Anyone used g diapers from Babies R Us? Just saw them today and am interested in anyone's experience with them. Thanks.
hi there,
i havent heard of the g diapers but i did wnat to say that we have been using the target ones and they work great!!! and are cheap :)
I have known a few moms to try them out. The problem with them are that the covers are not waterproof, if anything should leak off the inserts. Also, they aren't one size. If you are wanting to go cloth, there are much better options, in my opinion. Even for a hybrid cloth/disposable diaper. Let me know if you want to learn more.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE G-DIAPERS!!! The only caution I have about them is to make sure you thuroughly break up the diaper portion going in the toilet...if not, you could have a flooded bathroom the first time...LOL. Had experience with that. THey worked well, and the kids I used to nanny for were awesome with them.
I really like them. I love the eco-nature benefits and I think they fit well (although my daughter is small). I do not use them at night though b/c while they do not leak, they do not wick away the moisture as well. they are great now that we are potty training b/c she hates to feel the wetness.
Hi, I used them for awhile and really liked them. I did not dispose of the "diaper" part in the potty, I found it a little time consuming (also have a toddler) and gross, you can just put them in your diaper genie, the are bio-degradable. The only reason I have stopped using them is because they are a little pricey, and Babies R US is not close to me. I loved them and will consider them again for the next one!
I use g diapers on my toddler (2) and baby (4 months). I haven't ever tried the disposable inserts (cost more than disposable diapers), but I use a cloth insert instead (not purchased from g diapers, but another website).
I like the g diapers for the trimness - they fit well under clothes. I also like them b/c the cotton covers can be washed with regular laundry, doesn't have to be a separate diaper load - which is helpful to me, as I don't cloth diaper 100% of the time.
G-diapers contain all of the messes to inside the diaper, but most of the time the liner is soiled and needs to be washed & changed. I also don't love the fact that they velcro in the back, but this is something I can live with.
If you're looking to cloth diaper, I'd be happy to share more!
Hi, I have actually used gdiapers and found them to be more trouble than they are worth, I am a cloth user now and have been for quite some time. In fact I own a business where we offer classes on cloth diapering. There are so many other brands of reusable diapers that are cost effective and more convienent/easier to use. The nice thing is you are still saving money ($2000 over disposables) and the environment, not to mention baby's skin. I am happy to help if I can!