I find myself in an unwanted situation I cannot seem to find a way to avoid. I park in my office building garage and have been doing so for over a decade. Before COVID, I used to run into a guy who would park nearby and we’d ride the elevator to the lobby, making small talk about the weekend, or the traffic, etc., very mundane conversation. I thought nothing of it. I ran into him recently, and it turns out he changed cars so I did not recognize his car, and I am now working later hours due to having to drop off my daughter in college, so we have not been seeing each other. He was his usual friendly self and said we should keep in touch and asked me to text him. I didn’t mind at the time, thinking we’d text each other very occasionally, like if there’s traffic, road closures, or a building event. Apparently, he thought differently.
He offered to meet downstairs for coffee sometime, whenever I had a chance. It seemed relaxed enough, so I said sure, though I am actually busy enough that I eat lunch at my desk daily. I told him we can meet sometime, but things are busy now. He followed up a few times and I told him things at work were busy. Well, he texted me yesterday saying he hoped I had a good weekend and hoped we could meet. I texted around 10 PM saying I was just getting home from work, and ignored the wishful meeting part. This morning, I have a text saying it is his birthday and he was hoping he could get a birthday hug.
I am cringing as I am the kind of person that is big on personal boundaries and feel hugs should only come from people you’re extremely close to, like a good friend, boyfriend, family member…not a casual elevator acquaintance. I don’t even know how to respond so I haven’t. The fact we run into each other often lately, as he knows my daughter spends the afternoons at the lobby doing homework waiting for me to drop off her lunch makes it an issue because it means I cannot avoid him forever, and he may start hanging around her.
He introduced himself to my daughter when he saw us together, so he knows who she is. My daughter witnessed our interactions and says she doesn’t see anything wrong with my behavior that may have led him to think this was okay or that I was interested. We both noticed he had a wedding ring, which is why that text this morning seemed even more shocking to me, as if he was opening the door to physical contact with a stranger. I don’t want to appear rude as we may run into each other and who knows how he may react. I have had bad experiences with people when I have told them I am not interested, so I am not sure how to convey the message of, “Hey, I am a friendly person, I think networking is great and being neighborly is too, but I am not interested in being BFFs or anything more.” Any suggestions?