Circumcision: skin growing back?

My little guy was circumcised in the hospital and he is 11 weeks old now. I noticed that some of the skin seems to be trying to fold back over the top and is a little red underneath when I push it back to clean it. I did everything the doctor said to do... kept it pushed back, vaseline , waited until it healed to bathe him and all of that. I don't know if it is growing back, and what I should do about it until he has his next appointment. Any other moms experience this with their little one?

Hi Courtney,

I had the same issue with my little guy. The skin had grown back to where it didn't even look like it was ever done. We had to have him re circumcised when he was about 4-5 months old. He was in incredible pain the day of the procedure but was back to normal the next day. From what I had read in a magazine, it happens more frequently now as some doctors do not take enough skin the first time

Good luck!


That happened with my son as well. It didnt "grow back" for him but the skin would restick to the head of his penis. He is now 7 months old and I still have to pull the skin back from the head and rebreak it and put vaseline on him. I have asked a few pedi if this was ok and they have all told me that he will grow into it when he gets older. It is a pain but I dont know what else to do. I was really scared the first time I broke the skin away from the head but now both of us are used to it. I hope this helps. Just to be on the safe side I would bring it up at your next pedi visit.

this happened with my DS1, but we caught it to late. It's adhesions, just keep pulling it back. My son is now 19 month and I try to peel some of it back, but the Ped said he would grow out of it too. She originally told us to pull it back every diaper change, but I couldn't do it very well cause the poor kid would just cry! So make sure you pull it back now before it completly adheres!

Hi Courtney,
I also dealt with this with my son. His got to the point that it started to look infected so I took him in. Turns out that just like the other posters described the skin just needed to be pulled completely back. I was not very good at doing it because I didn't want to hurt him, but try to pull it back all the way until you can see the little ridge. Clean it every diaper change. The doctor said most of the time you would only need to clean it like that once in awhile, but for him I was supposed to do it every diaper change. And still for that first year every time we had a doctor appointment the doctor would have to pull it back himself because I hadn't done it all the way. That always hurt him. So I encourage you to do your best at getting it pulled back now and keeping it pulled back to avoid that. He is two now and it is not really a problem. I still try to pull it back to clean it but it isn't sticking any more. My next son had no problems at all with his circumcision, so I think it is just some that do. I hope that helps.

When my son was born that was the number one thing I was worried about and sure enough some of the skin did grow back. At 2 months our dr told me to soak him in the tub to soften the skin and pull it back my self. Well that made me sick so at the 4 month check up our dr said we would just keep an eye on it (whatever that means). Then at the 6 month check up she (our dr) said that he would grow out of it (which I took to mean when he got his first erection it would basically pull apart). I was not happy by this time. I needed to make an appt with a Urologist for my husband to get a vascetomy so I just went ahead and set an appt for my son as well. The first thing he said was that he needed surg to fix it. If we didn't do anything the penis could bend and it needed to be corrected because he would not grow out of it. At 7 months old he had the surg. It took 10 min (the only reason he couldn't just numb him was because he said he would not hold still long enough) I was not nervous. Our son did GREAT and he is now 8 months and u wouldn't know anything happened. He looks perfect. And from what it did look like to what it looks like now even I could tell that he would NOT grow out of it. If u can please get a Urologist to look at it. Its worth the money to have peace of mind that he is ok or if it needs fixed. It is my understanding these things happen and there was nothing I could have done different. However our 9 month check up is coming up and I'm not sure what words will come out of my mouth to the dr but I'm going to try to behave. :) please contact me if u have ?'S.

My story is similar to Miriam's. I just never pulled the skin back far enough each time. Once I figured that out we did ok. Pull it back everytime you change his diaper and give him a bath. Put vaseline on the area also each time. I never even knew it could grow back till we had a checkup and the pediatrician pushed the skin back and it looked so pink and tender. I took much better care after that. We did like using the vasiline in a tube much better than the jar kind.

My son's grew back slightly. In my opinion it looks like he will grow into it. I doesn't look funny or anything & it doesn't seem to bother him & I have no problems keeping it clean. What I am appaled by is, different docs giving different advice. My son was born in 2007 & his doc told me NOT to touch it at all. Specific instructions were given NOT to push the skin back, so I did what I was told. My husband, needless to say, is not very happy. GOOD LUCK!!!!

My grandson's doctor told us you have to push the foreskin back for two years. We push it back EVERY diaper change and apply antibacterial ointment sporadically.

He had a beautiful circumcision but the foreskin does seem to want to grow back and smegma can collect under there very rapidly.

Stay diligent. Your daughter-in-law will thank you!

We are dealing with the same thing with my 13mth old.. We are actually heading to the pediatric Urologist today per our pediatrician to have to corrected.. Poor baby. I don't know who is more / going to be more upset.. Me or me.. </3

I just returned from the doctor with my 5 1/2 month old who seems to have the same issue. I took him in specifically because I noticed that it seemed to be growing back. My 60 year old male pediatrician said don't worry about it, it will fix itself. I AM WORRIED. I have a three year old boy too and I don't want them growing up with different looking penis', we have enough to worry about!! Should I get a second opinion, maybe take him to a urologist and have him circumcised again?? I would rather it be fixed now.
Sarah in Tallahassee, FL