Little Boy Dressing Up in Mom's Clothes

I am hoping to get some feedback from other Moms with little boys about some developing behavior with my 4 year old. He has been showing a growing interest is girls/women's clothing and dressing up in my clothes. He asks a lot of questions, like why can only girls wear dresses, what types of dresses are there, why does your shirt look like that (if it is a tank top or something). He has been wanting to dress up in my clothes a lot too- mostly my dresses, but tonight he asked to wear my biking bathing suit and seemed absolutely thrilled about it. He even said he wants a sundress for Christmas! I don't want to make a big deal about it if this is just him being curious but it does concern me a little bit. The funny thing he never shows any preference or attention to the clothes he normally wears every day. And he seems like a pretty "typical" boy in other ways.

Has anyone else dealt with anything similar? I'd love to know how you handled it and if you have any insight. Thanks!!

Hi there Jan.

I can understand your concern. But take heart, this is fairly typical at this age. He is developing his own gender understanding. This is also the age where gender stereotypes can set in and we can help dissuade that by being non judgemental.

I think not making a big deal of it is a great way of handling it.


I would just answer his questions directly and kindly. These are clothes that girl's wear. If he is interested in dress up then I would get him some costumes to play with. They don't all have to be super heros and police and fireman, although most boys love those. He could have a white coat and be a doctor or an old suit coat. He could pretend to be a chef. My boys and girls play dress up but the boys know that the princess dresses are for the girls. It is ok to state norms and you can do it without making him feel badly. He may just be looking for why you wear these clothes and daddy wears these clothes.

I didn't have a lot of this. On occasion my son would put on my clothes. He liked my jewelry, and did ask to have his fingernails painted. I allowed him to do all of those playful tyype of things. I can say that I have friends whose boys did like to put on their clothes. I have one friend whose sons both wore skirts areound the house. No big deal. They said they just liked the way it felt. This was from about 3-6 yrs. old. You talked about 'typical" boy behavior. That is difficult to pin down. Your son sounds very well adjusted. He is experimenting with all of his senses and has a great imagination. The specail attention he pays to the women's cltohes might be because they are not his everyday wear. They are "dress up clothes". Have you talked with him about what it means to him to be a boy? Sometimes just listening to their thoughts and ideas freeflowing without any "shoulds" will give you some perspective. If you are concerned about gender confusion; seek out a developmental pediatrician.
Hope that help, and enjoy your son at this age.

I have a minor in psychology and it is normal for him to do that it is the freuidian complex (I believe that is the correct term). It is very noraml and should pass

Dear Jan,
First, please know that I just responded not two weeks ago to a similar query from a mom in the same position, with the same questions and concerns, so you are not the only one!
I think you may be able to find that question and answer by clicking on the "Read More From This Person" link at the end of this answer. It's not showing on my screen, so I'm not sure....
Basically, I tried to reassure that mom just as I am reassuring you that your son's growing interest could mean any number of things, and certainly is not an indication that you have a young cross-dresser, transsexual or anything else that you may be wondering at this point.
He may simply love his mom and be trying to adopt your tastes and interests as part of the bonding process. Does he know you like sundresses? Maybe you've made a passing comment in a store like, "Oh, I just love that cute little sundress over there!"
Remember, your son's value system is growing right along with his little feet and legs at this stage of his life, and will be shaped by what you -- his primary role model -- value. If you seem to think something is great, he is likely going to think the same thing is wonderful -- even if it's a sundress.
It could also simply be that your son enjoys dressing up, so I would certainly explore that avenue first. You might start a dress-up trunk for him, filled with items that he can assemble into fun and imaginative costumes. Put out the word to friends and family that you are collecting hand-me-down costumes and you'll probably get a few Halloween leftovers. Children's consignment shops usually carry costumes, and this is a great time of year to start looking for them.
Mark your calendar now for Nov. 2-4, which are the days to find the best costume deals of the year at the larger discount stores such as Target and Wal-mart. Halloween costumes which did not sell are marked down to pennies on the dollar on those days, so you could score a few costumes to add to the trunk then!

You've probably noticed that most boy costumes are much simpler and darker than girl costumes, so this may make them less appealing to your son. After all, if you're naturally attracted to sparkles, an Incredible Hulk costume is just not going to cut it for you! But a fancy wizard's cape might, if it was silver and sparkly, and magically swirled about you as you walked. A silver wand (even one made out of straws covered in aluminum foil and painted with silver glitter glue) might make the cape even more attractive to you.
The key here is to take fabrics and items that naturally appeal to your son and assemble them into costumes that gently and lovingly reinforce his gender identity without making him feel "wrong" for being attracted to them. You'll need to use a bit of imagination, and choose your words carefully.
Fortunately, a good story is a fun and easy way to do this, and ties in so nicely to the whole costume and make-believe idea.

