How can I get my 8 month old to go poo- I gave her prunes and applesauce- efa's

My daughter , well all 3 of my kids have been once a week or so poopers-but now that she is eating some food she is writhing in pain like she is constipated -I have tried a few home remidies but don't want to use medicine -any help-thanks I nurse exclusively -I just clicked wrong catagory

Watermelon has been a lifesaver for us. We also make smoothies every morning, but I'm not sure your 8 month old could drink from a straw just yet.
Best of luck,

When my daughter was about 6 months old, I weaned her off breast feeding onto formula and had a problem with her only going every three days. My doctor suggested saline suppositories which are over the counter available at any pharmacy type store. I was very hesitant but when I gave them to her it bother me more than her but she went within 30 minutes and I had to do that for about a month every third day until it regulated her.

My son gets constipated often because he holds his poop. I tried all kinds of natural laxatives (fruit, etc.) but nothing worked. The only thing that worked was Miralax. You mix the powder with any beverage. My son doesnt even notice the difference. I think its great.

You might try giving her some warm water to drink. It sounds like she may need more liquids in her body than she's getting from her milk or formula.

My daughter gets constipated unless I give her homemade apple sauce. Apple sauce from the jar does not work. Go figure! So we peal, steam, and then puree it at home. She poops like crazy later in the day or the next day. Good Luck!
arika and Lily (one year on Thursday!!!)


This is a super common problem with a very simple and cheap solution. :)
What I did was buy Natural Vitality Baby Calm, you can get Kid Calm for your older ones, and started with the recommended serving and increased until the stool is comfortably loose. That's the label directions.
It's a magnesium supplement. The overwhelming majority of the country is deficient in magnesium and that's the problem you get without enough mag.
You can increase every 24 hours until you see the results you want.
You can find it at local health stores or online.
Feel free to call for help. 916-532-1745

My doctor recommended adding a little bit of wheat bran to the baby's food to help get things moving.

We went through a similar situation with my son when we started introducing solids to him arond 6 months old. Sometimes, he would seem uncomfortable, while other times he seemed fine. His pediatrician at the time recommended the "Ps"... peaches, prunes, peas, papaya, any food that starts with a "P." She said, "The P will make him poop," and I'll be darned if it didn't work! Not only did it expand his tastes (and my horizons), but it helped. Oatmeal cereal rather than rice cereal helped as well.

However, keep in mind that your breastmilk is a natural laxative for her, and it's perfectly normal for her to go several days between poops... but only if she's comfortable. You say she's writhing like she's in pain. Does she cry or show other signs of discomfort? If so, I'd try the foods that will help her go and avoid the foods that will stop her up (rice cereal, bananas especially!).

We sprinkle about a tablespoon of Wheat Germ on my daughter's cereal and yogurt each day and that keeps things moving well. She's always been a frequent pooper, but once we started solid food in addition to breast feeding she would occasionally have smaller, harder poops. So I started adding the wheat germ and it's been fantastic for us.


You can also try adding a probiotic to her diet. I've used Bio-K (from the health food store or whole foods) and Genestra Brands HMF powder. Plus, probiotics are a great boost for her immune system. I've given my twin boys probiotics since they were three months old. They'll be 1 year on Nov. 1st. They go every day and sometimes twice a day. I also give it to my 4 year old. And he is quite regular also.

I have been going through this with my baby also. didnt go through with my older daughter. Oatmeal or Barley instead of rice, stayed away from peas, sweet pot. Recently my doctor had me give her magienum-? $2 over the counter jar and helped for sure.
water, juice with water in a sippy cup
all the fruit still didnt help my daughter until the magienum it a liquid a few drops. Enjoy your precious one they grow up fast!