Hi Moms,
I wanted to pick your brains a little and see if any of you have experience in this area and can give me advice. My husband and I used to love to ride our bikes everywhere, but since our 10 month old was born bike riding was put on hold. I'm interested in purchasing a seat and helmet for my little one. I am not a big fan of the trailers as I have heard that they can tip over and, being so low to the ground, run a higher risk of being hit by a car. That being said I am still interested in hearing your opinions about those as well. If you have one that you love please give me any information and reasons why.
I am currently focusing my search on the front riding seat, I've heard very good things about this positioning as far as safety goes, but am not sure which brand to buy and where to get the best price. Any information on the topic is appreciated.
I loved the Topeak seat and got my daughter's first helmet at Target. The only issue I ever had was figuring out the balance getting on and off the bike once I got her strapped in, so please note that. She didn't mind being behind me at all when smaller and it helped keep the wind off her face. I highly recommend it and then I sold it on craig's list when she got her own bike!
I have 3 kids. I have a bike seat for my youngest on the back of my bike that I bought from Wal-mart. We got it a year ago and we ride a lot and moved with it once and it's still in great condition!
My husband pulls a bike trailer that is also a stroller and we've had it for 3 years, from Wal-Mart for about $100, and it's made it through 2 moves and still in great condition. Ours is impossible to turn over. The only way I could see it turning over is if you got one with small wheels but I'm not even sure they sell those!
I loved by front bike seat for my daughter. The company is called WEERIDE. I saw one at WalMart recently, for about $70.00, I paid over $100 a couple of year ago. I have had the seat that goes on the back with my older boys and always felt unbalanced. I used the weeride all the time and loved it. Good Luck!
thanks for posting. i am interested in getting a seat for my daughter as well, so am curious to see your responses. up to what age do you usually use one of these till?
Actually, I believe I recall from Consumer Reports when I was researching this that the bike trailers are safer than having your child on the bike with you in a separate seat. That may have changed recently, but I believe that's what I recall.
I know that Orange Cycle on Edgewater Drive in College Park has bike accessories for kids (and both the trailers and various seats), so I'd head over there.
weeride.com We absolutely adore ours.
It is much more affordable to purchase this through thier site.
My now 4 year old daughter has been using the same one for 3 years now.
I love having her right in front of me and she even naps using the head rest.I love it every day!
Safe and happy riding !
My husband and I love to ride our bikes (recreationally). Two years ago we set out to find a way to allow our daughter to come along. She was 2 at the time, but she has always been very small for her age. We purchased a Classic Child Carrier made by Bell for around $30 and at 4 years old, my daughter still fits within the age range and can still ride in her seat. In hind sight, if I were to look for anything extra in a carrier I would look for a way to block the sun.
My ex did a lot of research on this as back then, we were together and we wanted to get active while having our baby along, who was quite young, like yours. He said the trailers are safer than bike seats because if your bike hits a rock or other obstacle, it can cause some real whiplash (if the baby is lucky enough to have not flown off the seat by then). He researched a lot and found that a trailer is the best option, especially for an infant, and he found a trailer that had very good reviews and could also double as a stroller. It was completely covered from the sun, rain, and the plastic windows could be rolled up in case it wasn't sunny or rainy and it'd have mosquito netting so she wouldn't get bitten. It had a sling seat that could fit her and a friend or a doll and had a 5-point harness for extra security, like the infant car seats do. It folded completely and had a non-tipping mechanism which made it safe as well as convenient. It is made by Schwinn. Unfortunately, once we separated, he kept it, so I can no longer take her for rides and he stopped exercising, so he left it in the yard of his house, unattended, for over 2 years. Last time I saw it, I almost cried as it was full of mold and nothing like what it used to be and had he not been so greedy with it, it would have been used and kept in good care by me, but anyway... It was pricey; we paid over $200 but I found it cheaper in case you're interested: http://www.babyage.com/products/13-sc760_schwinn_schwinn_aluminum_bike_trailer_N_stroller.htm?cp=goog15202&utm_source=goog&utm_medium=Default&utm_campaign=15202
I think a seat is more of an option for a child who is able to hold its neck upright without assistance and is a bit stronger, in case of an accident. The man at the bike shop recommended the bike seats after a child is about 2, or between 2-3. Before then, he said he recommended the trailer, just like my ex had found out through his research. Something to be aware of though, these trailers, although lightweight, can be a bit heavy if you're out of shape (like I was) and you have to add the weight of the child to the weight of the trailer when taking the total weight you're pulling into account. If you're not used to hauling weight, you may have a harder time pedaling and you may want to build up on your strength before pedaling with the trailer or you will find yourself tired in no time, unless you enjoy the extra workout because you're already in shape. Good luck and hope I was of some help!
We bought the ibert (http://www.ibertinc.com) for our -now- 19 month old son. We've had it for about 6 months now, and we LOVE it! In fact, when he sees the garage, he points at it and says "up" and goes over to the bike and puts on his helmet! The seat fits right between the handlebars, so he feels like he's being held in your arms; plus, he's in front, so he has a great view! Check out the website and you can see pictures, video, etc. Good luck! I know it's a tough choice! We spent quite a while trying to decide, so I understand!
I think it depends a lot of where you intend on riding. We got a GoBug trailer made by Trek, and I have been very happy with it. It has a 5 point harness, and our son seems to like it. They have different kinds that can be used as a trailer on the bike and have a handle that allow it to be used as a jogging stroller as well.
If you intend on riding on bike trails, quiet roads, etc, I would definitely recommend the trailer vs the seat. They are very stable. I've had my bike fall (not while riding, just while getting set up to go) and the trailer barely moved. It has a flag for visibility purposes as well. Even if it did flip, your child is much closer to the ground than if you should fall on your bike. I realize that the chances of you falling are slim, particularly if you are doing casual riding vs fast road biking, however, you never know when someone might cut you off and you have to stop suddenly. You are much more stable as a bike with trailer than a bike with a child on the front or back. The bike store I use definitely felt the trailer was safer (this was someone with years of biking experience).
That being said, if you do a lot of riding in a very busy area, the seat might be the safer alternative to having your child behind you. I have a friend in NY for whom that was the only practical choice.
I found this article when I was researching seats and trailers http://www.bhsi.org/little1s.htm I think it is definitely worth reading.
I had wanted to go bike riding with my daughter, but by the time she was old enough, I found out I was pregnant again, so bike riding is on hold for a while.
I will have to second the opinion on the Ibert. I bought one for my son and he loves it. He can see out and loves to point to things a swe ride. Unfortunately we are pregnant again and he does not get to ride in it for now. Every time he sees the bike in the garage, I cringe knowing what is coming next. I would recommend you make certain your feet can touch the ground well on your bike. Otherwise it is a little hard to get on and off the bike. Good luck!