How do I protect my daughter from house floor vents?

We just recently moved in to an older home that has floor vents. (Same for my in-laws house). My daughter isn't yet crawling or walking, but I want to be prepared. How do I protect her from the floor vents? I am mostly concerned for when it is winter and we have the heat on. I don't want her to get burned. Any advice? My Mom said she thought there was something you could put up around them, but I haven't heard/seen anything like that.

You can find covers on websites like this:

I haven't seen anything to cover them or put up around them, but my advice would be just make sure all corners are evenly on the floor and that they are securely screwed in the floor. When I was younger (4-5) I pulled up a vent in the floor that wasnt screwed in and then ended up falling in it - the metal inside the vent cut my leg to the bone. After 17 stitches I was good as new, now with a 3-4 inch scar below my knee. Just let her know its not a play thing and make sure the vents aren't able to be pulled up. Good Luck!

The house where all three of my children learned to crawl and walk had floor vents. They were never too hot or cold for them. I never remember giving them a thought. They are located mainly right under windows very close to the wall. Children typically spend most of their time in the middle of the room and not on the perimiter, up against the wall. If you are concerned, place a chair over the vents and most children will take the path of least resistance.

I have only lived in one apartment that had ceiling vents. Every other place I have lived had floor vents. I have sat crisscross on the vents in my bedroom very often with a blanket wrapped around me after coming out of the cold. I also think the vents are usually around the wall/window areas. I think if you really want them covered then purchase the break-proof plastic air flow directors covers. They look like a 1/4 section of a hallow tube. They have magnets on the bottom and you slide them closer together or farther apart to fit over your vent. They direct the air to blow where you want. Point the opening at the wall and she may not even notice them. They sell at Wal-Mart, Lowes, any hardware store.

Or just put magnetic covers on them. I have these on the vents in the rooms right off the unit. They are too hot or cold when the door gets closed. I leave them on about 3/4 of the vent. These are flat, white plastic sheets that are magnetic on one side.

When we first moved into our house we had only one child who was learning to walk. We moved into this house during the winter time. The vents never hurt her when she crawled or walked across them. They will not get too hot to burn. She probably touched them many many times, and she was never burned or hurt at all. Now we have another child who is crawling and now fixing to learn how to walk. These vents are no longer used becaused we moved everthing to the attic and had new air ducts put in the ceiling. My second child craws across the living room one all the time because it is by our back doors. It never has hurt her at all. There is not much to worry about them.