We really love my daughter's teacher and wanted to get her a little something for Teacher Appreciation Day. My daughter told me her teacher loves to garden so she wanted to buy her something for that. I took her to the store with me and she picked out a small rose bush because she thought her teacher would love the color and the smell, and was so excited to present her gift to her teacher. We are on a tight budget so it was nothing expensive, but a token of our appreciation. There is also an aid in the classroom who has only been there for a couple of months. We did not buy anything for her. My daughter presented her gift to her teacher, along with a card she made.I picked my daughter up today and she was very upset because the aid thanked my daughter for the lovely rose bush, and wrote her a thank you note! My question is; do I mention to her teacher that she picked that out especially for the teacher, and was really upset that the teacher gave it away, if so how do I do it tactfully, or do I let it go? We tried telling my daughter that maybe her teacher was wanting the aid to be aknowledged as well, but she is still very upset, mainly because she put a lot of thought into this gift for her teacher, NOT the aid. I am a teacher as well, and can never in a million years imagine a student giving me a gift and me turning around and giving it to my aid, AND letting my aid believe it was purchased for her!Thank you all for your input.
I would gracefully tell the teacher what you told us. The aid needs to be appreciated too but not at the expense of your daughters feelings. If the teacher was to give the flowers to the aid she could have done it without your daughter knowing it. Tell her you didn't have the money for a present for both. Tell her how much thought your daughter put into the gift. Tell her how about how upset she is! I am sure she did not mean to hurt your girl in any way. It is a sticky issue if not handled gentlely.
Good Luck,
Cathy B
I would say something!!!! The teacher needs to realize that she hurt your daughters feeling. I don't know what that teacher was thinking when she did that, obviously she was at ALL. I'm sorry that your daughter had to witness that. Good luck!
Is it possible that the aid thought it was for both of them? It may not neccessarily be that the teacher turned around and gave it to her. I'd just ask her teacher about it and walk in without any assumptions then clear things up.
I would talk to the teacher about it - it may have been a misunderstanding, they may have thought it was for the aid. And the teacher may want to make things right with your daughter - I would find out though, for peace of mind:)
Good Luck,
It seems like their may have been a misunderstanding...although I'm not sure how they would have confused the gift since your daughter made a card. Was the teacher's name clearly written on the card? I can't imagine a teacher regifting, especially in front of a student.
Thank you all so much for your advice. I did sit down with her teacher. She said she told the aid (in front of the class) that they would share them and that she was keeping them in the classroom.She was unaware that the aid had taken them home. She was very apologetic and even spoke with my daughter. The flowers were returned and all is good! Thanks so much!