My great grandma is 98 years old and up til Nov. 2007 she lived alone and did a good job of taking care of herself and her 7 cats. Over the summer I noticed she was starting to talk nonsense sometimes and then be fine a few min. later. At first I didn't know if she was telling me truth or nonsense because alot of what she said made sense. Like she told me she was in the process of buying the house up the street for me to move into which for awhile she had the whole family thinking she did. It made complete sense for awhile until she started saying that my grandpa signed the papers and the guy that was selling the house gave it to me and my daughter because he loved my daughter so much but he'd never met her. Then once she tried to tell my grandma that I had called crying because my ex had hit me and that my grandpa and others were coming to get me but it never happened.
In Nov. she fell and broke her hip so she was in the hospital where she really didn't know where she was all the time. She thought she was in a house somewhere that had lots of rooms for everyone, etc. which we're still trying to figure that one out but whatever. She told us she had a farm and so many things that weren't true but what could we do but play along because no matter how many times you told her that she didn't have a farm or she wasn't someplace she didn't believe you.
When she was released from the hospital she had to be put in a nursing home which was a complete nightmare because she HATED it and so did we but we knew until her hip healed we couldn't care for her. She'd tell us everyday that my cousin was coming to help her escape and that she could walk, etc. She fell a few times trying to walk so they put an alarm on her so they would be alerted which then she was put in "time-out" at the nurse's station for trying to escape multiple times. SHe thought she owned the nursing home too and gave it to my grandma to take care of which solved that problem of telling her she didn't own it because we just played it off.
After she was released from the nursing home.. more like kicked out for slapping the therapist... she moved in with my grandma where she stays a month at a time before she goes to stay with one of her other daughters so that noone has her constantly. She has to be watched almost 24/7 or she tries to walk w/o a walker and ends up falling. She has days where everything is right as rain but then there are days she thinks the TV is a window, she thinks her husband is still alive, thinks there are a whole bunch of kids running around, etc. No matter how many times we tell her the opposite of what she says and try to explain it to her the madder she gets and it does us no good anyway.
We've had multiple tests ran and noone seems to know anything except that everything looks fine from their standpoint.
I know she's 98 and we all go a little crazy as we get older but I'm wondering if there's more to it.
Any help would be appriciated.