Calling all Healthy Moms for advice

I know some of you are very nutrition conscious and I would love your advice. What dietary changes have you made that really made a difference in your life? I am not looking for weight loss advice, rather suggestions about how to increase energy/decrease stress, etc. I tend to be very chemically sensitive. For example, caffeine has quite an affect on me: sometimes it gives me a wonderful manic burst of energy, but sometimes it just makes me completely nervous and jittery. Lately, I am feeling run down and pretty grumpy for a couple weeks of the month - argh, PMS. Not to mention, that when I look in the mirror, I am seeing an old hag with some pretty dull skin and dark eyes. I eat fairly well and have a great exercise regimen. What am I missing? I'm 35-is it just getting older?
Thanks in advance!

My miracle discovery was making fresh fruit/veggie juice every morning with a little flax seed oil mix in. I can cover up the flavor of veggies I don't like but should eat with sweeter fruit. Jack La Lane style - anything goes. Immediately more energy, clear mind and after about a month I noticed plumper skin, beautiful glow, less cellulite. It resets system with no cravings for junk and a healthy way to detox.

Hi Patricia,
Good for you for taking these steps to being healthier. you should not be feeling the way you describe at your young age.
My whole world crashed when I was just a little older than you. A friend told me about Shaklee and I started taking their vitamins about 15 years ago. Now at 55 I have more energy than most women your age. I also stopped having pms and cramps and I sailed through menopause, while all the other women in my family had lots of problems and most had hysterectomies.
I think the things that helped most were the protein drinks, calcium magnesium and B complex. They also have a wonderful Stress Relief complex and a new product called Energy. You can check them out at Click on "about Shaklee" to see how this company and its products are so different from any of the others.
I hope you are feeling better soon.

Hello Patricia,
Ugh...well, if 35 is an old hag....I'm ancient! Keep up your exercise regimen.....that is very very important. Also, your boys are 1 and they take all of your energy? I'll bet they do! Do you have any "mom" time...away from them?

You sound like you might need a trip to the doctor as if you feel run down and grumpy for 2 weeks of the month.....I don't think that is normal. Maybe you should have a checkup soon. Just a thought.
I wish you all good things in 2010. Good luck!

While what I swear by may seem small to some, I feel it's really made a difference with me. I have a big jug of water that I try to drink 2 of a day. I truly feel that staying well hydrated helps my appetite, helps my skin, and helps me just feel better al around. It may seem like a small thing but I really feel much better. Good luck and I hope you find some success in new tips from people. I am definitely going to look back at this for some more tips for myself! :)

I just started "eat right for your type"-it's eating foods based on your bloo type-my friend and her husband have been doing it for 6wks and they have felt so much better. She says that they have more energy and she doesn't feel bloated all the time. I don't need to lose weight but want more energy.

Exercise and good nutrition! That's all it takes. As a Shaklee Independent Distributor myself I have to go along 100% with Victoria. Check out her website!

i know what you mean i am 25 years and i was looking much older i don't like to look in the mirror and then my mom told me about herbalife products 8 months ago and the first week i feel so diferent with more energy and i already lost about 45 pounds ,i think the protein shakes with all the vitamins they have help me alot,my skin improve a lot i used to have dry patches in my arms now i don't have any,i was also suffering post partum depression and it helps me alot.
if you want more detailed informaton abou the products emailme .

This is more of a whole-life change than a quick fix, but my recommendation is: eat real food. What I mean by that is, if you cannot readily identify how God put something on this Earth, don't eat it. A tomato grew on a tomato plant; a fish swam in the sea; a frozen tater tot has an unbelievably long and complicated history, and therefore, I argue, should not be eaten. As you've probably heard before, shop the circumference of the grocery store (produce, milk, fish), not the middle aisles (potato chips, "food" in cans and boxes). Your food will taste better, you'll get a balance of vitamins and microonutrients (which often get eliminated in processing), and you'll likely feel fuller and more satisfied. And it doesn't have to be complicated and time-consuming: many fresh fruits and veggies can be eaten raw. If you want to go one more step, go in the direction of vegetarian. You don't necessarily have to be militant about it (I'll still eat a small portion of pot roast at my mom's house if she cooks it), but you will feel MUCH more energetic after a meal of rice and beans and veggies than you will after a hamburger and french fries. You can start slowly, so as not to freak yourself and your family out, but it will make a huge difference in everyone's health. Feel free to PM me if you'd like some easy vegetarian recipes, and GL!

