Loking for help on travel ideas

Need help on what i should pack for a 2 1/2 yo. We are going buy car and leaving tomorrow night. I don't really know what to pack for her to do. I have a DVD player if i can get it to work by then, i also bought a coloring but she cant really color in the car I don't think. So any travel trip ideas would be great. Also i am looking for a sm. light weight stroller for her to use for the walking.

Get the aquadoodle (coloring) kit, they come with a pen you fill with water, and some pictures that "come alive" when you paint them with the water pen. My kid and his cousins are addicted to these things and they are neat and they dry and they start all over again. You can also get a magna doodle (the mini travel one). This will keep her busy for a little while. Get her some new books, some toy magazines, some other coloring materials, crayola makes the markers that will only mark on certain paper. Bring snacks that are easy to eat. If you are traveling at night, she will probably sleep. Good luck!

Liz had some great ideas. With an hour commute each way each day (with toddler in tow), I'm definitely going to use them. When we traveled by plane last year I picked up a really cheap stroller ($10) at Walmart. I know they also have similar ones at Babies R Us and Burlington Coat Factory. There are NO frills but it is super light - easily collapsible with one hand - and for that price I didn't care if it got lost or damaged. Enjoy your trip and hopefully the motion of the car will help her sleep.


Buzz over to your local library. Get a bag of books on tape/CD. They have the book for her to look at while the tape reads the story, and a little "ding" sounds when it's time to turn the page. My girls loved these! Also grab a bag of age-appropriate books that you can hand her to thumb through or read together. The Dollar Tree also has some fun things, bring a bottle of bubbles for rest stops, she can run around and pop them and burn off a bit of pent up energy. Have fun!

I try to keep a bag right next to her chair with a couple of choices. My daughter has always liked those magnetic books/boxes and books. The videos also work great. My friend made a table out of a card board box for her son rest on his lap when he travels. He colored on that. Good luck. Keep your fingers crossed for a good nap.

We just took a 27 hour trip from Connecticut to Florida wiht a 2 year old, 3 year old and a 4 year old. I have been making this trip since the 4 year old was a newborn.

The way we do things is: Leave the house at 3am. They stay awake about an hour and then sleep from about 4am to8am. Get out, change them into clothes, eat a long breakfast and get back in the car for another "longer" 3 hour stretch. Get out, RUN the kids (have them go back and forth around tree's and play catch etc with them) when they are tired get them back in the car for another 2 or so hours. Get out, run them, eat lunch. By then they should be tired enough to zone in front of a DVD player for a couple of hours. Get them out of the car after 2 hours, run them, get back in the car and have them fall asleep till dinner. Eat for an hour, run them and get back in the car until you and them can't take it anymore.

By this time you have gone about18 hours. Spend the night in a hotel and then the next day stop about every hour and a half until you get to your destination. It's the second day that you will really need your patience... and the DVD player. Everyone is just DONE at that point.

Hope this helps!

We have traveled with both of our kids since a very young age since we have always lived far away from hub's family. My daughter loved to play bingo type games with license plates, street signs, etc. You could go to the dollar store or even Target to get things like that. There are lots of movies you can buy on clearance, books, puzzles etc. I had lots of those types of things that I would only pull out for these trips and then they are very new to them each time. My daughter was 5 weeks old the first time and has always loved traveling, especially the new activities we can come up with. Gradually adding new things to the mix can be really fun as they get older. She is now 12 and my son is 10 so are very good seasoned car travelers. Also having her own special toys she can pack into a small backpack will also make her involved in it. I did pack some of their favorite books to let them "read" when they feel like it. This age may require you sitting with them for small stretches and they love that too! Also if you have the money and resources you can stop for a meal at McDonalds to let her get out and run around. Sometimes they have play areas and other times not, so you can maybe go off the highways if necessary to let her burn off some steam, if time allows it. We would stop several times when they are little but now once or twice in an 8 hour trip is usually ok. They are happy to stop for a meal and then a couple pee breaks or more if needed.
I could go on and on in this but depends on your own child. Hopefully that gives you some great ideas!

The doodle pro worked well for us on car rides.... easier than crayons for the car and plane.

Stickers work for a while.

We have traveled from MA to OH by car several times, and were amazed at how long games like "I Spy" would hold the kids' attention. "What do you think is in the back of that truck?" was another big hit with my son when he was about 2.5.

Singing along to the favorite CD, and books on tape.

Also, pack lots of easy to eat car friendly snacks.

Good luck!


You didn't say how long your drive is so I don't know if you want something to help your daughter go to sleep or toys for the next day. I find dollars books in the dollar store or dollar aisle of Target are great and I don't care if they get lost or ruined on the trip.
Also an etch a sketch or Fisher Price doodle pro are fun with no mess. I guess I would look for things like that.

As for a light weight stroller the $20.00 one's at Babies R Us work just fine for traveling.

Leeanne M

Hi Christine!

Someone mentioned Target already, but they definitely have a great dollor selection. We just came back from a trip to Australia with a 22 month old, she had a small back pack that had some small travel sized stuffed animals, books, and a pad of paper and small pens we got for $1 at Target-well the paper and pens were $1, we had the other stuff already. We also got the Trendsport stroller for the trip. It folds up nicely, is fairly light weight, but the big thing is the storage underneath the stroller. It's just big enough to hold her nappy bag and some other essentials. One more thing we were happy to have was a "mommy hook". This was great to be able to have your own bag clasped to the stroller! We got these two items at Babies r us. The stoller was ~$40, but worth it! Good luck! Have fun.


We pack heaps of toys and books for the kids. My boy likes to read and my daughter likes to play with her dolls. We also do a lot of driving with the kids at night. We found a product that helped us heaps when driving with the kids. It clips to your car interior light. It lets the kids read books and play with toys or play games in the back when it is still dark outside. It doesn’t distract the driver either. (you can look at it online at www.lightshield.com.au). Hope this helps as it saved us big time.