Looking for a tooth whitener that won't break the bank

I'm looking for a tooth whitener that you ladies have had success with. The only caveat is I'm not in a position to spend a lot of money. Any advice? Thanks!

I've used the Crest whitestrips a couple times. They've got them in different strengths (I guess you'd call it that) so that they take a different number of days to complete. I don't know how much they cost tho. Maybe another brand is cheaper.

I will caution you, I think the 2nd time I tried it it was the 7-day version. I couldn't finish it because they made my teeth sensitive to cold foods!

I hav eused the whitestrips and did not find them very effective. I finally broke down and had the tray whitening done with the dentist and ofund it to be reasonable considering the effect. I paid about $300-350 for trays and gel. I did the treatments for a week and there is a very noticale improvement. The benefit is also tha tI can spend $25 once per year to get more gel for touch-ups. The Whitestrips aren't cheap and the professional gel worked great. I could have had the dentist do the initial treatment, but it would hav ebeen over $600. It was easy at home. DOn't know if tha tbreaks the bank, but I wish I hadn't spent the money on the store product and jus tdone the real thing.

baking soda mixed with a tiny bit of peroxide to make a paste and brush with it. Works like a charm!

I've tried many products, but have never done the professional whitening. The best results for the money were achieved using rembrandt 2 hour white. Except I haven't actually done the full 2 hour treatment, because my teeth and gums become too sensitive that way. Even a couple of the 20 minute treatments make a difference, and then you can do a couple more treatments after a few days.

I've had good results with Crest white strips. About $20.

There are many over the counter products like Crest White Strips - I haven't personally tried them, but they are always advertised on What Not To Wear. My son had a lot of problems with his kid toothpaste and his teeth always looked orange. I thought it was because he wasn't brushing well enough, but I decided to switch him to adult whitening tooth paste and it did the trick! His teeth look so much better....so I would check which brand of regular tooth paste you are using and try switching to something like Crest Whitening with Baking Soda.

i live in southern maryland where our dentist offers free professional whitening for the lifetime of going there. it involves making impressions of your teeth, making trays, and then giving you a seringe of the whitening agent at every 6 month cleaning. i know traveling 1.5 hours for this (especially with 2 little ones) would be a big ordeal, but maybe you can look into what your dentists up there offer?
Good luck!

I use the tooth polish from Melaleuca, it works great and is not very expensive.