How to keep my kids socks organized

Does anybody has any ideas on how to keep my kids socks organized?

Sock sorting is my least favorite chore activity! I dislike it so much that I keep a laundry bin set aside near the dryer and simply throw any and all socks in there when they come out, collecting them for several weeks at a time! Then, once every 2-3 weeks, we have a sock matching party/ contest on the floor in the living room and the kids, and even my husband, will sit and match socks to see who can make the most pairs. Sounds silly, but it works. Then they get put away in everyone's sock drawers.
Footnote/ warning- you have to invest in a bazillion pairs of socks to operate like this, but I really hate sock sorting, so it works for me.

As a mom to 4 kids I have to say that socks are a terrible issue. The way I ended up solving it was to buy all the same socks (bought at costco and always white socks). At the end of laundry day I'd just throw the socks into a laundry basket and put it on top of the dryer. When the kids were getting dressed they would make a stop in the laundry room to grab sock. Worked well for us and no wasted time sorting things.

We use lingerie bags, 1 per person to throw their dirty socks into. Then I zip the bag and wash them in the bag. They come out clean and together, then each family member matches their own socks. The only problem I have is getting the little ones to remember to put their socks in the bag to begin with!

I love the socks from Target. I forget the exact brand but they have stripes indicating the different sizes on the toes. My 2 year old has the socks with 1 stripe and my 4 year old has the socks with 2 stripes. They have both boys & girls.

I like the laundry bag suggestion. That seems like it would work well.

As far as organization in their drawers - I just don't do it.


Hi Silvia,
In the drawer, I fold them up and organize by color. This seems to spark the interest of my youngest. She views it as a game. In the hamper/wash, lingerie bags work great. I hang the lingerie bag off a door knob, a bed post or you can designate a hook strictly for the lingerie bag. On laundry day, zip up the bag, wash and return to the kids to fold or already folded for them to put away. Good Luck.

I use on of those clear plastic shoe racks that hang over the door. I have it on the inside of the closet door and all my daughter socks and tights are in there.

I worked full time when my kids were little. Everyone wore the same color socks white or grey tube socks. (except for special occassions) I decided this after a bout of carpal tunnel syyndrome from folding laundry. That worked just fine till they were old enough to do their oen laundry

I have three kids (Girl 7 and 2 boys 5,3) I found that the easiest way to keep the socks organized is to only buy them all the same socks!! My kids all have white socks and when I do laundry I fold them and put them all in the same bin. Then the kids know where they are and can easily find socks.

Hi Silvia,

I think that the best way to keep those socks organized is to keep them in a square shaped box or basket and to fold them in a way that they won't get mixed with the other socks in order for you first to find the other one. Then you can fit them straight up in color order it will be easier to find the one to fit the outfit of that day. hope that I was some kind of help.

I don't understand this question....

I throw the socks in the washer/dryer, fold matches into eachother and put them in a sock drawer. Am I missing something, I don't get why you need a system for this. Something is definitely over my head hear. I do laundry for 5, a 2 year old, a 14 year old, a 23 year old (myself), a 24 year old, and a 51 year old, and never seem to have any problems. (I have an apartment but take my laundry to my mother's and do hers and my sisters in repayment for use of her washer/dryer)

Are you making it more of a problem than it really is? The more we sweat the small stuff, the bigger they seem.

all i do is after washing the clothes, i pair the socks up, each pair i fold in 1/2 to make sure they stay together, and then toss them in the top draw (where i keep the pj's and shirts). hope this helps....oh, yeah, with mine...since they're bigger then hers, i pair them up, then roll them neatly into a ball and fold the top over to keep them together (that's where i got the idea for her socks) i tend to be O.C.D. over things like this. again, hope it helps.

Hang a shoe holder-the one with pockets on it-putting socks of different colors in the pockets. Use a marker or labeler to label the contents. This also works for baby shoes, mittens and hats, and for the huge variety of hair pieces little girls have. I have used them for many things through the years-even those little cars and trucks, doll clothes, etc. Good luck. Also, a zipper laundry bag is great for keeping socks together in the wash, making it so much easier to put them away-the small lingerie bag is perfect. I use one for my socks yet.

What I have done for years and now do for my daughter's socks is pin them together with safety pins. When I get a new pair of socks, I just pin them at the toes and throw them in her sock drawer. When she wears a pair, I put the pin on a little dish on her dresser. When they come off, I re-pin them and put them in the hamper/laundry. I have never had to play, "Where is the other sock?" either after doing laundry or when trying to get dressed. It's worked for years for me.

I pair my girls' socks up after I wash them, then I roll one sock up and stuff it inside the other sock to keep the pairs together.
... oh, if we all lived in Monica O.'s perfect world!

I used to try to fold the socks together. Now I just separate each child's socks into their own pile. Then they go in one area in the underwear drawer. The older kids dig for matches, and I get the younger ones. It's a lost cause and there will always be the ones that fall behind the washer or dryer or end up lost deep under a bed.

I have a friend who just dyed each child's socks a different color. Pink for the youngest girl, blue for the boy, yellow for the other. That way she just bunched them all up and put them away. No need for matching and guessing who they belong to.

I have 5 little boys...8,7,6,4 and 18mos....for underwear, under shirts and socks....each child has his own brand and/or size...(hanes, f of the loom, childrens place, etc...) and hanes socks say hanes on them for the different size in a different color blue, green, red and the babies are black....makes sorting a breeze....IKEA has a sock drawer organizer if you are looking for a way to seperate them in a drawer but you could always just use the bottom of a shoe box in the drawers too.

I would mark them on the bottom so after washing them I knew which ones to pair up. Hope that helps...

In the future buy the same kind of socks. Then you don't need to worry about matching them or if one gets lost or gets a big hole since there will be others to match it. You can use shoe boxes in the drawer to separate different types of socks for example sports socks/dress socks. Bundling them together in pairs stretches and damages the elastics. Hope this helps!

Sharon Hoehner