How to get "out there" to find employment

Hi Moms. I feel a little stupid asking, but here goes - other than getting resumes up on career builder, etc., interviewing at placement firms, what else can I do to make my job search more efficient? I'm not really interested in doing a work-from-home/MLM thing as a primary source of income because I spent several years in 100% commission business and I'm burnt out on that. It's been a LONG time since I've had to look for a job - more than 10 years - so the world has changed a LOT. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Not sure if you might be interested.
A friend of ours just opened up his State Farm Agency in Plano and is looking for someone to join their team full time.
It's base plus commission.
I don't believe you have to be licensed, he will train the right person. If you'd like more info just shoot me an email: [email protected]
Good luck!

Depending on what type of position you are looking for, you may be able to go directly to a company's website to see the positions they are looking to fill. For example, on Raytheon's site you can create a profile and they will send you an email when your qualifications match an opening.
Networking is a great way to find something. Ask for help from people you know.
Also, go to job fairs.
Good luck!

Craigslist is used a lot for both employers and employees, it is great because there are so many people on it and the fees are very low for the employers.

Another great job site is Indeed ( It has postings from lots of other job sites and even remembers your recent searches.

You should also check out LinkedIn ( It is a great professional networking site (and it's free). Start out by connecting to folks you know (you can test it by inviting me - Carla Phillips, DFW, Citadel Media). It's a great way to start getting connected and recruiters/hiring managers search it for viable candidates.

Just to get in the spirit - get up early, dress business casual and have coffee at Starbucks during the commute hour. Not necessarily every day but once a week or so to keep your spirits up and FEEL connected. If you just have a regular coffee, you can keep the investment to about $2.

well, i am in your same shoes. only i graduated in 06 with a degree in nutrition research and a double minor in chemistry and biology and was searching and appplying for jobs for 2 years. all i got was "you dont have any experience". what i dont understand is why no one will hire me to get the 'experience". i was even willing to volunter in the companies and they didn't call me. Now i have a baby to keep my hands full but still want to find at least a part time job.
Good luck to you!