HI, I am looking for a home birth midwife who does water-birth and delivers VBAC clients. I live in SLC and would love to have a water-birth. We are currently trying for our fourth and are hopeful for a homebirth this time. If anyone has any good recommendations I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!!
I'm not aware of any home birth midwives who don't accept VBAC women at all, but Utah's licensed midwives do have some restrictions as to their care (they can't take women who have had more than 2 sections, etc). Suzanne Smith (betterbirth.com), Jules Johnstun (midwifejules.com), Heather Johnston (644-baby), and Melissa Mayo (552-9233) are all fabulous and licensed. Chris Miller is not licensed, but has many many years of experience (726-3318). Send me a private message if you want more input - I have had a Home VBAC myself!
There is a midwife named Jules Johnston that does water births and I believe vbacs. She's most likely who I'll use when we have another child. I am an aspiring doula and my mentor works with Jules and loves her! Her prices are very reasonable and I've heard nothing but good things. Her website is midwifejules.com. Good luck!
Congratulations on planning a homebirth! You will absolutely love it as long as you plan to have lots of friendly support AFTER your baby is born, while you're recovering in your own cozy bed! I'm seven months along right now planning our second homebirth and recommend that you check on-line with the Utah birth network and other related websites. I'm using a midwife with Full Circle Maternity. She has a great website and is very personable and caring. She also does home visits throughout the entire pregnancy and is usually covered by insurance. Her name is Jules Johnstun and I really like her. See what you think.
Depending on what area you are in - there is a great certified midwife that has and will do vbacs and water births etc. Her name is Melissa Mayo - i would be happy to give you her info. She resides in the Sandy Utah area and is willing to travel reasonable distances - if she is not close enough to you she may know one that is.
Good for you for wanting a home birth- I am due anyday(she's now late... ERRR!!!) with our second and am hoping for a VBAC- only its regrettfully at the hospital... I have spoken with Suzanne Smith and the price was the biggest factor, because up until about two weeks ago we had not even really looked into homebirth cause it freaked my husband out, so coming up with nearly $2000 was not a possibility. If we had planned this ahead of time it seems like it would have been more reasonable. Suzanne and her birth practice's website is http://betterbirth.com ALSO- if you have not heard about Ricki Lake's amazing documentary I would recommend seeing it- it gave me so much more confidance in knowing that I really was choosing what was best for our family! The title is "The Business of Being Born" You can view it through NetFlix, but its not released until May I think. ALSO, a great doula, even if you have a home birth with a midwife, is something I would recommend. www.Utahbirthsupport.com is Jennifer McDonald's website and I've absolutely loved her! Good luck and I hope everything turns out GREAT!
I'm sure you have had your wonderful homebirth by now but for anyone else looking, I have personally had 2 homebirths. One with Heather Johnston and one with Chris Miller. Both were fantastic midwives. I'm also a doula and am involved with the birth community here in Northern Utah. I would highly recommend all the midwives listed on this forum so far.
So many recommendations for Jules Johnstun? Think twice… http://julesjohnstun.com/