Let's say, for example, that he likes your pink silk slip and wants to wear it. You might consider telling him that although boys don't usually wear pink slips, there was a time when that wasn't so....
Drape the slip around his neck,so that he can wear it and enjoy it while you talk, then snuggle up to him and tell him a story that captures his interest and sparks his imagination -- and helps him to see himself in a new and interesting role....
"During medieval times long ago, in enchanted kingdoms filled with tall, silver castle spires that glistened in the sunlight and deep dark forests filled with secret paths and enchanted creatures, a brave and courageous knight headed off to do battle with dragons could sometimes be a little bit scared. You can understand that, can't you? No matter how brave you are, who really wants to go off and fight a big, ugly, green, fire-breathing dragon?
"Can you guess what some of those knights did to remind themselves of the people they loved, the people they were fighting to protect? They sometimes borrowed a special piece of clothing and wore it into battle. Underneath all that silver armor, a knight might be wearing a pretty little scarf from his favorite princess, or even a handkerchief his mommy had sewn for him!
"When I see you wearing my pink slip, it makes me laugh a little bit, because it's so big on you, and doesn't fit you at all! It's made for grown up old ladies, like mommy, and not for little boys like you! Just see how big it is? Isn't that funny?
"But it also makes me think about how knights used to do the very same thing. You're my handsome little knight, did you know that? I see a lot of knight-like qualities in you. You're brave and smart -- and I'll bet you could outsmart any old dragon, don't you? Would you like to hear some stories about brave and smart knights just like you and how they outsmarted dragons?"
Now you can redirect your child's to other things without making a big deal about the slip and without making him take it off. You've given him a legitimate reason to wear it while you tell him some stories about knights and dragons and battles -- totally gender-appropriate things that have entranced little boys since the beginning of time. Take him to the library next, and choose some knight/wizard books to reinforce this theme. I'll bet you'll capture his imagination and interest faster than you can get him out of your pink slip.

Then work together to weave his love of dress-up into the imaginary world of adventure he is experiencing through these books and stories.
Take one of your favorite articles of clothing that he really enjoys wearing and make a wizard's cape for him that looks similar to this dress.
Whatever you do, don't try to impose upon him a dark gray and boring wizard's cape if his eyes are big for your red seqined cocktail dress. It's just not the same. The same things that attracted you to that dress are the things that are attracting him!

 I have a children's party business, The Party Fairy, where we provide storytelling costumed characters and provide dress-up, and over the years I have seen so many little boys who are attending a princess party for a sister or a friend want their own nails polished, and fairy glitter dusted on their faces, and to be able to wear wings or choose a beautiful princess dress to wear, too. Sometimes dads look absolutely horrified to see their 3- or 4- or 5-year-old little boys head for the makeup center instead of the knight costumes! 

 But amazingly enough, most of these little boys fall into the under-6 age category. Something happens to most little boys around the age of 6 or 7, even the ones who have previously loved dressing up and playing with a sister or a best friend. By age 6, most little boys have developed a disdain for all things pink and princess, and avoid things that sparkle the way little girls of the same age avoid worms and bugs. They walk into my store making faces and asserting their gender identity by making fun of the sister who is dancing on air to be surrounded by such fairytale glitter and glitz.   

  That's probably going to happen with your son, too, but in the meantime I really would pursue the dress-up trunk and stories of adventure. It's a subtle way to reinforce his gender identity and has the added bonus of fostering early reading skills, too!. It can be the doorway to what becomes a lifetime love of literature. 

  Good luck !

Hi Jan,

I wouldn't be too bothered by it at this point, he's only 4 and 'typical' boy in most respects as you said. If it persists as he ages it will probably bear some attention. Maybe just ask your pediatrician at your next visit about it. In the meantime let him experiment without judgment and just enjoy your little guy, 4 is a great age.

Take care,Suzanne

My son wanted to do that a lot at that age and I was mortified. He is now a healthy energetic 14 year old. That stage passed. People recommended to me to let him dress up. Give him lots of different costumes to play with, a box full. I think someone gave me a pretty two piece dress that he could fool around in and he was thrilled. It is very normal. And it did pass. I wouldn't push it or pull it, just be gentle and guide him to his own clothes and he own dress up box. My other son was not at all interested in dressing in womens clothes. Go figure.

