Good DVD for 2 1/2 year old?


My 2 1/2 year old watches Leapfrog Letter Factory and loves it. It has really helped her learn the sounds each letter makes. She doesn't watch it that often but I know eventually she is going to want some variety. I am wondering if anyone knows of any other really good educational videos that can teach a toddler basic concepts (in any academic subject) that are not boring for parents to watch as well (i.e. baby einstein - so boring for her and for me!) Thanks!

I don't know if they're still making it, but Blue's Clues had a great DVD about colors. Very educational and not too boring! (although, most kid DVD's end up being VERY boring for parents after the millionth repetition.)

Wordworld (a PBS show) is available on DVD, was my now 3 1/2 yr old son's favorite for close to a year.

Also, although not a dvd, I would recommend the leapfrog fridge magnet set - they place letter on the pad/magnet, it says the letter, the sounds it makes, gives examples of words. Keeps him occupied for at least 10 minutes at a stretch so I can get some laundry folded, dishes washed, etc. and he's learning so I don't feel guilty. :)

One of my daughter's favorite DVD series is Signing Time! She's been watching that since she was 9 months old; she is going to be 4 years old next month and still loves the show! She just got 6 new DVDs for Christmas. The series teaching babies and kids American Sign Language. They are not boring for parents either! But be warned, you will get the songs stuck in your head! haha It's great and they really do learn the signs. She loves to sign and will ask me to look up signs that we haven't learned yet. The series is only available online, from

She also loves the Little Einsteins series. It's made by the same people that made Baby Einstein, but it's more of a normal cartoon for toddler/preschoolers! (I couldn't stand the Baby Einsteins either!). The show is classical music based and it teaches some good things for their age too.

I also like to let her watch anything that comes on PBS in the mornings. She loves Super Why, which focuses on reading and spelling.

any of the Sesame street/Elmo movies.
Little Einstiens
Micky Mouse Clubhouse
Sprout Channel

Your Baby Can Read! My cousin uses it and they love it...look on EBay for used ones as it's an expensive program. Also, online as soon as she can control the mouse. I did it for my son at first and then one time had to go to the bathroom and he's been doing it ever since.

Max and Ruby are fun to watch and great because you can have them watch a little or a lot. The other thing my daughter loved, even though you might think it is too old, was Schoolhouse Rock. Sesame Street is always a favorite.

My 3 year old watches the 'Little Pim' series to learn French. She loves it, and I don't find it annoying.

It is made by Julia Pimsleur Levine, and there are many versions for different languages. My daughter has picked up a lot of words and phrases from it.

My 2 year old LOVES super why and mickey mouse clubhouse, and I don't mind them either.


There is more to the Letter Factory series. Once she masters the letters, get her Word Factory and Code Word Caper (something like that). There is also the Math Circus - My girls learned zero (which is a harder concept than you might think) and went around saying zero was a "big nothin'."

My girls were out of Sesame Street by the time they were 3-3 1/2, so you might not want to buy them now. They are now into more "feelings" educational stuff. Super Why does letter and feelings education. My girls love it. Dora is great for learning "processes" (ie. steps to the end) if you can get over the feeling that Dora's parents really shouldn't be allowing her to travel through the jungle all alone.

Have fun. (They all get to wear on you eventually).


I laughed when i read your question, as my 2.5 year old son is addicted to Leap Frog's Letter Factory right now. From the local library, I got Code Word Caper (it's the sequeal to Letter Factory) and Storybook Factory. He loves both.

We also watch Sesame Street (or you can just borrow Elmo's World from the library) and Electric Company (for older kids, but fun.)I'll be back to see what other folsk write you! -RG

Preschool Prep has excellent beginner words, colors etc videos and then moves on to sight words 1, 2 and 3. These are excellent videos and you can buy them online or get them most likely at your local libary. They will be entertaining for years to come. My 5 year old, who is reading on a 2nd grade level, still asks for the sight word ones even though he is well past that stage.

Hi Jennifer! My son loves that DVD! When he got bored with it, we found the Leapfrog Word Factory DVD. He really likes that one too. I'm not sure what other Leapfrog DVD's are out there, but I am sure they are all great!

Leapfrog has the letter factory, the talking word factory and math circus. We owned them all and the boys loved them. Really helped especially the word factory when it came to explaining why cut turnes into cute with the silent e, etc. I learned a few things I knew just from knowing but never knew the true reason behind!! We all enjoyed :-)

My daughter loves Little Einstiens, Wonder Pets, and Backyardigans. I actually like watching them with her.

My son loved the preschool prep series. They taught him his colors & numbers when he was 1-1& 1/2. I think the website is: ?
For some reason, he/we did not find them boring, although they are very simple. They claim the repetion helps them learn, even if they aren't watching, they can hear it & still learn.
Good luck!
*Also, Sesame Street is always entertaining & educational

Maybe I'm biased because it's what I grew up with, but I love the old school Sesame Streets. Love them. In fact, my daughter at 2 1/2 has all her letters down and I fully attribute it to that.

my children both seem to enjoy the brainy baby dvds.

If you're interested in having her learn or just expose her to a second language, I found the most interesting DVD series for little ones. Little Pim; My 28-month old loves it!


My daughter loves any video with children singing and dancing. Barney is a good choice.

Good luck!