How to get candle wax out of a table cloth

Thanks to my daughter's help blowing out the Christmas candles, there is a lot of wax dried onto my linen table cloth. Is there any way to get it out, or is the tablecloth a total loss? Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!

Scrape as much of the wax off as possible. Then, place some paper towels under the table cloth and on top of it, where the wax is and iron it on a low setting. Usually the paper towels will soak up the melted wax as you iron.
Good luck!

put the table cloth in the freezer and get the wax frozen. Once frozen, the wax should easily pick right off, that's how I get it out of candle holders once the candle has melted down, saw it on TV one day and it worked perfectly. I'm assuming it will work fine on the table cloth too.

You've gotten good advice so far. I was going to add some links to advice (but it's pretty much what the other ladies already said).

However, I saw a product at Bed, Bath & Beyond called something like Wax Out or Wax Away or something like it for removing wax from things. I looked at it because I threw away a sweater that had gotten wax on it that I couldn't get out using the methods described... I was wishing I had seen this product sooner.

I used this to get wax out of the carpet. Place a cotton towel over the wax and place your warm iron on top. The iron will heat the wax and the towel will asorb it. Make sure you use a towel that you do not want to keep since the wax will then be stuck to that. You will also want to move the iron around; don't leave in one place. Hope that helps!

Once you have the large pieces of wax off of the table cloth, I would recommend using a product called Solumel. I've known Solumel to get out candle wax and crayon out of carpet. It is a great solvent that will get out just about any waxy, oily, or water-based stain. I love it!

I've used the iron and towel trick. Put the iron on the highest heat setting (especially since the cloth is linen), and use a damp towel.

I've used the iron trick too to get candle wax out in the past. Except instead of using a towel, I use a brown paper bag. That way, you just throw it out & nothing is ruined.

Good Luck!

My Mom just had this happen at Thanksgiving with one of her very nice tablecloths. She froze it to peel off the wax and then used Goo Gone to remove the stain and oily mess. She said it looks new.

A product from Melaleuca called Solumel will remove this might also try tea tree oil. I have used both to remove wax and it works well...

Maggie, just want to add my enthusiasm for Sol-U-Mel from Melaleuca! My friend got red candle wax out of her white carpet with it. Natalie [email protected]

You can put something over it and iron it. It will melt the wax onto whatever you're ironing on (towel, paper towel, etc) Good luck

Place several layers of newspaper over the wax and iron with hot iron over and over again, moving the paper as needed to allow the wax to have a new place to be absorbed. This works like a charm unless the wax had some dye in it. The only time this failed me is with red wax. The wax came out but the red dye stayed in.
Hope this helps

put a cloth on top and Iron it out, it will melt away!

I've heard you can use ice to make the wax hard enough to peel off, but I've never tried it.

If you put a paper bag over the spot and then iron over it the wax should be absorbed into the paper bag. It might take a few minutes. If it doesn't work right away keep trying it for a little bit. It has always worked for me. There is a really great book you can get called "Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean" by Linda Cobb. It's only about $9, and it has some really interesting ways of getting a ton of stuff clean. I'm not sure if this is where I heard about the wax solution, but it's a great book.
Hope this helps.

The solution depends on the tablecloth fabric, if they are stain resistant polyester tablecloths like the ones on

Then do the following... to get the wax off first freeze the cloth and then remove the frozen wax... keep in mind there will still be a "wax oil" stain below the wax... to remove this wax oil stain use 4 tablespoons of salt and 4 tablespoons of club soda in enough water to cover the fabric... soak for 24 to 48 hours.... then launder normally, if the cloths are white add a touch of bleach.

Thanks for all the replies. I think I’ll get out the iron tonight and try it!