Living as family but no rights!!! Any ideas?

I would see if you can put the other money in trust with the kids and an alternate adult on it. You can put in that they do not get it until a certain age,etc. Good luck to you!

Some good and some bad advice here. The bad: Please know that in the state of Florida, you are NOT entitled to half if you are not married. What is in his name is his, and yeah its unfair since the woman always stays home, takes care of kids, house, chores, errands and everything else!
Your message is a bit confusing also, dont know what you mean about your living situation right now, I am assuming you said he left the household and you cant make the bills yourself? Also, dont understand about your attorney, what exactly are you getting done from him since you said he took" money from you? Perhaps you need to find a different lawyer, use someone by reference only, and please be strong but do seek help from friends and family.

You are gonna have to dig deep on this one and channel every fiber of your womanly strength to get through this, but you have to, you have put yourself through enought with the abuse and your kids deserve better. You obviously stayed around when it was just you, but now you have to think about the kids and teach them better, if you do not, they learn by example and will learn by your example what kind of relationship to accept. If nothing else, woman up and make it better for them, think about what kind of person you would like them to end of with.
Dont get me wrong, I am not here to put you down, I just want you to see the strength inside of you and what you have to do no matter what. If the dude wants to be a jerk and lose everything, let him. If you have to stay with family/friends or even in a shelter, do so and it will get better. As long as you work towards it the right way and dont let a man bring you down, a man should do nothing but make you better and life better, if he doesnt then his lose and keep on moving forward! Wish you all the best and prayers to you and your kids! Material things are just things and you can get things on your own, nobody said the road would be easy but anything worth fighting for it worth doing!

He managed to kick me and the kids through out the court in 30 days, but we have our own home now and we are very happy in it.