When I was 17 I had a breast reduction surgery. They made me sign a waiver saying that if I could not produce milk it was not their fault. However, the doctor said it would most likely either be no milk at all, or be perfectly fine. Well my son in 2 months old and I still am only producing between 1/2 oz and 1 oz each time I pump (every 3 to 4 hours). I am taking Fenugreek (herbal suppliment that is supposed to help), but so far no luck. I am willing to try anything!!! I am supplimenting with formula, so he is not starving, but I really would like for him to have more brestmilk..even if he is not eating all breastmilk, I would still like it to be more than he is getting right now. If anyone has anything that has worked, please let me know. Thanks
Hi Devon,
First of all I want to say "bravo" to you for sticking to your breastfeeding. It does take real dedication sometimes and it sounds like you have it. It is the best thing that you can do for your son. I wanted to ask you, are you pumping in between feedings or right after you feed your son? And are you pumping both breasts at the same time? I am sure that you have heard that your breast milk supply is caused by demand, so if you have just fed your son on 1 breast, try to pump the other so that both breasts empty out completely. Does that make sense? Also make sure that you are drinking enough water(at least 10 glasses a day). And get enough rest(I know kinda hard with a 2 month old) but do try your best. Another trick to increase your supply is anything malted like malted milk, chocolate malt balls, or even a dark brewed beer that has malt or hops in it. I have heard that the combo of the Fenugreek, malted foods/drinks and pumping until your breasts empty out completely is a good combination to increasing your breast milk supply. Hope that this helps, I wish you the most success and keep it up as long as you can for your baby's sake!
I may get blasted for this but I will just tell you what I've done. I very recently put up a similar question so we are in the same situation. I tried all the supplements (5 or 6), pumping constantly, feeding every hour and a half, everything anyone recommended. I found out about domperidone (motilium), an rx not available in the US. I read all about it on dr. jack newman's site and ordered it from overseas. I just started taking it. Go to www.breastfeedingonline.com for Dr. Newman's article about it. They also have a list of overseas pharmacies that sell it. pm me if you have questions. This is just what I CHOSE to do for myself and my baby so no blasting please!
Hello Devon,
anise seed and start anise tea will help increase your milk supply. you can get that at the health food store. I know even walmart sells anise seed in the spice section. just boil a teaspoon in a cup of water for a couple of minutes and if you want, add a bit sugar or honey. Good luck and keep trying! ~Carmen~
My doctor was able to prescribe me with Reglan which helped increase my milk supply after just 3 days from 1 ounce to nearly 3 ounces. Check with your ob/gyn on his/her take on this medication, this will become a daily intake until you are finished with nursing. Hope this helps!
Mother's milk tea many of my friends have drank this and swear by it. You can get it at the health food stores. Also Blessed Thistle pills will help as well. Eating oatmeal, red meat also brewers yeast is supposed to work at increasing the milk supply.
I too was unbale to make much milk. I wanted more for my children and felt horrible about it. I spoke with their pediatrician and he assured me even the smallest amount it a blessing to your baby. He told me to look at it as a vitiman supplement. So please try not to stress yourself out, you are doing whats best and giving them all you can.
Hi Devon!
I havea premie little girl and she is now 6 months old. She can not have solids yet because she can't handle them and she refuses a bottle so I am all breastfed. I had a problem for a little while just recently not producing enough milk for her so I was given Mother's milk tea. Within a day I was producing more milk. You have to ensure that you are taking 3-5 cups a day. It really does help. Good luck!
Make sure you're getting plenty of fluids and rest if possible. Congratulations and good luck to you!!
Are you sure the problem is not producing enough or just not able to pump what is there? I produced a lot, I fed on one side while the other side gushed and leaked through everything. So, I knew i was definately producing a lot. However, when I pumped I could hardly get a 1/2 oz. I could get more out by pumping manually (my own hand)than I could with a pump. Pumps are not as easy as they may seem. So, I just stuck with breastfeeding and gave up on bottles. Breastfeed as much as possible. He's probably getting more than you think. Drink a LOT of water.
its better to nurse then pump. you let down more when nursing.. usually people that are trying to wing off(stop) nursing pump. nursing makes you produce more. also try running warm water on your breast in the shower each time you take a shower. it will stimulate them! dont wear tight bras... hope this helped
You can change the way you supplement. The ideal way would be at the breast - a nursing supplementer. It can be as simple as a tube in a bottle that someone is holding. The other end of the tube is put just behind the nipple. You can hold the bottle up high so that the supplement comes out quickly - that will entice the baby to start nursing. The idea is that gradually the baby gets more and more efficient at nursing and receives less and less supplement. The emotional connection of actual nursing would hopefully help your supply. The best source for more information on this would by Dr. Jack Newman. He has a video clip of his supplementer: http://www.drjacknewman.com/video/inserting%20a%20lactation%20aid-1.wmv. He also has books.
