Has anyone had a facelift ?

To those that have had it done, mind sharing your experience? Whether it be the positives or negatives with me .

no I haven't ,but I read about accupuncture face lift on the Internet I don't know if it works or not but I know accupuncture does not hurt.And Im sure it won't leave any sighsof it.

Ive never had a facelift but i would love to send you a free sample of our lift... Its like botox in a bottle... Just to get you by if you want some... Lisa

I haven't had a facelift but I'm right there with you. You need to make sure you go to a very good plastic surgeon. What city do you live in? Also, have you considered the photofacial (lazor) it really has a good outcome depending on your age.

Hi, i read about your allergies. I was wondering if i could interest you in a better over all way to help your allergies in the sense of removing what might be causing you to be sensitive and making your allergies a bit worse. If you are interested please send me an email. It helped my husband and son when we moved here to Texas.


[email protected]

Hi Stella,
Let me start by telling you that I have not had a face lift nor thinking about getting one any time soon. There is something though that I will like to share with you. About a year ago I watched on tv that this pretty lady had a face lift and was suffering from sometime of chronic pain ever since the lift. She was told the pain was never going to go away and she looked very unhappy. She had ran out of money and resources because her pain medication was very expensive. This condition does have a name sorry that I do not remember but ask a plastic surgeon about it. This condition is not common that is why they (plastic surgeons) do not mention it unless you ask.

Make sure you do your research very well. Good luck with making the right choice.

Elisa M

I'm in property management and one of our tenants does one-hour procedures. Check out their website: http://www.lifestyle-lift.com
LifeStyle Lifts

I haven't had a surgical face lift, but when I started using Arbonne cosmetics I saw a tremendous difference in my skin. I'm 48 - 49 next week and I love, love, love the under eye cream. It really lifted and tightened the area. The whole line of "anti-aging" products by Arbonne is great. I also take a multi-vitamin plus extra vitamins C and E - which I have read help keep you young looking!

Do you mind if I send you some info?....I do non-surgical facelifts with micro-current treatments.

You didn't mention what you are using on your face now. I haven't had a facelift but I have been using Mary Kay Cosmetics for 10 years and I can see an extreme difference in my skin. I use the Microdermabrasion Set that gives immediate results. Our anti-aging products are incredible. Taking care of your skin is the first step towards turning back that clock. My suggestion is to try a good skin care program for at least 6 weeks before you try any type of surgery. Mary Kay products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. I honor that promise. Check out my website www.marykay.com/melva when you have some time. Feel free to send me a note thru the website or this site.

Ok Stella, I appreciate your sense of humor but my advice will be significantly different from the others. First of all, I want to tell you that my mother-in-law had one a few years back and has regretted it ever since. She spent a lot of money and went through a lot of pain for nothing. She stated that she would never do that again. The most important thing that I can tell you though is that your true beauty is who you are. Proverbs 31:30 states that charm is deceptive and beauty is fading but a woman who fears The Lord is to be praised. Please to not get caught up into the lie that we have to all look a certain way. We are always encouraging our young girls to be beautiful on the inside, we should be examples of this. As a woman I understand the desire to look and feel good about yourself but there is a difference in looking good by dressing nice, wearing make-up, etc. and going to great extremes to change our appearance. Try seeking God about what He wants for your life, He truly cares about every area of your life and is more than capable of guiding you in all of your decisions.

I agree with Lori's post about the Arbonne products. They included some amazing anti aging properties, and I recommend trying them for 6 to 8 weeks before getting surgery done. Take care and take heart!

I have not had a facelift, but my opinion on having such surgeries is this, we earned all those looks we get when we get a few years on us. If you eat properly, and take proper care of the body those looks are not bad. They are a sign of maturity, and wisdom. We are the older generation that needs to be proud of who we are, how we got to where we are, and show that pride, wisdom, and knowledge to the younger generation, let them know we are the rocks and foundations of this nation they are looking for. There is enough stress in the world and more things to worry about than have unnecessary surgery, which stresses the body out worse.
I am 61, and proud of the way I look, I have been into natural healing for 14 years now, which is why I realize that the medical profession is not the answer to everyday health concerns. We have the right to take total control of our lives and our bodies, we just have to learn how to do it, use the money that you would pay some surgeon, to better your family, not purchase a new car for the dr.


That is the website I had designed to teach about how natural healing actually works. The "theory" page is where to start.

Sorry had to state my opinion
Love and Blessings to each and everyone

Hi Stella,
I have not had one but am also thinking about it! I am turning 50 this year and just want to look younger and not fake, if you know what I mean. If you hear of good doctors from your responses let me know who is most recommended. Thanks! I am a mom with 6 children and still have ones in Jr. High and High School and College ofcourse!

Yes, and I love it. Words of CAUTION though. 1st, the surgeon has got to be very good - don't go looking for a bargain. 2nd, realize that it won't improve a meaningful relationship with someone. 3rd, plan to be stuck at home for at least 4 weeks, (I was too bruised to be out in public for 8 weeks). 4th, know that it won't last forever (maybe 10 years if you are lucky). 4th, it may not turn out exactly like you want it to and there can br complications! 5th, there will be scars (tiny ones) and portions of your face can have slight nerve damage which results in lack of feeling (mine is on the side of my face near my ears and als on my eyelids). Still, I do plan to have portions done again in several years. SueBee

While I haven't had an actual facelift, I do see the benefits of Mary Kay's facelift in a jar which is called their Miracle Set. This anti-aging skin care system truly has done wonders for my 41 year old skin. I'm in your neighborhood and would enjoy allowing you to sample the complimentary microdermabrasion system which will knock off 10 years instantly! Read about the benefits on my website at www.marykay.com/spurnell or email me at [email protected] to set up your 30 minute microderm miracle.

I had one back in 1998 and I still look great for my age (55) now. It's VERY scary as it's your face. My one advice would be when you get home sleep sitting up as much as possible as it keeps the intense swelling way down, I did not do this and I looked like a martian. Also eventually you will get all the feeling back but at first it's very scary because your face no longer feels "real". That is the only way I can describe it. I also had a face, neck and forehead lift. And my upper eyes done too.

Stlla, I personally have never had one but the people that I know that have don't appear younger just different, sort of like a strange looking relative. These are people that could well afford the best plastic surgeon out there and do their research. I would be more inclined to try the non surgical approach and there are so many to chose from. By the way I am 49yrs with a 5 yr old and feel younger but look older!

I totally understand about turning back the clock, but my advice is to love who you and and love life...

I want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you who have so graciously spared some of your time to reply to my posting here. Thank you ALL!
I also would like to say that I have used Mary Kay products. In fact, I believe I have purchased every single skin care / hand care/ cologne and make up ever offered in the catalog, My rep loved me!! I still have 5 perfectly stocked shadow/blush compacts! Talk about overstock - lol - before switching to Arbonne. And there too, I gave it three tries before strike out. Ladies who are selling it … I am beyond even Arbonne’s promise of repair and reguvenation for a younger and brighter future … OOps I meant to say complexion lol
I Thank you all though for recommending your products, but I have given them all a try. So, My minds made up, I am going under the knife in June. Cross +++ your fingers, but don’t hold your breathe! I will be ,S. :slight_smile: