I had a c-section Tuesday night and when I came home from the hospital my legs and feet became extremely swollen, my doctor says it's normal and will go away in 2 weeks, but it's so uncomfortable and gross looking, has anyone else had the same problem after giving birth? Does anyone have any home remidies other than keeping your feet up and driking lots of water??? HELP! I can't wear my shoes! LOL!
I didn't have a c-section, but 2 vaginal births, and had swollen feet, ankles, and legs both times. I'm sure that it's from all of those fluids they pump into you during birth. It took a good 2 weeks for it to go away, but I saw great improvement after 1 week. I suggest that you keep your feet up whenever possible and invest in a cheap pair of flip-flops. :) I agree, it is very uncomfortable, but your new bundle of joy doesn't care that they look gross. These first few weeks go so fast, you'll feel better in no time.
Melissa, I had the same thing happend to me after my C-section. They said from all the fluids they give you. Keep your feet up. And buy some cheap "CRock" shoes. You can get them at payless. It will go away. You will be fine make sure you take your meds and have lots and lots of help and rest. Congrats!!! Melissa
Flip - Flops...that's all I have to say :). With my first one, my feet were so swollen before and then they got even worse after my C-Section. My doctor warned me that it was going to get worse before it got better, and it did. Mine were really bad after for about a week before the very SLOWLY started going back down. During that time, I had a pair of flip-flops and a pair of Adias sandals (the ones that velcro across the toes and have little round things that stick up to make up the foot bed - they might have even been men's) that I would wear.
Make sure that you do keep walking - that actually helped too. I had bought a pair of wide-width tennis shoes that (once I could get them back on) I would wear and that helped too. (to have them on and walk - gets the blood flowing and that helps move the toxins out of your feet.)
Good Luck!
After reading some of the replys I guess it is common. I have had 2 c-sections and didn't have any swelling in my feet or legs with either of them.
They pump you full of fluids before a c-section, and then you lose blood so your body will retain fluids for use in rebuilding your blood supply. Drink lots of fluids (if you drink water be sure to put a bit of juice or lemon in it so your body recognizes it as food and will digest it properly instead of it going right through you)
Hi Melissa,
I have had 3 C's the last one was the worst for swelling, my doc said that you don't need to put your feet up, it doesn't help with this type of swelling (but it felt better to me). Walking and moving helped a bit, but gravity made it feel funny. It's just going to take time.
We had the same due date. I had my c section on June 2nd. My feet and ankles are really swollen too. I hope it doesn't last too long. Congrats to you!!!
well i had my son on may 28th of 2005 and i had him c section and i swelled up really bad ... and yes it really does suck but i cant think of anything else i did besides keeping my feet up and water.. it took quite a few days before all the swelling went down and its like if i went anywhere i had to where slippers because no shoes fit at all...lol so i wish you luck and congrats on the new baby they are so much fun once you get over them getting up in the middle of the night....
Melissa C,
Congrats on your new baby! I wanted to let you know about a store I now shop at for all the things I need in around my house and on our bodies. I had swelling after my C-section too. This was 8 years ago, but it does get better. This store has cleaning products, laundry products, shampoo,lotions, make-up, vitamins...you name it, but it focuses on health, wellness, and prevention. The products are all naturally based with no toxins or cancer causing agents. With a new baby in the home, you should at least check it out! There is no worry about accidental poisoning because there are no harsh chemicals in these products at all. I actually started shopping there and got rid of the products I used to use, and my daughters asthma has almost disappeared! I now work from home with the company and make a great income. Visit my website www.familytime4u2.com or call me at 269-253-9961 and I'll set up a time for you to hear about it. If you are considering staying at home with the baby, you could earn a great income too by just using your phone and computer. There is no commitment, no inventory or selling and no huge up front cost to do this. You also get your own free web site. I wish you well and hope to talk with you soon.
Martha Blanchard
M.O.M. Team Director
[email protected]
The same exact thing happened to me after giving birth to my daughter after having a natural birth. My doc its because all the iv's running through your body. It takes about two weeks to have it all filter out of the body. After two weeks the selling was completely gone. Raise your legs as much as you can above your heart. Lots and lots of water. That's about all you can do. She's was born in the winter so I had to wear socks with slip on sandals for two weeks. Not so stylish. Hope I helped.Nikki K
Hi Melissa,
I too had a C-Section and remember the swelling well, especially because it never completely went away! My shoe size has changed and everything. But, I do recall them telling me that it was all the water retention basically at your ankles and after a couple of weeks, most of it was gone. I hope this helps. I also felt like it was never going to go away and didn't believe what they told me at the hospital and they were right, it went away probably 90%, but I still am hanging on to 10% if it!!! Good luck and congratulations to both you and your husband.
I was already swollen when I had my c/s but it got much, much worse after. I so feel for you. I do not have any other help for you, I just wanted to let you know it will go away and you will feel much better. I am sorry this happened to you, I know how uncomfortable it is. Hang in there! You could ask your doctor about compression stockings to see if that would help.
I had a c-section on May 10th and I didn't experience any swelling after a few days in the hospital. I did right after but they kept checking to make sure that the swelling went down.
I had the same thing happen to me with the c-section with my son. I had a lot of swelling at the end of the pregnancy, and after the c-section, I found that my feet and legs, to the calf and even a little beyond, swelled up even more than when I was pregnant. It took about three weeks, and a lot of putting them up, but they will get better. Good luck. Oh, yeah, lots and lots of water!! Drink lots and lots of water.
I was really swollen after mine. I went in for a one week check-up and my BP was high too (not normal for me). I was given water pills. They were AMAZING! I dropped 30lbs in two days!
i didn't have a c-section, but my legs swelled like crazy after i had my baby. i had an iv of fluids because i kept vomiting and the nurses said that is what caused it. it was so gross and felt like a puddle of water was vibrating on top of my feet when i walked. it went away within 1.5 weeks. not to worry. at least its summer and you can bare foot it around. i had a dec. baby and boots were aweful! i found elevating them and, surprisingly, drinking lots of water and avoiding salt helped it go away pretty quick. congrats!!
Hi Melissa,
I was due with my first son on May 28th also but he came early by C-section on May 10th.
I had the same issue my feet were huge! The only thing that worked for me was keeping my feet up. I know it is such a pain.
Good Luck!
My feet looked like loaves of bread after I came home from my c-sections with both of my kids. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is elevate them, make sure you get enough fluid to prevent further water retention, and wait it out. It didn't take two weeks for mine, only a couple of days. Good luck!
Dear Melicca
I had my daughter (second) in Feb and I had it. I didn't have any swelling during the first CSec. But really it goes away. drink water as the doctor told. It looks bad. Don't worry it will go away.
Love Chandrani Sengupta