Birthing classes worth it?

My husband and I are first time parents-to-be and are due in April. We're talking over the option of attending birthing classes right now and aren't sure if we want to do them. Are they worth the time? Neither one of us have much experience with babies so I tend to think the classes will be educational, but is it the same information that I'd find in a book or online?

If you are planning on having a drug free labor and delivery, I would urge you to look into a class like Lamaze or Bradley. If you are certain that you want to have pain medication, I would still plan on reading up about breathing techniques because chances are you won't be able to get an epidural right away.
As far as childbirth education classes go, the ones where they simply educate you on what happens during labor, I do not think they are necessary. You have plenty of time to read up about the stages of labor and delivery and what to expect during that time. And honestly that is all they teach in these classes.
I am also due in April with my sixth child and have taken childbirth classes a few times. I have also had five successful drug free vaginal deliveries. So it is possible to do it without the classes. They can be quite costly, so it is good that you are considering all of your options.
I would be happy to talk with you about everything I have learned in my past deliveries if you would like to send me a message.
Good luck!

The class my husband and I attended was great. Yes, a lot of it was the same things I read in books or online but it was nice to have an RN there to clarify things and answer questions. She also allowed us to look at some equipment (like the epidural equipment, sensors used, etc) and I found that very helpfully.
Breathing techniques were taught and we got to practice that a lot.
We also got to tour the labor and delivery ward, showed my husband where to park and what entrance to use so we wouldn't have to go too far to get checked in. Those tours are normally free. Check with your hospital to find out about that.

All in all, it was very educational and it made us more comfortable about delivering our first child.

Check with your insurance to see if they cover the cost of classes. A lot of them will now.

Congrats and best wishes to you!

I just had my baby and my husband and I decided not to take the class because it kind of freaked us out and we knew there would be videos. Read a book like what to expect when you're expecting, and then expect ANYTHING. No matter what you plan it'll go the way the Lord wants and different than what anyone else told you.

Hello and Congratulations!
I second what Sarah already wrote. What was also nice about the classes is that other parents were asking questions that I had not thought about yet. I delivered at Banner Thunderbird, and the classes there were great and pretty inexpensive, too. They also included a tour of the delivery and recovery area as well as the maternal ward for afterwards, which helped to clear some of the unknown. They also showed where the cafetria was etc. Stuff one could find out then, too, but who wants to do that befuddled and sleep-deprived.
I would take the class again if I had to do it over.

All the best!

My answer is YES! I recommend reading books on birth, breastfeeding, and parenting AND taking classes on all of them, too! :)

I recommend the Bradley method for childbirth. It worked much better for me than the hospital class. Although, the hospital class is informative on what goes on in the hospital.

Congratulations and good luck!

I would really suggest taking one. Not necessarily a hospital class, because a lot of that CAN be found in books, as far as the physiology of what's going to happen. But a small, personal class where you can really communicate with the teacher and other parents would be great. The more informed you are going into your birth, the better your outcomes will be, esp. if you want a natural birth.

I say yes to any class you can get whether it be at the hospital or not. Even if you can find the info in books, hands on classes make the information easier to understand.

Good Luck and congrats!

go to the classes

Ask around to find a good class that will meet your needs. If you want one that covers baby care, make sure the class covers that. The one I went to had minimal baby care stuff, but a friend's class covered a lot of baby care - which gave us both helpful info. I thought tall classes were the same - and they are not. I wish I had attended my friend's class instead of the one I went to. I learned important and helpful things that I would not have learned from a book, but there was a lot I wish had been covered that wasn't. If you do some research and find a class that meets your needs - it's worth it.

Personlly I think I is worth it. When we were expecting our first child, I read books and researched online, but it did not prepare me for the actual labor/contracting experience. It can really help to be able to talk to other parents, compare & share stories, have someone there you can actually ask questions. When I when into labor, I was induced so after they gave me the inducing drugs, I didn't realize I was actually contracting and going through labor. The nurses I think kind of assume that you understand what's going on to a point. But I pretty much had no idea what was going on until they told me to start pushing. It was so much easier during my second pregnancy just because I had that much more knowlegde and experience.

Birthing classes are worth it if you know what you are buying. It might pay off as a great ( or better) birth experience. But a doula helping you out in the hospital might be just as good or better.
Are you worried about parenting skills? or the birth itself. Or Both. Classes and books address these things separately.
What kind of birth experience are you hoping for? Unmedicated? Non-hospital based birthing classes and books on this topic will prepare you for the common obstacles to natural birth in American hospitals. Most hospital based classes will of course prep you for the stuff they do in the hospital so that you will be a more compliant patient.
You can probably tell what kind of class I took. I gave birth at home for extra peace of mind. But each to their own! Good luck.

Birthing classes are very, very much worth it! Not only are they a ton of fun, but they will give you the knowledge that you need to avoid the sometimes-harmful interventions that can come with a standard hospital birth. And really, they're so much fun! There are some GREAT classes offered at Nurturing Hearts Birth Services in Mesa - 8 weeks long and taught by some amazing ladies (and a great price, too!). Bradley classes are also terrific, and so are Hypnobabies. The Arizona Birth Network also offers free monthly meetings that discuss birth-related topics that are very helpful to parents. Feel free to shoot any questions my way if you have any - and congratulations!!

