I have a stressful job and need to decompress. I see nothing wrong with making my wife stay in her room all night not making a sound at all.
i want everyone out of the kitchen and den between 5 and 11:30. No conversations even emergency conversations. Between 11:30 and 2 a.m. no using the bathroom. I bathe and it ruins my bath if anyone use the toilet.
No water no snacks no grabbing your dinner to heat it up. Wife says she works till six or seven and that's unfair. I expect to stay in her room and not come out or make a sound.i have a noise sensitivity issue. I need solitude . I don't like talking music singing chewing noises or them looking at me or walking out the front door.
My wife moved my plate slightly to get her some food which pissed me off because she had no right to touch it.
My teenager seems to dislike me. lives with her mother and when she rarely visits spends all her time with my wife .
I don't know why they leave all the time and stay out out until late. I want them here all the time but to be seen and not heard.
MY wife said I guess I am not allowed to eat dinner. she can eat. But I guess she is lazy . We can't be out in the kitchen together. It's too triggering. I don't understand why she doesn't understand boundaries. she just can't disturb me at all for any reason.