Dave Ramsey

One quick question, can you use Dave Ramsey if you are already behind on paying things? For instance, a lot of people on here have said they were struggling but weren't really behind on anything, just stretched thin. What if several small credit cards (totaling about $2000) are all in collections already. Does Dave help you with dealing with them as well? I know that the Snowball thing is there and all, but paying minimums to an account in collections doesn't work I don't think, right? Any thoughts???

Hi Rita, you are a great canidate for Dave Ramsey. I'm fallowing his plan right now. We started at the beginning of this year with 12 credit cards. We had to dip in our emergency fund twice due to our car and once for something else. We have paid off four credit cards which leaves us with 8 credit cards left. We went trough the 13 week course and are so glad we did. We want to be weird like all the others who have no credit card debit. Are all in collections? He basically says to draw a line and who ever is under it doesn't get paid. Dave Ramsey even did it himself except he lost about a million, what i am saying he was in collections as well.

Hey Rita,

It sounds like you don't have the whole picture here about the program. Get his book and read it so you can understand how to go about it.

His whole purpose is to help people learn to live within their means, and to help them get out of debt - even big big debt. Your debt isn't that bad! And no, he does not advocate paying only the minimum due! If you have the time, try to listen to his radio program from 1 to 4pm weekdays on 570 AM radio. He also has written a book that is helpful (and funny).

We attended a course called Financial Peace University with several other couples in someone's home and found it very helpful. It cost about $100 but it was very worthwhile. The family that hosted the class were in the process of paying down a very large debt and they were about halfway through and very excited.

You can attend the course online but it's not as fun as having a support group around you. Some churches will offer a class on their campus.

Hope you succeed and become debt free! :)


I'm sure you've rec'd many responses to your question, but on the crazy chance you haven't here is my brief response: What Dave Ramsey does best in my opinion is help people who are behind or in pretty bad debt. My husband and I owed $40K (not all credit card). His clarity and concepts made it very easy to work through. It is just hard to hear the truth sometimes. But if you "live like no one else today, you can live like NO ONE ELSE when you're debt free". My huband and I have been able to pay more than $36,000 down since we took the class at our church last November. good luck!


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