I had a reduction when I was 18, too, and wasn't able to BF in any way at all. I think you're doing really well, actually! My milk came in, I got extremely engorged, but could not get the milk out at all.
A website you might already have looked at is the BFAR site. I found it useful, both in terms of factual information about breastfeeding after a reduction as well as emotional support for the decisions I made about my body and how to feed my daughter.
You could also try Reglan. I took it to increase my supply while breastfeeding my twins and pumping at work. It was recommended to me by a lactation consultant and prescribed by my OB. It really worked for me.
Based on both your posts, I highly suggest searching out a lactation consultant in your area and pursuing that route before you resort to formula and meds. Fenugreek should help.
I have nursed each of my 3 kids and currently am nursing my youngest of 15 mos. My oldest was born 6wks premature and we had our hurdles in the beginning w/ breastfeeding, but I will tell you 2 VERY important must dos- 1. drink LOTS of water-do not sit to nurse w/o a big glass of water next to you to drink throughout the time you are nursing; water is what helps your body make milk! Drink water ALL day-yes you will pee a lot, but this is all good! 2. formula has to stop- the more you supplement, the less your body will make and also the more your baby will prefer the bottle (as you mentioned already) b/c it is easier. When baby sucks it is stimulating more milk production. So, the more you nurse, the more you make. Lanolin will help if you suffer from sore nipples initially, and you don't need to wash it off before nursing-apply after nursing and wear disposable nursing pads so your bras stay clean.
Also, your concern about baby getting enough is very common for Mom's who give formula and also pump, but your body knows how much to make; when baby sucks they are getting more than when you pump b/c it is a different stimulation; baby's tummy is small so it doesn't take much to fill up. Breastfed babies have to be fed more frequently b/c breastmilk is made for them and more easily digested than formula. I do remember many times nursing and feeling like I just finished and I'd have to start over again (like you mentioned) but also you have to remember it's 2hrs from the time you start, not the time you finish nursing and sometimes nursing a newborn can drag out for 45 minutes! Also, when they have growth spirts you will notice what seems to be back to back nursing.
Make sure your baby is peeing and pooping enough and gaining weight-all good indicators of getting enough milk from you.
Your rest is important too-your body knows!
For your best peace of mind, see a lactation consultant (or maybe they could come to you) so you can have the one on one attention to your specific concerns and have them addressed appropriately with someone experienced and presnt to see for themselves.
Aside from 2 homebirths, breastfeeding is my most proud accomplishment. It is not easy but with determination and the right help you can get over these seemingly big hurdles and have a successful experience breastfeeding.
All the best to you and your baby!
Hi Devon,
I am with April P. seek out a Lactation Specialist. This is what they specialize in. A lot of advise you have gotten may be what she will reccomend also. But get under her care and advise.
I too had problems with nursing and my Pediatrician was smart enough to just send me to her. It is kinda like going to your Contractor on your home for an electrical problem. Although he may know what to do or have an idea a good Contractor will tell you to seek out an Electrician!!
I would not have been able to nurse my children the 12 mths. that I did had it not been for my Lactation Specialist. She was awesome!! Her advise and Lactation Clinics (She had clinics once a week that you went to with your baby so she could spend time with each mom while they nursed and see what problems that there might be). Sometimes it could be the baby is not latching on right therefore you are not getting the right stimulation etc....
Usually the hospital or your Pediatric Office will have one to reccommend. Also, you can check the internet. There is a lot of them out there that have their own business and are not necessarily affiliated with a Doctor or Hospital. I had two Lactation Specialist in the beginning with my first child until I found the one I stuck with because she ran an office in conjunction with my Pediatrician's Office. Much easier and she had more to offer.
Most of them will sell the Bras, Breast Pump, sometimes even the herbs/medication you may need.
Good Luck!
Ok, probably should have said this in my message because a few of you have said the same thing about nursing. I do not nurse anymore because my son gets frustrated that he has to work so hard for such little milk. When I was still nursing he would eat every 45 minutes. He would be happy with it for about 5 minutes and then get ticked. Also I very rarely saw milk in his mouth or on the sides of his mouth. He was hospitalized because he lost so much weight and his jaundice levels were so high because he was not getting enough to flush his system.(and he didnt have jaundice at all really when we left the hospital with him) After I started the formula he got better over night and was released from the hospital the next day.
OK…so I just went to the doctors today and spoke with the doctor and she said that she would write me a script for Domperidone, BUT I called Apothecary Shops to see how much it was and they said that it is illegal now. They just got letters 2 days ago saying they are not allowed to compound it anymore. So i would have to order it online…Does anyone know where I can get it where it is not super expensive???