I am moving to the Chicago area. I have been told that Naperville is a great place to move. Can anyone suggest a good neighborhood that is close to good schools?
Thanks Jennifer
Yes, Naperville is a very nice area with good schools (District 204 and Dist 203). You'll need a hefty income to afford some of the houses and the property taxes because you'll be paying for the Naperville zip code - if you can believe that. Median price for a 4 BR/2.5 BA is probably at least $350,000 - probably more. Some neighborhoods are over $500,000 and still others are over $1Mill. I live in Aurora, neighboring suburb to Naperville. Parts of Aurora near Fox Valley Mall are also Naperville schools, District 204. Consider Aurora/Oswego area less than 5 miles south and west of Naperville. It's a booming area. Oswego School district is 308, brand new H.S. that opened in 2005, several new Jr. High's opening all over because the area is booming. I would recommend you seek out a realtor first. Good luck.
Hello I do not care for Naperville way to congested and takes forever to get around that town. Consider Wheaton!
My kids go to the WHeaton schools but we live in unincorporated Carol Stream/Wheaton. Great neighborhoods for sure and even better schools!!
I live in Naperville (school district 204 area) and LOVE it! District 203 and 204 are the best school districts but taxes are cheaper in 203 and schools are newer in 204... Decisions, decisions... Email me and you can ask me any questions about this city!
i live in south lisle (greentrails and college ave) taxes aren't that bad and our kids will be in 203 naperville district
i can see the jr high from my house we have 27 miles of walking/biking trails
You will find that Naperville is very nice but extrememly pricey. It was named one of the top cities to live in recently. However that comes at a price. Many people live there just to say they do. They do have great schools, but the cost of land is very expensive. What price range are you looking for? What size home?
There are several areas surrounding Naperville that get you much more home for the money and are only a few minutes away. I live in Plainfield, and personally think that spending $80k more for the same house 5 miles away is not a smart investment. We choose to get a better home for the $80k. Also, you can enjoy all the amenities of Naperville wihtout living there. That's my advice! Good luck!
Sorry- just saw the date of the post!
We finally moved in to our home in Naperville I love it here but it took some time! We had some wonderful realtors that have become our great friends and found us a great home too!!Coincidentally we met them on mamasource, I think we are really going to like it here!