
I am seeking advice or more like experience with IVF(invitrofertilization)can anyone help me find out how to start. Any websites other than the norm on the web that can be helpful or personal experience. Thanks

I myself had IVF and went to Institute for Reproductive Health - Dr. Awadalla. Website is cincinnatifertility.com Good luck. They are wonderful.

To begin with, has your OB/GYN referred you to a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility specialist? How long have you been TTC without success? Most doctors will want to see a history of 12 months of TTC before recommending fertility intervention (unless you have some special considerations such as age or health conditions).

What made you determine that you should go the IVF route - your experience or the diagnosis of a physician (I don't mean for the tone of this question to sound negative or judgmental, just asking out of curiosity)? Most traditional insurance companies tend to require some sort of diagnosis before okaying treatment.

I received fertility treatments for 3 years until we had our son. Based upon my medical history and conditions, I was started at the most basic intervention (Clomid) then moved to more sophisticated techniques (pills, injectables, IUI, etc.). Many insurance companies will want patients to try more basic methods to see if they work before progressing to others that are more expensive and have a lower success rate.

Chances are you won't go straight to IVF (combining the sperm and egg outside of the body, letting them develop into embryos, then placed in the uterus) unless of course you have some sort of diagnosis that would require such a treatment. IVF is most commonly used when other methods were not successful. It is more likely that you would start out with oral/injectable drugs if you are not developing eggs or ovulating properly or IUI (intrauterine insemination) if your husband has low sperm count/mobility/motility before trying IVF.

(You may already know all this and have a diagnosis from your physician. I'm not trying to be condescending whatsoever, but would rather paint a broader picture of what to expect just in case you've never been through any of this before)

Three years for us was a long time. We had highs, lows, high hopes, crushed dreams, a miscarriage, feelings of failure, physical and emotional discomfort, but at the end of our journey we were blessed with a beautiful son who we love dearly.

I'm not sure where you are in the process. I can't really speak to the 'IVF piece' of the process, but I can definitely talk about Clomid, injectables, IUI, all the diagnostic testing, going to the doctor 3 times a week, first thing in the morning in the midst of a cycle for ultrasounds and blood draws, and all that other good stuff that goes along with infertility treatment. I'd be happy to answer any of those questions you might have - just let me know!

I went through many years of infertility and seeing a fertility specialist. Unfortunately I was told that I would be unable to conceive naturally or through fertility. However, I am now the mom of two beautiful adopted children. My advice would be a fertility specialist. I went to Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg at the Cleveland Clinic. Wonderful doctor. He preformed a Laporoscopy on to remove my stage 5 endo. After a year of trying he put me on Clomid. Long story short, it wasn't going to work for me. I have many friends that went through IVF with much success. And they all went through the Clinic. But at the end of the day don't be discouraged. There are other ways of becoming a mom, even if they aren't biologically yours it still means the same.
I hope that this has helped.

I went through IVF here in Louisville (www.kyinfertility.com). It's emotionally and physically draining, but I had a good experience and on the second attempt I became pregnant. My beautiful daughter is now 10 months old. I am already trying to decide when to return to them to start working on a little brother or sister! I'd happy to answer any specific questions...

IVF is a physically and emotionally draining process. After being diagnosed with endometriosis, it was the only option for my husband and I.

It involves many blood test, ultrasounds, physical exams, and a total lack of privacy in the exam room. Quite honestly, an experience I care not to repeat.

Fortunately, we were successful on the first try and have a beautiful daughter. We are trying to figure out the right timing for a frozen transfer, but a fresh cycle is not something I would want to do again.

Hi, a few friends of mine underwent IVF and IVF DE, and they recommend reading fertilityroad site that provides helpful articles by best fertility experts on how to prepare to IVF to boost chances. Hope this helps.