I am a mom of soon to be four children. In the latter half of 04 my life became out of control. Within one year I lost everything I owned due to drugs and depression. In 06 I became pregnant with my beautiful girl but my hormones got the best of me and the harder I tried to pull myself together, life just kept throwing me hard balls. I asked my X to help me with my now 10 year old and explained to him what I had been going through. Instead of helping he used it against me. He got a good lawyer and took advantage of my weak state let my employer at the time know of my ongoings and she helped him to get full custody of my child. I was clean all during this time, just an emotional basket case. There were court hearings that I was never made aware of and therefore I never got the chance to represent myself. Now I realize I just need to see my son on regular visits, not at a nurturing center, and that all that previous stuff doesnt matter. I have let time fly bye because I was hoping all that I had lost would come back over night. Im just looking at these forms and Im lost! I am a wonderful mom and a great person I am just tired of time passing seeing my son cry on our monthly visitation and I never deserved any of this. I just need to quit whining and do something! Someone please help!
Call Bob Grguric at Thomas R. Olsen PA. He is located in College Park on Edgewater Dr. He is a family law attorney. He is great! His assistant's name is Meg. He'll be able to help you with your situation.
Good luck!
Typically I do not respond to these types of questions because I do not have "legal" advice....therefore can't help you with the court system unfortunately. However, I just feel led to truly encourage you. YOu are blessed beyond measure...four beautiful children. Sounds like you hit some tough times in 04/06! I am not sure if you are a christian and have a personal relationship with Jesus....but I want you to know...that no matter what you have walked through...He has helped you and will continue to guide you. Yield all of your cares, hurts, pains, disappointments to Him...cry out to Him...He is the Master of it ALL...and He can do what no other man or court filing can accomplish...He can turn your husband's heart towards the children...allowing him to see their need for their mom as a permanent fixutre in their life...only Jesus can do that! Whatever you do, don't get caught up in the "legal"...as if it's the "end all"...yes, take the necessary steps, necessary measures...that is wisdom..but ultimately, trust and rely on Jesus to see you through and perform the miracles...Make sure YOU are right, your heart is right...you have the right intentions..even towards your husband...forgive...learn to walk in love and truth...and YES...all of this is VERY hard..but His grace is sufficient..it's NOT just a cliche! He will guide you...ask Him...and then obey his prompting...even the hard things...like if He tells you to "call your ex and say this"...or do this....and you don't get it or want to do it..DO IT and watch Him tear down walls that NO MAN can stop! NO SYSTEM or Papertrail...and anything your husband did with malice and deceit will be changed! You just watch...but you have to be obedient and walk in love. Study His Word and His Ways...and this will trump every situation or mountain that looks impossible...He is the God of the impossible...when its impossible with man, its 100% possible with God. Don't lose hope or give up or lose your faith...press in! ANd know that God is able and willing!
I am proud of you for deciding to "fight" for your kids...with the right intention and heart. Sounds like you are free from drugs and over the depression/attacks! Praise God! You are BLESSED....walk in it!!! I will be praying for you too!
I am responding because I saw my stepdaughter's mom go through something very similiar, the best advice I can give you is to pray everyday and don't give up. Get involved in a church for moral support and a sense of community. I dont know your financial situation or your status on a career, but I highly recommend accounting. It is very stable, there is always work, it pays very well, and it's not hard. I started as an entry level accounting clerk with a staffing agency called Accounttemps as a teenager and I am now a very capable mom of 24. Keep faith that you will recoup your son and never give up. Your kids notice everything you do, and they notice that you try! So please dont give up. :)
Contact your local Legal Aid office. they do not charge for their services and I am sure they can help ypu understand and forms you may have signed. They will help you as long as you show you are willing to help yourself. I wish you the best.
Don't know about layers but to fight your case you need proof of change
Find and attend meeeting of helping users, church, ask the school to notify you of meetings PTO shows etc, help with sports,volunteer Do anything to show that you are trying to get better even medical care if needed.
Thanks for some uplifting comments. I have been invovled with a in home counselor for almost 2 years now through healthy families of jax. they come to my home every week. Yalls encouragement helped. Its nice to communicate with other wonderful moms. I will keep ya posted. Im on a MISSION!!!