Last night hubby and I got into our usual fight. How we get into it is always silly, and involves him thinking I am being overly controlling and critical where the kids are concerned (last night I I literally just told him that the piece of scallop he gave to our 2 year old needed to be cut up).
Here’s the heart of it: he doesn’t think I appreciate what he does, and I don’t think he appreciates what I do. Last night he alluded to how easy my life is many, many times (I’m a SAHM, with a 4 and 2 year old). He criticizes my organizational abilities, complains about nights when he comes home for dinner and he has to help cook(I am a vegetarian, so I do leave him meat to cook sometimes), and believes my life in general to be easy. He even called me a princess last night.
Now, I never list out my criticisms of him, or when I do have an issue, we sit down and I try to discus it with him. My husband has this tendency to let things build up and then he just kind of blows,. He blew last night because we were at friends the night before and the woman was talking about being invited on a women’s retreat. Hubby thought she and I were having a pity party discussing about how hard our lives where. In all honestly, I thought my friend was nuts to be even thinking about going on this retreat, and I would never go, but hubby took her desire to do it as an indication that I feel the way she does. My friend was feeling badly about being a mom, she has a 12 month old that still isn’t sleeping, and a 4, 6 and 8 year old. All very loud and rough boys. She has been in the thick of it for the last year, and she (and her husband) are both ready to come up for air.
In any case, I cannot keep having this fight with my hubby. I know he will never get how hard my job is. It is 24-7. While going to a paid job isn’t a holiday, it is at least a change of scenery. And he truly believes that since I decided to stay home, this is my life, end of story. The house/kids is my realm, so deal with it. I also know I will never understand how hard it is to have the pressure of earning all the money. He does help out around here sometimes, and is great with helping put the kids to bed, etc. but it would be nice if he put his breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, or put his beer bottles in the recycling…or even stopped leaving his dirty clothes on the floor.
My question: how do I get my husband to feel like I do appreciate what he does? I kept asking him last night why he doesn’t think I appreciate what he does and he couldn’t give me a straight answers. My friends are envious of my housekeeping abilities (i’m usually ‘drop in’ ready, I make everything from scratch, including pasta and bread, I do 90% of the yard work, and we have a veggie garden and 3 season flower beds all around the house and yard, etc.) And I even give my hubby the occasional BJ. I do my job well, very well. And while I do complain occasionally, for the most part I love my life.
So ladies, how do I water my man so he feels appreciated?
Btw, me staying home was a joint decision. He would have it no other way. I am also very low maintenance (4 hair cuts a year, no nails, 1 pair of shoe for each season)… The one thing that does annoy him is that he is paying off my student loan. I coupon, though, and am a great financial planner, in fact that is my job too.