Looking for ideas for working part time

I've been at home full time for 5 years now. I feel a strong urge to do something to get back in the workforce but I don't want to do something that will overwhelm my time with my children. I have three kids and a few hours a day work work out fine. But I can't figure out what to do that would be fulfilling and not be too much. I have a marketing degree and 13 years experience in advertising (agency) and marketing (large corporation).

I have realized that I enjoy the energy that comes from being around other people. I enjoy solving strategic issues and just generally helping solve problems and improve situations.

Has anyone out there consulted successfully? Or worked somewhere part time that was fulfilling and flexible? Selling via the pyramid companies (home parties, etc.) is not something I would prefer. But any suggestions are greatly appreciated! I feel my brain is wasting away!