I'm interested in any suggestions for a shower gift for a fried and mom expecting her second son. Leaning more towards a 'mom' gift, but would welcome any current baby gift suggestions too. Thanks!
"coupons" the mom can cash in for some free babysitting. Either for the new baby, the 1st child, or both. What mom couldn't use that! I made some up for someone once with Microsoft word for a free weekend of childcare. They looked a little cheesy, but I put them in a card. The mom and dad loved it and cashed in for a free weekend. They knew their child was well taken care of, but didn't have to worry about the cost!
A gift certificate for a pre-natal massage would be awesome.
A month of weekly cleaning service or laundry service was something I always hoped for :) That would have been the best present ever! That or a nap :)
a gift certificate to a photography place like jc penneys etc is a nice gift. then she can take the baby and get a first picture and also some with both kids
CHOCOLATE! You can never go wrong with. Plus Chocolate has chemicals that make you feel happier! :-)
Check out my website for Dove Chocolate:
My suggestion is for after the baby...but I like to give a set of gift mugs with a picture (i.e. baby and older sibling or if it's a first child baby with each parent or family, etc). Great sites like kodakgallery.com, shutterfly or snapfish make it very easy to do. Parents seem to love them too as they can see their little munchkins faces every morning with their cup of coffee.
Good luck
Gift certificate for a massage for after she has the baby. Try to find a massage therapist that would come to her house. I just think it is a great gift.
I used to always give clothes or toys as gifts, but lately I give gifts that people really appreciate. Try my friend's website...You will see healthy choices for the baby AND the mom as well...www.shaklee.net/arlette
Something monogrammed or I love dressing my boys alike, something matching!
I have gifts that are just perfect! All my items are Mom and family jewelry (also sisters, grandma's aunts etc). I have items that start as cheap as 16.00, and they are all made custom with birthstones, or names. All items are sterling silver as well. I am in Rolling meadows, so I am local as well.
The website is www.braceletsandtreasures.com
hope you find something:-)
I got a great gift for our third child. A dear friend gave me a small pendant with the birthstone of the baby. It's not a 'baby' kind of charm (bootie, rattle, etc.) just with the stone. I certainly didn't need any baby gear, and by the third, didn't really want any more 'stuff,' so I thought her idea was wonderful, special and touching. I wear it on a chain regularly. I cherish it. Whenever there's "jewelry for the mom" involved, I'm all for it.
I am a mom of two as well. And by this point you have pretty much all of your baby stuff that you are going to need. So check out our site at www.clubdebebe.com. We carry a wonderful selection of products(from jewelry to designer delivery gowns) to pamper the mom-to-be. What is nice is that they are all safe for the baby and unique! Our items cover the entire pregnancy from beginning to delivery.
I hope this helps.
This may be impersonal but a gift card always works. Also, if you were thinking of something to give to the mom, perhaps a manicure and pedicure or perhaps after she has the baby a certificate for a massage, she will need it.
Sheryl G
One friend gave me a gift certificate for a new wrap. I was able to order one with a much stronger weave than the one I had for my first babe. My co-workers gave me a gift card and with that, among other things, I bought a sheepskin for the babe. These are two somewhat pricey things I was not able to get for baby no 1. I actually didn't know about the wonderfulness of the sheepskins with no. 1, though.
Also, with no 1, it was all about me (great maternity clothes) and practicality for the baby and with no 2, it was the other way around. Since I'd gone practical for the diaper bag, I splurged a little more for something cuter with no 2.
Hi Michele Give her a gift card and she can buy what she needs.
Maybe a nice gift for mom could be something relaxing like a mani, pedi or massage with you. That would be really nice to have right before the baby comes!
If she doesn't already have one, I'd suggest a Moby Wrap or other type of "hands-free" baby carrier. (Not a sling, because Mom usually feels that she must still keep a hand on the baby.) With the carrier, she can meet baby's need to be held and close, and still have 2 hands free to tend to her older child. Great for trips to the playground, store, etc. as well as around home!
One gift I have found works no matter what number child it is, is the personalized storybooks from I See Me! I usually order a gift card for $29.95 + shipping that is very beautifully packaged. The parent can order the book after the baby is born and it has the child's name written into the book and uses an animal that starts with the same letter for each letter of the kid's name. It's always wonderfully received. www.iseeme.com
Otherwise, www.babytalkblankets.com offers the most gorgeous baby blankets, incredibly soft and beautiful. I had one for my daughter and even the doctors and nurses were commenting on it and we know they must see a lot of them.
A little about me: work at home office Mom to a 4 yr old charming boy and a sweet, bubbly 11 mo old girl
I'm currently expecting #2 and at the top of my wish list is HELP. Help with the kids, housework (especially reaching into the washer!), cooking, etc would be greatly appreciated I'm sure.
I like the other ideas about pampering. I'm sure she'd love a massage, either now or after she has the baby. Maybe both!
And for the record, I have a sling, and do not have to keep a hand on it. It's a real sling though, not that crappy Evenflo one you see at Target that looks like SIDS waiting to happen. It's a lifesaver! My daughter LOVED being in it, as does my little nephew. I'm sure when #2 comes it will be our most used item. Best part is you don't have to take them out to feed them, and they can sleep in there too, unlike some other carriers.