He also said he wanted to marry me at about that age. I said I was married to Daddy he would have to find his own wife. He is very huggy and lovey dovey unlike my older son, but the teenage years are here and it is changing before my eyes. Enjoy each age as it comes.

Hi Jan,

I have a 4yo boy, too, and he used to express interest in dresses and such. Last October, I bought several halloween costumes and he dresses up in those now. I wonder if your son really just notices that your clothing pieces have more bling than his and he'd like that?

Della Sue

When my father in law was about four he had a huge tantrum because his sisters all had pretty pink dresses and he didn't. he grew up to become a Marine and fought in WWll.

There is nothing wrong with your son. Even if he is gay there isn't a lot you can do about it except accept him for what he is and love him. Although your son will probably just grow out of it without any effort from you.

Enjoy all the aspects of your child he will be grown and gone before you know it.

It's totally normal, and I would just allow it. When my son wanted a dress, I didn't want to spend money for something that he'd wear twice, so I gave him one of my husband's t-shirts and belted it with a necklace. He had fun running around like that for the afternoon, and then never thought about it again.

I disagree with some of the previous posters -- I wouldn't make a big deal out of the gender norms. If he wants to wear dresses out of the house, I'd say something like "you know, people will think you're a girl dressed like that" or "you know, boys usually don't wear dresses, and some people might tease you" and then bring a change of clothes in case he changes his mind.

YES YES YES...... I have 2 boys, 5 and 2. It is perfectly normal for them to want to do what Momma does. The rule with my oldest was once he turned 5 he could no longer have his toes painted. My 2 year old and I just painted our toes last night. Of course it's not anything bright like pinks or reds, usually it's silver or clear, but it makes him happy to be doing what I am doing. They both also love to clunk around the house in my shoes. It's absolutely normal and definitely harmless. It's only a big deal if you make it one so I'd just ride it out, he'll grow out of it.

For example - my younger brother used to wear my clothes when we were younger (I'm 5 years older.) He'd wear my shoes, bras, dresses, make up.... One day he even wore my prom gown. He's 27 now and has been happily married for 6 years and has 3 kids.

Good luck to you!

Just wanted to add something quick about specified gender roles and little kids. I'm a teacher, taught preK and kindergarten for a while now, and I am here to tell you that nearly every little boy absolutely loves the color pink until people tell him it's a girl's color!! If given a choice of colors of construction paper, most all boys will choose pink first when they're still too young to get the "girly" side of pink. Makes me wonder who decided pink WAS a girly color!! LOL!!!

i saw a little boy at a jumping play place the other day and he was running around in a dress. my daughter put a noodle between her legs and announced to her dad and i that she has a penis. i think its totally normal for children to explore gender and everyone goes through it. just let them be them and know it is normal and you are a great mom=)

Don’t worry about it let him if he wants to wear a dress let him wear one around the house it don’t mean he’s gay he might out grow it just tell him he can only wear a dressing the house people may not accept him a boy wearing a dress and if he still shows interest in wearing dressed and makeup find some one who deals in Bender eshouse and have him talk to him or her


Don’t worry about it let him if he wants to wear a dress let him wear one around the house it don’t mean he’s gay he might out grow it just tell him he can only wear a dressing the house people may not accept him a boy wearing a dress and if he still shows interest in wearing dressed and makeup find some one who deals in Bender eshouse and have him talk to him or her


Don’t worry about it let him if he wants to wear a dress let him wear one around the house it don’t mean he’s gay he might out grow it just tell him he can only wear a dressing the house people may not accept him a boy wearing a dress and if he still shows interest in wearing dressed and makeup find some one who deals in Bender eshouse and have him talk to him or her


Don’t worry about it let him if he wants to wear a dress let him wear one around the house it don’t mean he’s gay he might out grow it just tell him he can only wear a dressing the house people may not accept him a boy wearing a dress and if he still shows interest in wearing dressed and makeup find some one who deals in Bender eshouse and have him talk to him or her


Don’t worry about it let him if he wants to wear a dress let him wear one around the house it don’t mean he’s gay he might out grow it just tell him he can only wear a dressing the house people may not accept him a boy wearing a dress and if he still shows interest in wearing dressed and makeup find some one who deals in Bender eshouse and have him talk to him or her

Because girls have many different styles and they are almost always better than boys styles.

Thanks so much to everyone who responded and gave ideas and support. I definitely feel much more relaxed after hearing about other little guys doing this, and I’ll just keep letting him do his thing without reacting to it. I’m going to get a dress up trunk together for him too and use some of the other ideas I got from all of the responses. Thanks so much for all the help!!