I would recommend to switch out whatever caffeinated drink you us to Green Tea. Also, the fact that caffeine has that impact is a sign that your Adrenals are fatigued. There's lots of good books on this topic. I too was in a similar situation as yourself when I was about 38 - I thought it was just being a busy mom with two sons. I exercised regularly and ate a good diet. However, over the next few years, things got worse. It turns out that I had low thyroid function, adrenal glands that were fried and multiple food allergies/intolerances. Gluten (protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats) was a HUGE culprit. I do NOT recommend a gluten-free diet without getting tested first. You can get tested on your own here:
The reason I so strongly recommend testing rather than just trying the diet is that gluten is hidden in SO many foods and worse yet, medications, OTC drugs, etc. I just encountered it recently in a store brand of motrin. So, without the testing, it's kindof a crap shoot in figuring if gluten really does bother you. For most of us, even the smallest amount of gluten can cause a reaction and research shows that it's only those that are 99+% compliant that truly get the long term health benefits from this dietary change.

I did not find any of this out until after I dropped off the edge of a cliff when I got Lyme disease. In hindsight, the celiac caused my immune system to function poorly, thus the LYme infection had a fertile place to wreak havoc. The gluten intolerance can also damage your thyroid and once the thyroid isn't working right, the adrenals get overstressed (and our daily lives add enough stress) and poor adrenal function is associated with food allergies. The gluten intolerance also causes ALOT of nutritional deficiencies. Iron deficiency (anemia) and B12 deficiency (another kind of anemia) are extremely common and often missed by regular blood tests because they balance one another - Iron deficiency lowers MCV and B12 deficiency raises it, thus if you have both, the labs look normal. They MUST measure Ferritin and B12 separately.

In summary, the top things that I have done that have me feeling better and having more energy at 48 than I've ever had in my life are:
1. Gluten Free diet
2. Nutritional supplementation (B12, Iron, Mg, Fish Oil, High quality multi, Probiotic and specific supplements for thyroid and adrenal function, as well as natural anti-viral, fungal and bacterial herbs).

3. Hormone replacement for thyroid and natural progesterone and estriol. The later two hormones tend to decrease well before menopause and it is very, very, very common for women in their late 30s to have low levels. Progesterone (bio-identical) can help tremendously with PMS (as can Magnesium). You can get all your hormones tested on your own through this website:
4. Lots of filtered water.
5. Detoxification. Our environment is extremely toxic. Some of us are genetically predisposed to be more impacted than others. I am a worse case scenario and my body does not naturally remove any toxins. Supplements like MIlk Thistle can help cleanse the liver. Exercise is also good for this. I also use an Rx regularly for removing biotoxins (from mold, bacterial infections (e.g., Lyme), etc.)

6. Regular juicing. I regulary juice carrots, beets, greens (dandelion, cilantro, parsley, etc.). This gives you alot of nutrients and is great for detox.

My skin is clear and very healthy - the idea is that your skin reflects your inner health, including hormones and nutrition. Prior to these changes, I almost always had a pimple on my face somewhere. Most people think I"m at least 5 years younger than I am and I can get away with 10 in most cases. My weight is the same as it was when I was at my thinnest as a teenager.

IF you'd like some recommended reading or what any further information, feel free to contact me. Note, that I have NO financial interests at all with any of my recommendations. I just feel that I should share what I've learned after the past 6.5 years so that others don't suffer like I did. Very few doctors are knowledgeable about all these things. Very few will run the right labs. Ive been fortunate and have worked with doctors all over the country, researched ALOT (I've read more medical research over the past 6.5 years than the majority of MDs) and I've learned alot - I"m a scientist by training/engineer by profession so I'm pretty good at organizing and distilling information. I am not a medical professional, but I do routinely share advice with folks that has helped them to get what they need from their doctors.

Be well,
Mary B.

Excersize and good nutrition... oh, and lots of sleep! wake up early and go to bed early!!

Drink plenty of water instead of caffine, you will notice a difference in the luster of your hair, skin, eyes and energy levels.

Use a good moisturizer for your skin.

Also, destressing is important. Read an uplifting book, have a peaceful hobby where you can relax (ie, NOT on the computer!), practice breathing techniques, and focus on simplicity, positivity and your spiritual side.

Hi Patricia, I can help you with your health, depression and skin care. I have so much advice for you, I don't know where to start! I have been in the health and skin care industry for 21 years, so I know what I'm talking about. Since I have so much to say to you, I'm going to give you my website, where my contact information is and all the products. It is Look at the NuSkin and Pharmanex. Cortitrol for depression. All our products are all natural, so you never have to worry about chemicals, fillers or anything like that. Mary