P.S. I agree with another commenter - one of the best things you can do to get a great birth experience is to hire a doula. Seriously. Doulas will really help you out, and they can also help your hubbie to have a great birth experience with you by protecting your space and giving him suggestions as to how to help you. Let me know if you need recommendations!

Yes, yes, yes. I was a first time parent back in October last year and had no clue what to do with a baby. I took the regular birthing class through Contemporary Care for Women (my OB dr.) then took everything I possibly could through Banner Desert. I did the breastfeeding class, basic baby care, and car seat class. All were very helpful and I am so glad that I did.

Yes, absolutely. It's always good to know the options if anything goes wrong, and it's educational and helps you to help the process instead of working against it. When I had my first baby, I did not have any classes and found myself holding my breath through the contractions. Later, when I took classes while pregnant with another child, I found out that holding your breath is bad for the baby and works against your body while trying to push the baby out. Good luck!

I say yes. I did know alot for my first baby because I was present at three births before I had mine. I think it really helped my husband know more of what to do for me. It also taught me about the perineal stretch. With that I did not have an episiotomy with either one of my children. I know not all classes teach this but I am glad my teacher did.

Either take the class or have a doula or both. It is nice when you get to share the experience with others because they may have different questions you wouldnt think of to find in a book.

I agree with many of the women that the classes are definitely worth it. I read everything I could get my hands on, but it was great to also get to talk to other parents who were going through the same thing. We took the hospital class (Banner Desert) and they gave a great overview of different scenarios and also hints to help up with check-in and with feeling as comfortable in the hospital as possible. They showed us and let us handle a lot of equipment (forceps, vacuums, epidural lines), which for me was strangely comforting. I felt more at ease with the thought of delivery. I also would recommend taking a breastfeeding class if you are planning on doing so. They covered so many aspects of feeding and baby care in general. They also gave us additional information to take home that was well-organized and easy to refer back to if I had questions down the road (also phone numbers of who to call if I needed help.) Additionally, Banner Desert had a short class they had you take on caring for your newborn before you left the hospital. All of these classes stressed the fact that every mom and child is different, but provided many helpful strategies to assist you in different situations. Congratulations and good luck! Everything will fall into place!

Yes, it's very worth it! We took the classes before my first, and then the information was in my head for my future deliveries. It is good to actually practice breathing some before delivery. Although you never know how it will go, at least if the nurse tells you that you can't push and must breathe through contractions you will know how to do that. (I was told that on two of my babies.) Yes, much of the information can be found in books, but that's nothing like having a human being who can answer any questions you may have.

Yes, I thought they were worth it. You may get some of the same info, but it helps to be in a class with others going through the same thing you are - comparing notes, stories, etc and you'll also have a class leader who will answer your questions.

"Congratulations Kate" having a Baby is an Awesome and Beautiful Gift!! Appreciate it as such because there are so many who are not able to or it did not come easy.

I was the latter so when I got pregnant I appreciated it as such!! Especially with your first you do not know what to expect so by all means take a class get prepared for this Gift you are about to deliver. Most women can be anxious or fearful especially with the first because it is somewhat the unknown. You can read, talk to people, and see others, but your experience is your OWN! So the more knowledge the Better!! The more you educate yourself and experience the less Fear and Anxiety!
Yes, you can read books but it can never prepare you like a class. My husband and I took a Bradley Class (the Bradley Method) and met some awesome friends (still friends today) learns some awesome things that I would have never learned through the hospital. I also loved that it really involves the husbands and informs them like no other class. My husband in a lot of ways was extremely fearful about it and this class relaxed and informed him to ultimately be the Best Coach!

Know what you want first. If you want to be informed, and be as much in charge of your child's birth and have your baby naturally (with no drugs or only as necessary), have your husband and you bond even more over your baby and be held more accountable as parents then I highly recommend the Bradley Method. If none of that really matters to you then by all means take the class at the hospital. They will take control and you will deliver your baby.

I was told that the Lamaze they do at the hospital is one very small portion of the entire Lamaze Teaching. The Hospitals take one portion (which is the relax & breathing exercises) throw out the rest and implement for the rest of the class Hospital Procedures. Because they are banking on you giving them total control. Well, if you are not very informed then you should.

Now, don't get me wrong we took 3 classes at the hospital with our first. One was just a Hospital Procedure class where we also could Pre-Register (highly recommend to speed things along when in labor) and see what the rooms were like plus I could start to see what I could request and change also. Our Breastfeeding Class was the Absolute Best!! Had I not taken that class I think I would of given up. Because for some it is not as Natural as for others! But I am happy to say because of the Lactation Nurse that taught that class I was able to have support the entire year I nursed both of mine! It was also Awesome that she requires the husbands to go to. They need to know the support that you need because believe me they need to know exactly what it involves.

I had a dear friend who could not nurse her first two. She did not have the support and because it does take some proper instruction and determination she got frustrated and gave up. Well, I encouraged her and her husband to commit to the class (there were 2 or 3 classes). They loved it and she went on to nurse the 3rd and 4th child!! They saved lots of money and were extremely Grateful!!

Lastly, the other class I took was already mentioned. Preparing to bring Baby Home or something like that. Where they show you how to swaddle baby and bathe him or her. I had bathed newborns before (babysitting) and of course, dolls! But I still learned a lot I was not aware of!!

Happy Healthy Delivery!