I want to be home when they are but I need to work

Does anyone know of any (legitimate) job opportunities that are part time, and available during school hours? I don't want to make any investments, and working outside the home would be fine. I have a degree and want to use it some day, but right now I would settle for something that works with my schedule.

My friend solved this problem by working for the school district. Seems like they're always hiring secretaries or lunch assistants and pay pretty well.

what about substitute teaching? If you have a degree, you qualify and the hours are great without having to make a commitment to full time employment.

Hi Karen,
After being a stay-at-home for 13 years, I went back work about a year and a half ago. I specifically wanted part-time work that would allow me to be home in the morning to get the kids off to school, and to be home before they got home, have the same days off, etc.

The only way I figured I could do that is if I worked for the school district. Depending on what sort of job you take, there may be days when your schedules don't exactly match.
Faculty,secretaries and custodians often have to work, even when the kids aren't in school-- so there would probably be 7-10 days a year when you'd have to find somekind of childcare. But that's pretty darn good for an entire school year.

The cafeteria is great if you want the same days off no matter what-- no kids at school, no one to feed!
Substitute teaching is great-- different districts have different requirements-- ours requires only 60 credit hours to be a sub-- and they don't care what your area of study is in. So, even if your degree is in the mating habits of the Tsi-tsi fly-- substituting would be another good option for you. There'd be work almost every day. But not at the schools start or get out at the same time-- so you might have to work some things out if you're subbing at a school that starts at 8:30am, but you're kids' school doesn't start until 9am.

Good luck!

HAve you thought about computer work or avon?

I currently work from home part time but its more of an online business then a job. But its Legit, No selling, No pressure. Here is the website www.AchievingBigDreams.com. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.