and discover God. Check out the website: www.compassv.org. IT is a small/newer church that is growing steadily. Because we meet in a small building there are three services offered: 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00. My name is Amber, feel free to message me if you have any more questions!

I attend Real Life Community Church in Vancouver. It is a very welcoming, non-judgemental church. I love it there, it is a jeans and t-shirt type of church where you can be real and you don't have to feel like you have to be some perfect person.

Hi Bill. I would love to recommend the church that I attend called Imago Dei Community (Imago Dei means image of God in Latin). It is a non-denominational Christian church that meets at Franklin High School in SE Portland. Services are very casual and the teaching is very relevant and non-political. They have 3 services on Sundays (9am and 11am at Franklin and 5pm at Evangel Baptist church in the Laurelhurst area). Check out the website and you can even listen to the sermons online if you want to see what you think. http://www.imagodeicommunity.com/

Hi Bill,

I don't know if you are specifically looking for a Christian church, but we attend a wonderful Konko church, which started as a Japanese faith. I usually sum it up to something like: it's about being kind, helping others, living a joyful life, respecting yourself, others, our ancestors, and the earth. It is a wonderful church in SE Portland (1330 SE 92nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97216) with some of the best people who are incredibly kind but still real. :) More information can be found at http://www.konkofaith.org/index.html, and you're more than welcome to contact me.


Mt Olivet Baptist Church is a great church!

Solid Rock is great. For more info look at www.ajesuschurch.org (or .com I always get it wrong and get redirected!)