CDA Certification

Hi Moms,

I have a bachelor of arts degree in Liberal Arts. I would like to obtain a CDA (child development associate) certificate so I can become a preschool teacher. Do any of you know how I would do this? Are there only online programs, or are there schools that I can attend? Thank you!

I would go to the following website for info:

Have you thought about becoming a public school teacher through alternate certification?? The pay (and benefits) would be much better! Of course, I don't know your motivations...maybe you want a job where your kids can be with you or you really enjoy the tiny ones and don't want to work with older kids. If you would be interested in becoming certified as a public school teacher, however, go to this website:
Click on "Career Changer or College Graduate of a Non-Education Program."

I worked in preschools for about 7 years before becoming a 3rd grade teacher, and I would never go back!!! (Though right now I'm a SAHM with my kids ages 3, 2, and 1 and have another one due to arrive in December. I'll go back to teaching when they're all in school!) But I wish you the best of luck in making the decision that's right for you and your family!!
