How much formula for a 10 month old, 21 lb boy?

Hello everyone,
I was exclusively breast feeding my son, until he turned 6 months. I could not keep up with his demand, so we added a formula bottle at night. At 9 months he was taking 2 bottles a day & it was pretty obvious that I was producing less & less milk. At his 9mo appt we ask the dr how much formula to give him & she said, as much as he will take. He will let you know when he is full. At the time that was fine w/us b/c I was still half breast feeding. Now, I've just about completely dried up. The last 2 days he has taken 4 bottles with 6 oz of formula each. I would like to know what is average (how much do you give) for a 10 month old who weighs 21 lbs. He is a very healthy eater. He is eating "adult" (finger) foods at all 3 meals. Occassionally he will have a snack between lunch & dinner. I don't really see the need to go back to the doctor for this, b/c he is not complaining. But I would like to know if we are close to the recommended amounts or if we need to seriously increase or decrease the bottles. Thank you for all your help.

HI Susan!! 4 to 5 bottles a day with 6 to 8 oz of formula is totally great. That's what my girls did and that is also what the little one I currently babysit does as well (he's 10 mo old and about 20 lbs too). As he eats more and you begin to move to a sippy cup (or juice boxes) he should naturally cut back on his bottles. I know formula is much more expensive now than it was when my kids were little, but you should always offer him a little more than he will actually take (up to 8oz). If he is taking all of the 6 oz offer him 7 or 8oz. Its better to have a little waste than a baby that will want another bottle in just a couple of hours. You might also want to feed him first, then give him a bottle to "top him off". Good snacks in between lunch and dinner is also good, since there is usually such a bigger gap time between the two. Best wishes!

Hi there. I am in the same position as you are. My daughter is 10 months old as well. She is eating 3 meals a day and is nursing or getting a bottle 4 times a day. Her doctor told me that kids her age need anywhere between 20 to 30 ounces a day. He also said that if she is having at least 2 wet diapers a day she is fine. She has more wet diapers than that but I think she gets around 25 ounces a day. It's hard to guess with breastfeeding. But I'm doing more bottles now because she is becoming less interested in the breast. She's too busy. Good luck.

I think 24 oz. (at least) is a good starting point. So if he gets 7-8 oz 3 or 4 times pe day, I think he'll be good to go. You can always add an extra ounce per bottle to see if he wants more.

well, at 1 year, they say minimum 16 oz and a max of 24 oz. I think before a year, 20-24 oz is about right. Anything over 24 oz usually will fill them up and they won't want solids.

between 21 to 32 ounces a day. sounds like you are doing great. if you feel he is not getting enough calcium feed him some yogurts. stonyfield farms makes nice ones for babies. it is called yobaby.

Mother nature has handled this for you! For real, as much as he will take! There is no proper amount that it right for every child, he'll automatically hit the average. Offer him 8 ounces when he wakes up, 8 new ounces or the rest if he didn't finish a couple hours later, and do that all day long. He won't overeat. My husband is always "waiting until our son cries" or "wondering if he" should eat more, I tell him, "The only way to know if a baby is hungry, is try to feed him. Sometimes he'll eat when you don't know it, and sometimes he's full. Just try. Pack him full during the day, and he'll sleep all night.

Our just turned 10 month old takes between 20 and 32 ounces a day on average. He is also a pretty healthy eater. He usually takes 3-4 8 ounce bottles a day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon at nap time, and one later in the evening (with the extra sometimes coming in sometime in between the morning and the evening one depending on how early he has the morning one, depending on whether or not he seems to want it and whether or not he is having a good eating day or a growth spurt).

According to an article on (it was a pretty good article on called Guidelines for Babies and included suggestions for what types of foods to offer at each age/stage), a 7-9 month old should have between 24-32 ounces of formula a day. They say a 10-12 month old should have between 16-24 ounces a day. I think if you are getting close to 24 ounces (whether a little above or below), you are doing good. Let your son guide you. If he is still hungry, he'll let you know.

Good luck. Hope this helps.

You are doing great in my opinion. I had two children a boy and a girl who only weighed 16 lbs at a year old. If you and your husband are of average height around 5'6" or more he sounds great. In another month the pediatrician will probablly say get him on milk of some kind. You are doing great...

I just went to the dr for a check up and he told me that babies need 24 oz of milk/formula a day until they are 1. So it sounds like you are on track!

Hi everyone, thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. Its good to know we are right on track.