Has anyone ever taken their infant to a chiropractor for colic? If so did it help? Any suggestions on ways to help ease colic in infants?
I don't think a chiropractor would see an infant- aren't they a bit too fragile? My baby can be very fussy & what has proven to help is putting her in my Ergo carrier. I also bought a Miracle blanket today & will try it tonight (will let you know if it works). I think colic takes time & patience. Good luck!
I took my first to a chiropractor for colic. It helped a little bit, but not much and then she referred me to a craniosacral therapist instead. I HIGHLY recommend looking into craniosacral therapy! It is AMAZING and worked absolute wonders for both of my very very colicky infants.
Both of my kids were adjusted at 5 days old. It helped my son much more than it helped my daughter. I agree with Mommy2two, craniosacral therapy is AMAZING.
@Amy M, funny, it does seem like babies would be too fragile and I was a bit hesitant at first but they don't do any "cracking" or harsh manipulation. They use the baby's own weight to gently adjust the body. It's pretty fascinating, actually! :)
mine showed me a massage technique to use for my twins because they had terrible reflux and a touch of colic. It is hard to describe without being able to show you. but you may be able to look it up online. I am hesitant to describe it on here because it has been several months since i've done it and i would hate to tell you wrong. But I would look it up and call your chiro and see what they say. oh, the massage technique worked pretty well, took about a week but it did help~
The actual birthing process is VERY hard on babies. My PLAN was to go from the hospital to the chiro but that didn't happen. He's been getting adjustments since he was about two months old.
He's 4.5 years old and LOVES going to be adjusted and now has graduated to going on the table. He knows how to get up there and put his little face down and giggles the entire time. Last time he announced "wow, I feel BETTER mom."
I HIGHLY recommend chiropractic care for kids and babies. It also helps with ear aches and constipation!
My friend took her second to the chiro and it did wonders for his colic. By the third or fourth time he actually slept 4 hours straight! That was a huge milestone considering her would only sleep 30 minutes at most at a time. She said it was amazing and she was so glad she started taking him.He is now 5 and she can still tell when he needs to go to the chiro. I personally have never taken my kids though.
Probably, my husband is a chiro, and has adjusted my daughter since she was born. She has not once had an ear infection, colic, and has slept through the night since she was 7 weeks old. If you are going to take an infant to a chiro please try and find one that specializes in children. Those docs usually take extended schooling on how to deal with children. If you have any other questions please PM me and I will try and answer (or ask my husband) as best as I can.
As an added note: Chiros do not adjust infants like they do adults. My husband adjusted my daughter with just two fingers.
I took my colicky son to the chiropractor. It didn't hurt him, but it didn't work the miracles that I'm reading about here. There was nothing for the colic but time. It lasted from when he was two weeks until he was about six weeks. It felt like an eternity when I was going through it, but looking back, it wasn't that long.
Gas drops (simethicone) were really the only thing that seemed to help. I gave it to him before every feeding. Good luck.
My daughter has gone to the chropractor since she was about 2 months. She didn't have colic but it prevents her from getting ear infections.mShe is now 4, and loves to go, she always has.
I had both adjusted as infants. It definetely helps for ear infections. The rest, I just don't know.
We had my DD adjusted at 5 weeks because of colic and it was the best thing we ever did. She kept going for about 3 months and it made all the difference in how she was. With a good chiropractor it is amazing.
I'd be wary of chiropractic help on an infant. If you do do it, find someone who uses an indirect technique - no whacking and cracking! My husband is an osteopathic physician who does manipulation and he is very wary of doing these types of treatments on infants as a general rule. Now if the infant truly does have dysfunction, then yes they need to have that treated. Possibly dysfunction is causing the colic. BUT a general colic treatment (across the board for all colicy babies), that I would walk away from. The physician/chiropractor needs to be very skilled in diagnosing with their hands (testing functionality of the joints) not just x raying to see if there is a difference.
In general the best advise with a colicy baby is to keep them close to you. Obviously that is tough as Mom needs to get things DONE and can't sit and hold baby 24/7. I'd suggest a sling/wrap to carry baby around in. Also swaddling can be very helpful! My infant started a fussy nighttime stage after a few weeks old. She's scream and flail around and refuse to nurse, grabbing, scratching, panicking. The swaddling blanket was such a God-send! I'd advise one that uses velcro so it doesn't loosen. She had about a week where she HAD to be in it all the time (it has a hole for car/swing seatbelts). Then it was only when she was sleeping. At 4 months she outgrew it (they come in different sizes) and I made the decision to not replace it with a larger one and let her learn to sleep without it. She had a few nights of waking multiple times, but she did learn to be without it fairly quickly.
No one can understand the havoc that a colicy baby brings to a family unless they've experienced it. Hang in there, it will get better, hopefully sooner then later.
Best wishes!
I'm sorry I can't answer your question with any personal experience with infants, but my chiro said he adjusted his two children within minutes of birth (the gentle two-finger method to nudge them back into alignment). When you think about what an infant's body has to go through to be born, it makes a ton of sense to start them out aligned.
I wouldn't be surprised if chiro did help colic or other things, but also recognize that it's not a one-size-fits-all approach to health. Some infants are not going to respond to that treatment as well as others, which is the same for adults and any treatment plans.
If you've ever been to a chiro and it worked, think how cranky you felt before treatment and how much better you felt afterwards....same thing for kids, I would imagine. If things are correctly aligned, the body just works better.
I haven't done this with my own children but I used to babysit for a very colicky baby. He would literally cry and scream the entire time he was with me and did the same at home. His mom finally took him to see a chiropractor and we noticed a big difference. He was still a fussy baby but he did have lots of calmer moments and he was able to sleep as well. Might be worth looking into.
I didn't take either of my children to a chiropractor when they were an infant, because I wasn't aware of the benefits.
I believe taking to your infant to a chiropractor you trust, will help.
Baby's are out of alignment from birth, if they are born naturally. When you think about it, they are being pulled from the mom and immediately puts their back bone out of line.
YES! It helped my child, I've had both kids adjusted since birth, and I've been adjusted since childhood myself. I've seen it help at least three others personally with colic, and many more kids with other things like ear infections, bedwetting, etc...It works! Worth a try. Just find someone who usually works with kids.