Has anyone had issues with Gentlease? My daughter is 6 weeks old and we switched her to it because the Enfamil lipil kept making her constipated. Now her stools are runny and she has bad gas. I am beginning to think it is Enfamil that is the problem. The other issue is that the formula is so runny. It doesn't seem to have much thickness to it and doesn't seem to sustain her very long. I have heard really good things about Nestle Good Start. Has anyone had experience with this?
Hi Susan,
I ended up using Parents Choice's Gentle from Walmart and it worked great. We had no problems at all with it. All the others seem to cause really loose stools and gas. It's cheaper that the others too. I also since have noticed that Sam's sales a large container of a Gentle brand at a great price. Too bad they didn't have it yet when my son was using it! On the same note, some will say not to do alot of switching with formula's but I disagree. I kept doing it until something worked for us. I would know within a few days to a week if something was going to work or not. You can buy the small cans to try it out and maybe get a sample from their (different formula's) web sites or maybe aleast score a coupon to test them out.
Hope it gets better for her soon.
I started Enfamil Gentlease when my son was 8 weeks and the only issue we had with it was it made him spit up a whole lot!
We switched him to A.R. Lipil and he did just fine with it. From my experience, Enfamil does seem to be a more constipating formula. I ended up swithcing him to Similac and was more pleased with Similac than any others we tried including Nestle, (he hated the taste of Nestle).
You could also go back to the Enfamil Lipil and add a little prune juice to the formula to help him go. We'd mix about an ounce to a bottle and my son never knew it was in there but if we gave it to him w/out the formula, he wouldn't drink it.
Good luck to you!
I used the Gentlease with my son but it was beacuse he had gas bubbles that would get stuck! We experienced the same with that formula but those were the results we wanted since he needed to pass his gas! My sister use the Plain ol' Enfamil & her son is growing like a weed with no problems!
I can't help with the formula, but we also live in east Dallas across the lake from you in Casa Linda. Just wanted to say hello!
Hi Susan,
I use Good Start for my son and I haven't had any problems. He is 7 months old. I've tried the soy as well as the regular and they all have worked fine for him.
Dallas, TX
I started my son on Nestle Good Start and he did great on it. He used it for about the first 6 months without any problems. A few months ago we swithed him to the Wal-Mart brand Gentle formula and he has had no problems with that either. Both seem good for babies that may have a more sensitive stomach and need the gentle "comfort" proteins. I would recommend you try either one of them. Plus, both are a thick powder and make for a thicker milk so that should help sustain your daughter better. Hope this helps. Good luck!!
Hi Susan:
My best friend is a prediatic doctor and has helped a lot with both my girls. This is the advice she gave me. My 11 month old had GERD and very constipated. We switched to Good Start with Comfort Proteins for easy digestion and within a week we saw change. For the constipation we gave her 2 ounces of water every day. You probably see a lot of constipation because of switching formulas. Your daughters body isn't handling all the change. Hope this helps and if you need every need anything I am not too far from you. Northwest Highway/Jupiter.
Hello Susan:
My kids are 8 and 12 years old. When I used the formulas (after breast feeding), I tried Enfamil, but found out the same thing as yourself how it affected my child. I found the "Good Start" was the best for my kids. It was easier on their stomachs. That was years ago, but it still was much better even then. Their bowel movements didn't stink as badly either. Kim M. Grand Prairie
I use the Gentlease for my son and he is 8 months old. My only complaint is that it makes his poop smell HORRRRRIBLE! :) Other than that, it was the only formula we found that his tummy could tollerate. I like it a lot.. When my daughter was a baby we gave her Similac Soy formula.. and that worked wonders for her. If constipation is your biggist issue.. I have always been told.. (and I have personally done it several times) to add dark karo syrup to the bottle. You only need like a teaspoon or so.. not much.. but I have had GREAT success with it! Just a suggestion. I asked my doc first and he said that was totally fine.
I had my son on several varieties of Similac when he was a newborn - and he had constipation so bad that we thought he was getting colic. The doctor told us not to change anything - but a couple of friends suggested Good Start so I went ahead and switched him. Within a day he was so much better - completely regular - the crying stopped - it's great stuff - I highly recommend it. His poops do smell worse - but it's totally worth it!
We had the same problem with Enfamil Lipil and Lipil Gentlease, but we switched to Lacto Free Lipil and it was wonderful. No more constipation, no more stinky gas, no more MAJORLY stinky poop. I haven't tried Nestle Good Start. You may want to ask your pediatrician as well. Mine suggested trying soy if the lacto-free didn't work. Good luck!
Hi Susan,
My son was on 100% breastmilk until he was about 2 months at which point I had to start supplementing. I started with Enfamil Lipil but my son couldn't keep it down. Then I started him on Nestle Good Start (with Natural cultures) based on a suggestions from his peditrician. He is 3 months today and I haven't any problems with the formula.
As happy as I am with Good Start, I would suggest that you ask your pedictrician for his/her recommendation because every baby is different. Good luck!
Hi Susan,
We tried all of the various Enfamil formulas and my son was still constipated. As soon as we tried Good Start, it was like magic...no more gas, no more constipation. We used this formula until he turned one without any more problems. Give it a shot!
You should stay with any new formula for at least 2 weeks to give her body a chance to adjust. Maybe you should ask her pediatrician for recommendations
gentlease/goodstart are basically the exact same thing. it's like coke vs pepsi. same product..different brand. the consistency of the formula has nothing to do with how satisfied the baby is. all 6week babies are fussy...they don't like where, are frustrated! and just need some time to adjust to their new environment. gets better around 10 weeks or so... they also don't do well with introducing "food" into their gut and have lots of gas and tummy discomfort. I will say... around 6 weeks is the time that you will see effects of having a "milk intolerance" and the side effects are pretty severe. screaming inconsolable after feeds due to the pain in the tummy, blood in stool (maybe not able to see with the naked eye), lots of spitting up.
if you see any of this, ask your doctor to do a guiac on the stool to detect microscopic blood there and can tell you that
the little one truly is allergic to the milk. By the way...I am a pediatric RN of 10 years and a mother of 3. hope this helps.
I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. I tried the enfamil on both of my kids and it made them both very miserable. Constipation, gas, spitting up all the time. I switched them to the Nestle Good Start and never had another problem. I highly recommend that formula. Its very easy on their lil tummies. I hope this helps
Good Luck!
yes my son is 7 weeks old and he is taking good start gental plus and its constipated him. so now i don't know what to do
Mix babies magic tea in your baby’s formula or give in a separate bottle to settle down your baby’s reflux, colic and other tummy related issues.
WOW! The responses have been amazing! Okay so before I switched formulas I called my pediatrician who said for me to bring her in. He said this is very normal to have gas at this age and that it would most likely subside around 10 weeks (thanks Emily B who told me that too:) Apparently gas pains hit their height around 6-7 weeks so here we are. He did suggest that I change her to…get ready…Similac Allementum. HOLY COW! Talk about expensive! It smells horrible and she doesn’t seem to love the flavor as much as the Enfamil but we shall see. She seemed to do better last night. My father in law who is also a pediatrician said if that didn’t do all that great to try Soy formula. Not as expensive and achieves basically the same thing. So there you have it! Thanks again, and hello to the gal across the lake in Casa Linda! Great area.