Looking for a Sign Language Program for my Toddler - WPB

Hi -
I am looking for a sign language class for my 1 year old who is not yet talking. I have found one down in Boca, but was hoping for one closer to home.

I don't know a class but good videos are Baby Babble & Baby Babble 2. Baby Einsteins "First Words Around The House"


Good morning. My name is Gina and I have my Degree in Sign Language. I have taught both of my children Sign Language since birth. I do private lessons for both Sign Language and Swim Lessons. In teaching your daughter Sign Language it is best that you and the rest of your family also learn and practice together.
Baby Einstein's makes a video that is very easy to follow and enjoyable for small children and adults.
My daughter was learning Sign Language from birth, she was delayed with speaking verbally. Our pediatrician suggested I stop signing to her and force her to talk. I also had her hearing tested. She is fine. Kids just do things in their own time.
If I can be of any help please let me know. Many of the Jewish Temples do a Sign Language class in the summer for toddlers, but most of them are a bit of a commute.
Good Luck.

I am not sure of any specific classes for that age group but if you go on my website www.DiscoveryToysLink.com/LisaRyan I sell a book and dvd set that helps teach you how to sign with your child everything in the catalog is currently 12%. I hope this helps. lisa

hi anna, we didn't do a class but i used the baby einstein videos which my son loved. i started when he was 6 months old but he didn't actually use any of them back to me until he was 14 months old. i was beginning to think it was a waste of time and then voila! now he tells me what he wants constantly and it has defussued frustration, tantrums and the whines. i do have to remind him to "tell" me what he wants and he quickly stops the moaning and signs. he is now 20 months and speaks a few words so i don't teach him the signs that he can speak, only the hard to pronounce words get signs. it has been a life saver.
good luck

Hi Anna,

Call Gymboree at Jog and Forest Hill (Greenacres/Wellington area). I took classes there with my first son at 13 mos. I had great success with the Baby Signs program and my 8mo is even using 2 signs already!!!

Check out www.gymboree.com Click on Play & Music logo and look up the Wellington location....

Also check out www.babysigns.com .

Hope you have some luck with it. I found that the classes were a fun way to use the signs and learn the info, but you DO have to practice at home. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.

I know it is quite a delayed response to your question; but I just found it this posting. I have a Baby Sign Language company called WeeHands with Heather. I am currently setting up classes for parents/caregivers who are interested in taking Sign Language classes for babys or toddlers. Please visit my website or email me. I would love to help you or anyone else out there looking to communicate with their young children. My contact info is as follows:
[email protected]