Every morning when I prepare lunch for my kids to take to school, it takes me forever.. I am out of new ideas and new recipes. Any suggestions???
Right now, my kids really love these little sandwiches.
I get the bakery croissants or dollar rolls or pita pockets and put a little bit of mayo or mustard, a slice of colby jack cheese and some thinly sliced turkey. It's tastier than a regular cut bread sandwich.
You can fill it with slices of strawberries, alf alfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato slices, a thin piece of salami...
They really don't take long to make at all. We keep snacks already made in ziplock bags, graham crackers, pretzels grapes, celery with a little bag of peanut butter or dressing for dipping... anyways, I make all of these ziplock bags on Sunday night and then just pick a bag or two each day for lunch. Then, the premade little cups of jello, pudding, applesauce, fruitcups or whatever can be thrown in every now and then too. It's easy, and helps each day not feel like the same old lunch! Good luck :)
In lieu of bread, other options include pita bread, bagels, english muffins, crackers, bread sticks and tortillas.
You can also create your own "Lunchable" by cutting cold cuts, cheese, etc. with cookie cutters. Do up a bunch a week at a time and add crackers.
make pinwheels (tortillas w/cream cheese and your choice of fillings).
My youngest likes salad in her lunch. Add a little shredded cheese, hardboiled eggs, and/or some sunflower seeds to make it more filling.
Other Snacks
cream cheese or peanut butter on celery
cut up fruit and veggies
sunflower seeds
small yogurts (if you can keep them cool)
pasta salad (use an oil-based dressing rather than mayonnaise-based)
cooked chicken drumsticks
hard-boiled eggs
Thermos meals (I find my stainless steel one keeps things warmest)
We've also got a special container that allows my daughter to bring cereal for lunch. There's a "bowl" on top to keep the cereal dry, then a cool gel cup on bottom to keep the milk cold. You could probably do this with a regular thermos of milk, with a baggie of cereal on the side.
Good luck!
www.familyeguide.com Free guide to affordable family activities in Southern Denton County.
laptoplunches.com is GREATNESS!
I was on the Good Morning Texas Show yesterday.. and talked about school lunches. Not so much what to prepare but ideas on organizing them and making it fast... check it out.
You can also go to the home page of my site and get some forms that I talked about in this segment.
Thank you,
Lorraine Brock
Love this site- no only does she have a million ideas, she photographs each lunch! Just click on each picture to see what is in it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mslil65/sets/72157601755804789/
Slightly off subject, but a friend of mine who has three school age kids just showed me her trick. She packs lunches for the entire week on Sunday, so that each morning she only has to reach into the fridge and pull one out. She has obviously invested in extra lunch cases, but it really saves her time and hassle.
I love that link below with all the pictures. She gets an A+ for creativity, health, and presentation!! Wow!! LOVE it!
Thank yall for your help, it is really great. I have more ideas now and will start trying them very soon. Thanks again