Connection between vaccines and speech delay

Let me start by saying I am not trying to start a to vaccinate/not-to-vaccinate debate, but out of curiousity, of those of you who did not get your kids vaccinated, did any of your kids still have a speech delay?

In all the research I did, and in the stuff I've seen recently, nothing convinces me that vaccinations had anything to do with my son's delay. Keep in mind too, a delay is just that: a delay as opposed to a speech disorder. With that in mind, very often, as was our case, delays are inherited. There can be other causes such as hearing loss, prematurity, and even temperament. I personally feel that my son's delay was caused by genetics and not anything we the parents did.

I have an autistic son. When i realized he was autistic and told my pediatrician I also stopped vaccinations for him and my daughter. There is much data to support the link. But to answer your question, yes your child could still have a speech delay if not vaccinated. I know of a few.

My youngest son was speech delayed and I had not given him the "questionable" vaccines at that point. He started speaking late and I have since caught him up on the vaccines since he was verbal. An important question is if your sons comprehend what you are saying. If they comprehend at their age level, it probably doesn't have anything to do with the vaccines. Boys are sometimes slower, plus if they are active they may be working on their fine and gross motor skills and will worry about talking later! My son is in speech therapy now to work on articulation and is doing well. I caught his speech delay before 18 months and he is now 2 and 4 months. Good luck with your boys

I have 19m old twin boys, and my guys aren't very chatty either. Well, they're chatty in their own "language" but not much in the way of english. They both say a few words...most of our friends their age can say quite a bit. The one thing that keeps me from being concerned is the fact that they are twins. Twin boys are typically speech delayed. My guys respond to things I tell them, can make animal sounds, and know their body parts. I think that if your kids understand what you're telling them, things are probably okay. Forgot to mention that they are not on a regular vaccine schedule, and have not yet had the MMR. I'm waiting until they're at least 2-2 1/2 to make sure their speech is well developed.

I have a friend whose daughter contracted heavy metal poisoning after having a vaccine that uses mercury as a preservative. She is a nurse and caught the symptoms pretty quickly they have put all other vaccines on hold for now. She seemed to have some delays after the poisoning, but her mother worked with her every day for a couple of hours and she caught up and then surpassed the average within about 6 months

I have a son who has only had his 1 month shots and he's close to three years now. I've never even had to take him to the doctor because he's never had any sickness worse than a mild cold. We plan on getting him caught up on his vaccinations now that he's older and his immune system can handle it better. He was saying "mamma" and "daddad" at 7 months and walking at 9 months.

My daughter is not vaccinated and has no speech delays.

RE: Nicole

You mean Data like this:

or this:

When your kid contracts malaria or polio because EVERYTHING on the internet is true remember that it is YOUR fault.

Hi Kim!

I am a chiropractor so I have a very strong belief against vaccinations and have a ton of information if you want any! With that in mind, I would also like to state that I have found that twins tend to have a speech delay more often than not. It's almost as if the twins make their own personal language and don't need to use ours! Hope this helps. :)

Well i heard all kid of stories that it bad for the kids to have all the vaccines at the same time and then they say is ok .. these is what we decide we don't give all the vaccines to my little guy at the same time because we think is to much for their litle body to prosses we do give them all but a space them out one vaccine a week yeah i know is crazy but im from south america and my doctors think that one a the time is ok good look is al about what you think and belive ?? you will hear alot of story's I do these because my cousin had the spech delayed and we all think is the vaccines....

I have 5 year old twins, a boy and a girl. My son is speech delayed, my daughter is not. I believe his delays are due to numerous ear infections as a baby. He got tubes at 19 months but I wish I would have done it sooner. My daughter never had an ear infection. They are vaccinated.

My son is completely unvaccinated. He’s two years old, and speaks in complete sentences using past tense and correct use of prepositions and phrases. I live right next to a playground. Literally every day other parents say he speaks incredibly well and they wonder when their child of similar age will start talking more. My son has had two mild colds his entire life. He caught both on long plane rides. He never caught any illnesses while in childcare with other kids, and has never had an ear infection. We also have excellent nutrition. He loves to partake of my fresh carrot turmeric aloe vera juice in the morning. I believe not vaccinating him has been a great advantage to both his health and development.