
Yesterday, (Saturday, September 20th), I was elected the VP of the P.T.A at my Daughters New School. It is a Great School called (ACLA) All City Leadership Academy. (In Brooklyn on Gates Avenue near Myrtle Ave.) I am excited and want very much to focus on Fundraising. I am also excited about being a part of my Daughter's education progress; not just at home afterschool. I am really looking for some ideas from Mom's and especially the very creative Moms (which all of you are in your own way). Please email me with your ideas, etc... I appreciate you. If by chance your child is a Student at ACLA, I would love to set up a Fundraising Sub-Committee. Also if you have a Special Skill and you'd like to Donate, feel free to contact me. I'd love to get some businesses to donate to the continuing Fundraising efforts that I am challenged with. Thank You to the Beautiful Mothers on this great Resourceful site... Chandra ([email protected])