Gift for Baptism

I have a 6 month old that we will be baptising in the Catholic church. My sister-in-law gave my daughter a baby shower in March after she was born. We invited family only. My MIL told me that maybe I should put on the invitations "no gifts please" because we had a shower for her almost 6 months ago. We will be inviting mostly family again. When I had my son, his baby shower was in October and he was born in November. We baptised him in May about the same age that my daughter is now and he recieved gifts. I don't want to be rude and say "no gifts please." At the same time I am not expecting gifts but I don't want her to feel left because her brother recieved gifts and she did not. The main thing is that we are baptising her which is very important to us so gifts or money does not matter. We are also having a reception afterwards. I have not talked to my husband about it but I wanted some advice. Thank you very much!